"Did we use protection?" I whisper while looking down ashamed.
Who would want a child with someone like me? He may want me now but soon he will leave me all alone while taking the light from me if it's what I think.
"We didn't. What happens happens. And if it happens I'm going to be a very happy person. Wait till my family sees you." He takes my face in his hands and gives me a quick peck on the cheek.
The rest of the cruise contained a loot of his duties and a good food while resting for the remaining days.
When we came to the shore of city A my nervousness reached new highs when I was kindly informed that our family is waiting to pick him up. Yeah our family he somehow got to know about my broken family and told me to don't care about them because they will what they deserve in due time but his family will be happy to know about me.
He told me about himself a few things.
His family is big.
He lives alone in his condo untill he gets married or dies alone since he never had time to find someone who he wants to marry. Well now he will be moving back to the family home since he got me as his wife. He told me that his family is doing business and that all he got to tell me about that. Well his sister's are living at home with their parents untill they get married. He has 4 of them. His mother is the person which send him here and is the cause of my situation right now. The girl he was supposed to meat on the cruise stood him up since he isn't worth it, well that's what he thinks. My personal idea is he probably is to mysterious for any girl to be particularly interested into him since he doesn't want to tell much about his occupation and interests probably.
The inlaws will be extremely happy to know that he is married now at last that is what he believes. I honestly hope that they are really nice people not like my former inlaws.
I still remember when my mother in law burned my hands with hot oil because I tried to run away and divorce him. I was hospitalized for 2 weeks and had to go home because they needed me to clean the house.
We became rich soon after our marriage I still don't understand why I had to do all the chores while we had maids who could helped me. Not a single maid was a nice person that all laughed at my situation and treated me with hostility.
I found out that my husband has sexual desires but not with me.
I still remember the sweet baby that lived with us in our last year of marriage.
She was the only person in the house that smiled at me with innocense.
I will miss her. But I hope she won't be born again by those bastards. Her mother killed her with food poisoning one week before my own death. Maybe that's why he was so angry with me?
"Stop frowning and smile." He said while smithing out my frown.
Why is he touching me all the time?
"Okay!" I smiled at him at relaxed a bit. How bad can it be to live with strangers?
His oldest sister is going to work with me probably. And his younger sisters are still in school.
His parents are working with him while his grandparents are taking care of the home.
"Zhian here!" A man with a kind smile yelled after Zhian. I'm pretty sure that's his father. He looks like him but a older version and if I'm being honest if he is going to look like him in the future I'm absolutely happy.
"Hay dad thanks for coming to pick us up." He told the man while hugging him.
"Us?" The man asks with a confused look on his face.
"Yes meet my wife Ri Xiu." Zhian tells my now to be father in law.
I look down and give a quick now while nervously saying my greeting.
"Nice to meet you Xiu. Zhian we will talk about it at home." He looked at me with a smile and at Zhian with a frown.
In the car I was instantly huged by two adorable girls.
Let me explain.
The two now hugging me girls are his youngest sisters. Twins. 6 Years old and absolutely adorable.
As soon as I entered the car I was hugged by two girls that called me sister. How they knew about me is a mystery that won't be known. Now being hugged by two girls I'm extremely worried about my husband. Instead of being happy he looks at my hands that are hugged with a frown.
If I didn't had my emotional intrligence increased by the system I would be sure that he hates me for touching his sister's but if that's not the problem why is he looking at my hands like that offender his ancestors?
'Dear host don't worry about him. He is just eating his sister's vinegar.'
Oh, so now my system is helping me out with the situation.
'Thank you my great ancestor.'
'Stop stick to the awesome system. If I was your ancestor you wouldn't be this stupid.'
(ノ ゜Д゜)ノ ︵ ┻━┻ fuck my life.