Beat them with money

Ithas been 4 years since the day I run away from my family.

Todaywas the day I am going to beat them with money.

Whywait for so long? Well my babies weren't that happy letting me out ofthe house. They are very clingy but still way to cute to make themsad. Work was going to be fine soon since they are going tokindergarten soon.

Myhusband bought the family companies and pretty much destroyed theirfinances. The only thing he didn't do is dispose of their bodiesafter taking away all their fortune. But that is going to be my part.Well I am not thinking about murder but lets beat them with moneyonce again. The investments brought me to financial highs they couldonly dream of. The card from the system isn't going to be used everagain.

Thesystem hasn't appeared again after the birth of the babies but maybehe will come again when I will need him.

Iwas hooping that I was adopted or something but my husband told mesadly that he thought about it too and tested my blood with them. Itseems those people are just bunch of idiots from their nature.

Afterentering the conference room of their company I walked over to my'father' and pushed him with his chair aside.

"Mygreetings dear shareholders. I came here to announce the acquirementof this company to my X&Z holdings."

Welllets see what you will do after getting your company token away bythe daughter you hated all those years.

"Howdare you come here after running away 4 years ago!"

"Shut-up!I came here to announce to you that you lost your company to me! I amthe sole holder of 58% of the company while you... nothing!" Ibarked at my father.

"Now.Here is a cheque with the amount I got all those years from you whichis not all that much. I will not talk to you again and I hope thatyou will vanish from this country as soon as possible. About thatbastard you tried to force me to merry I hope you are happy to hearthat my husband is doing the same at the moment to his company."

Andwith those words I left the company and went home.

Ifelt refreshed after slapping him with the cheque. But I still feltsomehow bad about doing this to my biological parents. If they lifelike a normal couple the money I gave them should last them tilltheir death.

Inthe last 3 years after the birth of the twins not much changed. Myhusband is still as active as ever. The twins told me sometime agowhy they said I am like them but that is a story for another time.

Mylittle princess seems to be extraordinary. She seems to know muchmore then she is letting know to others. I sometimes catch herlooking at me with a gaze filled with pain. I don't know why but Ihope I she will forget even those memories of the past.

Sorryto announce it now. I finished the story for now.

Ihope you liked it and I will post some other chapters in the futurefor this story. I know its short... but I honestly have no time atthe moment. I will edit the chapters in the future. I edited at themoment some of the tippos~

Ihope you guys will join me in the future with a new book. Maybe asequel or a prequel about the life of the little princess mhm...^^

Inever was going to make this a endless novel with much conflictsbecause I am sick of endless conflicts where the fml and ml have alove hate relationship for 500-2000 chapters. (shudder)