new home

While driving I noticed the beautiful view outside the car.

People going to work and going home. Families going to shop while smiling and I was thinking if I ever will have that too.

One of the twins was sleeping on my side while holding my hand tightly and the other one playing with my other hand. Maybe she noticed the difference in my mood because she pulled my face to look at her.

She was smiling at me. Why?

"Sister don't be sad if brother bulllies you just tell us! We know about all his secrets! He won't dare to offend us." To her statement I just heard a low whisper from him complaining about how they are going to abandon him for his wife while smiling.

Well it looks like those two are going to be a nice company while living with them. But why? Why are supposed strangers so nice to me while my sister did so many things to me?

I just smiled at her and hugged her tightly with my free hand.

Is it going to be alright? He stopped frowning at the two girls at some point in our journey probably because the vinegar turned sweet.

We soon got to the most beautiful house I have ever seen. White Walls with big windows directing to all sides with a big garden with many flowers. My awe must shown on my face because he looked at me with a smirk.

"That's where we will be living from now on. I know it's not much but we like it homely and not to extravagant." To his words father in law snorted with a laugh.

"You brat my father worked like a ox to get the house done when I was young and u call it not much? I'm sure Xiu has a better vision then you!"

"Of course her choosing me proves it all."

I was again left speechless with his words and turned again into a ripe tomato.

Damn you husband can't you let me have some face! I'm sure I didn't propose to him! There must be something he isn't telling me.

As soon the car stoped we ware ushered out of the car and into the living room where I soon was seated besides him while being watched like a new found creature under the microscope.

The two girls still hanging on me like koalas. Let's hope the girls are a god shield of any bad thing they think of me.

"Well Zhian anything you want to tell us about this situation? And girls since when are u touching people?"

"Sister is one of us. We just don't touch bad people." The girls said it union.

They don't touch people? And I'm not bad? What do they mean with bad people.

"Sister bad people want to be friends with us to get close to brother and if we don't help they say bad things about us, that's why we don't get close to anyone."

"Humans are after profit by nature. It's got to stay away from them but you should still give them a chance. I may be a nice person in front of you but you won't know if I'm actually a bad person." I told her while looking at her face.

"Brother isn't stupid to bring a bad person with him and you are like us. People like us won't do bad things without reason."

What is she talking about? How am I like her? I don't have a nice family and I surely am not as cute.

"You will understand later."

"Now girls go up and do your homework and let us talk to your sister while we wait for dinner."

After the girls left their mom looked at me confused.

"Mind helping me in the kitchen while the guys talk?" She asked me after observing me for some time.

"Sure ma'am I would love to." I said with a quick bow.

To my surprise she forced my head up and looked at me with a frown.

"Girl call me mom or I'm going to feel upset. The girls are treating you like a sister while my son married you without asking. And in this house no one bows to anyone." She kinda commanded.

But instead of leading me to the kitchen to help she hugged me while stroking my back.

"Stupid girl, I don't know what your situation is like and why you accepted that iceberg as your husband but now you are part of our family. We may be direct and sometimes rude to each other but we won't ever hurt someone of our own."

After a moment of silence she took my hand and took me to the kitchen.

Zhian's PoW:

My cute wife left with my mom to prepare some food.

"Who is she?" My dad asked after a moment of silence.

"She is the reason I'm able to relax now and probably the reason the Xian family is going to suffer some difficulties in business."

"So you married her for what? To show him that you got what he can't?"

Let me tell you about a rule of our family.

We marry for love or we die alone.

"You didn't see her while she was drunk. I couldn't help myself." I told him honestly.

Seriously the cutest woman while drunk but let's not let her drink again. The things she said ware kind of disturbing at some point.

"Well the girls like her. Do you know what she wants to do in the future?"

"She is a doctor. I will ask Xi if she has a spot for her at the hospital in the pediatric ward."

"Well if she has the ability I'm sure she will let her work there."

Afterwards he called my sister to get home for dinner and bring the papers for testing out in medicine.

I let my dad get some rest and went for the search of my grandparents.

"Halo Gramps why are u hissing here with Grandma?"

"You stupid boy why didn't you give us a heads up before bringing a girl home? How can we show our face without preparing gifts?" He asked me while hitting me with his cane.

"Beat him harder that unfilial grandson of yours! He dares to marry and bring her home without telling us!"

Well let's fast forward a few hits later my grandparents ware still nagging me about how I should treat her right.

Well it looks like it's going to be a long day.