
John looked at the number and questioned weather to answer it. As he looked over at Jason, he said "I know I may be biased because I have no family, but don't force yourself to be in my situation. I know there only calling because you have powers now, but at least give it a chance." John looked back at his phone to see the same number calling again. Though he resented the idea of his family, he picked up the phone. "Hello?"

He got no answer for a second, and was about to hang up when he heard his mother's voice. "Hi John, it's been too long."

John sat there, recalling all the fleeting memories of his childhood. From running in grass fields with his friends, and playing around with his younger siblings. As he reacquainted himself with reality, he heard his mother say this. "I know you probably hate me for not being there for you, but please come home. We've already bought you a plain ticket, and you can choose to come or not. I'll text you the details." A long moment of silence ran as John didn't know how to respond. He was overwhelmed with different ides and emotions, and had no way of processing them all. She then ended the call, but before then John heard her crying on the other end. He sat back on his bed, staring aimlessly up at the ceiling. Jason had already left the room to give him space, so he was left to his own devices. He pondered the idea of the seeing his family again, but bound up memories of his past began to resurface as he looked down at the scar on his arm. After her turned eight and showed no signs of any ability, his father and older siblings tried beating it out of him. Countless days and nights of beatings, burnings, starving, and dehydration. He recalled the days where his family called him weak, a failure to society, and should just die. All the while, his mother tried to stop them. Though she had her own powers, she stood no chance against my father. If she left him, she'd surely be killed by his minions for she knew too much. Then he flashed back to the light of his room. He then grew ever angrier kept reliving those events, and the revenge he wanted against his father and siblings. "There's no way in hell I'm going back, and not being able to hold my own. If I can't beat this power out of myself, then I'll have to learn it my own way." After that, he left his school and went to the Golden Gate Bridge. He claimed it in minutes by the shadow of night, sat their cross legged, and began to mediate. As the hours past, he was able to block out the noise of the road, and any other sound. An hour later, he felt no breeze. By now, everything was calm and still. As the sun rose over the horizon, he felt no heat of the sun, and no light penetrated his eyelids. He was completely still, and nothing could change that. The more he sat, the more about himself he understood. He could feel the blood in his veins, the electric charges in his body, and all his muscles and bones. As the Saturday passed into Sunday, he could sense the abnormal energy in his body. As he looked deeper into his being, he could begin to feel its origin. Soon, he felt every fiber of his being had a small portion of this energy. He needed to make it come to the surface. He felt it rush into his veins, and start to Chanel through his whole body. Soon, he felt like he could control the energy, and made it flow into certain parts of his body. The more and more he focused the energy at different points, the more he realized it limits. He could only focus it properly at two points at once besides in himself, and to make it external it had to be at his feet or hands. After the setting sun on Sunday passed the horizon, he stepped up, and found himself very different than before. His body had become more toned, his blonde hair was now brown, and his blue eyes had faded into hazel. Though these bodily changes seemed minor, he realized that after a certain point it may spell disaster. Like the gravity kids who die under the force of their own power, he knew he could get their himself if he let too much flow through him. When he got back to his room, he found many texts messages from Jenelle and Jason asking where he was. He simply answered "Training" and went to bed. He awoke the next morning to find himself back to normal, but realized the possible states in which his power could leave him. He realized that prolonged exposure like he had beforehand wouldn't hurt him, just take time to revert back to. It was the amount of energy that flowed through him that would make the difference. As he went off the school, he told Jason and Jenelle about what the did. Jenelle was the first to add her input "Are you insane? Do you know what could have happened if the police found you up there? Let alone if there was a large gust of wind?"

Before Jenelle could continue attacking him, Jason added "All I can say is that your ok, and that you learned more about your powers in two nights than people learn about in two years. It took me over two years to use my electricity, let alone summon lighting. So what you did was very practical, just make sure to be more cautious next time."

With that, Jenelle shut up about it, and then John told them the news. "It's April break next week, so my family invited be to go back to Detroit. I thought about it, and I'm going to go."

Though Jenelle didn't like the idea at first, she quickly got over it. As the week went on, Jason and John began training after school. As John taught Jason basic martial arts, Jason taught him how to formulate a battle strategy with his abilities. When Friday came, it was time to set out for his trip. Before John left for the airport, Jason came running to him. "I've got something to give you."

John looked down at special made gloves. "There made from a carbon fiber and polyester fiber, and have rhodium knuckles and back of the hand. I know there not great, but it's something I whipped up on short notice. With that, John shook his hand and said "Thanks a lot. I'll see you in five days or so. Text me if you need anything."

With that, he went in his car and was off to the airport. He got through security and such as was off to Detroit. He landed, got his backpack, and went off to get his ride. His family sent someone to pick him up, but he wouldn't engage in conversation. As the sun set, they rolled up to a huge prop on the outskirts of Detroit.