A Cold Memory Part 2


Jason suddenly remembered the event. The battle was lost and everyone was routed but they got separated from the main battleforce. Jason felt complicated to see the event occuring in front of him.

It started to rain suddenly and both his former self and Kayla entered the cave. Jason followed into the dark cave. Jason walked endlessly patiently reaching to a new room.

[I knew it. This stupid mind of mine... Why!]

Jason looked at his former self crying at a covered bag. He was shouting that it was his fault. Jason started to see how weak he looked back then.

[No. It wasn't your fault! Those bastard who ambushed us and tried to rape Kayla are at fault! Find them and bring Kayla to justice.]

Seemingly as if his former self heard what he thought and stood up exiting the room. Jason looked at the bag once again. He felt an intrinsic sadness he hasn't felt in ages. He then stared at the exit and took a deep breath as he exited the room.

Jason walked out into a field. His former self was drenched in blood and the whole field was littered with corpses. Some of the people were former friends and comrades. In the middle was three erected crosses in which three men were tied. Jason remember these guys as the mastermind and the leaders of the group that tried to rape Kayla. His former self scanned the carnage ending with Jason and his former self staring at each other.

"It is done." His former self shouted. "Hopefully Kayla's spirit can now find its peace." His former self was teary-eyed as his murderous aura started to calm down. Jason felt sadness and loneliness.

Jason once again looked at his former self who was pointing at his back. Jason looked to where he was pointing. The scene changed to a grave. Jason knew that this was Kayla's grave as he walked forward towards the grave. He touched the cold cement and a surge of emotions and memories filled him. He sat there for what felt like hours.

" I won't forget. I will do my best as I promised." Jason said to the grave. A once forgotten promise suddenly popped back in his memories from a cold past as a new conviction filled his eyes. Jason stood up and bowed towards the grave. When he finished everything turned black.

[I now have more to protect. More to keep. This time I won't fail to protect the important people my life.]

A blurry voice was suddenly calling to him. He woke up to two faces staring at him.

"Why are you two staring at my face?" Jason looked at both Emily and Celine's faces. The two women retreated their heads backwards immediately.

"Why wouldn't we! You were muttering things like protect and important. Are you sure you're okay?" Celine replied. Her face was red.

"Ohh. Who would be okay after being tazed huh?" Jason said sarcastically.

"I'm sorry" Celine said weakly. Although Jason heard it he still asked...


"I said I'm sorry!" Celine was about to tearfully explain when both Emily and Jason laughed. Celine felt embarrassed and walked out of Jason's room.

Emily looked at Jason and smiled before leaving to follow Celine.

Jason felt calmer and happier as he went back to the bed to sleep.