Jason wakes up to a buzzing sound but tries to go back to sleep.
"Hey wake up Jason! It's nearly 5AM and you're not ready yet. You might want to wake up unless you want to get kicked by Celine." Jason has never been a morning person. He always tried to wake up as late as possible. Luckily Athena was there to keep tabs on him; this has saved him multiple times.
'Ugh, fineeee." Jason sits up trying to wake himself up and groggily went to the bathroom to take a bath. A few minutes into taking a bath, the door suddenly opened.
"Jason, your cl-" Whether by instinct or by shock, Jason charged to the assailant. Tackling the person and moving to that person's back aiming for an arm lock. Jason was about to tighten the lock when he noticed it was Celine.
"You bastard, why did you attack me suddenly! Let go-" Celine suddenly felt something poking her butt. She suddenly turned red and struggled violently getting out of the loose arm lock. She looks back and sees the naked body of Jason who was walking towards him.
"You pervert!!!" Celine runs away out of embarrassment. Jason looks at her cluelessly then looks down to see his morning boner still raging. Jason curses and runs back to the bathroom.
[20 minutes later]
Jason enters the dining area to see only Celine and the maid.
"Uhmm. Ms. Maid can Celine and I talk for a bit." Jason needs to clear this misunderstanding before it escalates again.
"Sure, and I'm Karen. Pleased to your acquaintance Sir Jason." She smiles and leaves the room. Jason takes a seat opposite of Celine and stares at her.
"Celine, it was an accident. I'm a former soldier after all, so I naturally made a move when I thought I was threatened. Furt-" Celine interrupts Jason with a sign telling him to stop.
"I understand. Take it as if we're even. First day of work and you make an "accident."" Celine emphasizes the accident part by using an changing tone.
"Even! When were we even. I haven't seen your body." Jason retorts. The tension increases with back and forths until they were both mentally exhausted from rambling and just resorted to eating silently.
"Jason, we're going to get you an identity. Remember to say we're cousins and you lived most of your time in the mountain that's why you don't have an identification card." Celine says breaking the silence.
"Ohhh okay thanks. By the way, where are the others? It's early and no one's home." asks Jason while cutting the meat softly.
"You're quite adept with your hands Jason, it's quite a shock to me. Anyways Lia and Emily has school while Sasha has work to do." Celine finishes eating. She wipes her lips and stares at Jason. "How long are you going to eat?" with annoyance written in her face.
Jason continues to eat silently finishing the food fast due to Celine's pressuring stare. They both go to the garage where Karen was waiting. Karen starts open the garage door and starts the car. Celine sits in the front while Jason slouches at the back. Karen looks behind from the mirror and grins. She steps at the gas slowly at first until they reached the main road.
Celine wears the seatbelt when suddenly Karen hit's the gas jolting awake the slouching Jason. An hour later they arrive at what Celine called a "city hall". Celine described it as "the place where true politics begins."
Celine tells Karen to find a parking place and wait while they were out. Jason and Celine entered the city hall and into a corridor towards the mayor's office. They talked about Jason's circumstances and his identity was settled without a flaw.
"Are you sure it's fine to do that? Isn't it wrong to like ask a mayor for that." Jason aks.
"Don't worry. He's my uncle." Celine replies with a weak smile. She walks ahead until the entrance. She looks at Jason.
"Sooo, where do you want to eat?" A clear anticipation written in her face.
"Anywhere, I guess." Jason knew that look from anywhere. His best friend after all was the same when it comes to food.
"Okaaay! I'll bring you somewhere good hehe." She smiles and walks ahead. "What are you waiting for slowpoke, let's go."