The birth

XuZhian POV:

Itwas the day I was waiting for.

Ourchildren ware going to be born today. But why do I feel uneasy?

Inthe morning a woman came to us and told us that she was called by Xiufor the birth of our twins.

Idon't remember her calling for anyone in the last weeks but shetalked to the woman for some time and told us to leave them bothalone.

Wellafter some hours with closed doors the woman came out with 2beautiful dolls in hand.

"Howis she?" I asked after looking at the two sleeping babies for sometime.

"Sheis fine. Sleeping and will be hungry when she wakes up."


RiXiu POV:

Thewoman that came to help me give birth to my twins was actuallysomeone send by the system. She told me that because of my specialcondition with my stats the birth must be hidden from others becauseno one would be able to do it as fast as me. Seriously I am glad thatthe system pretty much neglects pain for my body. But as much asbirth wont feel as painful as for other people?

Thebabies ware born after 6 hours of labour and it was painful!

Butit seems like my body will regenerate much faster then usual.

Thetwo ware such sweet looking dolls. But I kind of feel sleepy. Sheleft the room with them for Zhian to look at them.

Thenext morning I was awakened by two hungry babies. Well that is new.

Hewas trying to calm them down while frowning.

"Givethem to me they may be hungry."

Welllets say that his vinegar was once again spilling over after watchinghis babies eat their 'meal'. Isn't it cute?

"Youknow. We made them so stop being jealous of your kids."

Hedidn't replay just sat there while watching them.

"Didyou come up with some names for them?"

"Iwas thinking I name the boy while you name the girl."


Tobe honest I hoped to be able to name her myself.

"XuMio Nai." This will be her name. After the girl which wont ever beborn into this world from that bastard.

"XuDai Bao"

IfI knew that my girl was like me I would not have named her this way.But maybe because of the name she would be my precious princess.