Six Years in the Making

As John stepped out of the car, he was greeted by the butler. It seemed like they had changed butlers since the last time he was here. "Greetings master John, I am Thomas. Are there any bags I may need to help you with?"

"No, I just brought my backpack with me. Is there anything else I may call you, like a late name perhaps?"

"No sir, Thomas is just fine."

"Ok. Then if you please show me to where I'm staying that would be great."

"Right this way. Your parents thought that you would never develop powers, so your old room was transformed into a guest room. Hopefully you don't mind."

"No problem. I think I can find the way from here. Thanks for your assistance."

"Of course sir, if you need anything feel free to ask."

As John and Thomas entered the house, they were greeted by his two older siblings. His older sister Amanda was always full of herself, and it seems she hadn't changed in six years. Unlike last time, she dyed her hair red, and had gotten a obvious fake tan. "Looked what the cat dragged in. Supposedly you have powers now, how about we test them."

His older brother David just stood their, trying to assess what he was going to do. He always held himself in high regard, but never talked or commented on it. He just loomed over you like an owl stalking a mouse. John really wanted to fight her after all these years, but knew it was better to bide his time. "Maybe at another time. I just got here, and maybe we can have a match later."

As John continued through the large double doors, his sister sneered at his, while his brothers expression never faltered. After six years, his brother hadn't changed one bit. Same black hair and blue eyes. The ice emperor was as cold as ever. As he walked into the great room, there were no differences. It was very large with grey walls and redwood accents. Though he wanted to venture around the house a bit more, he knew he many run into people he'd rather not run into just yet. He walked down the first corridor to where the kids rooms were. It seemed like his younger siblings were still at school, so he would have some peace and quiet for a minute. He entered his old to find it wasn't a spare bedroom at all. It was just a storage room that someone had thrown a cot in. Evan after being let back into the family, they still treated him like dirt. For the next hour, he rearranged the room to have boxes piles up evenly on every side of the room except by the door and window. Now that he had organized everything, he put down his bag and began to contemplate even coming here. After a few minutes of grovelling to himself, he decided it wouldn't change anything. So he grabb his gloves that Jason made him, and went out the window. As he started to head twords the woods, he looked back at the place he hated. As he began to remember the abuse, he quickly cleared it from his mind of it. So he sprinted off into the woods. He then decided he needed to calm himself down, so he climbed a large tree, and sat on a large branch. Like on the bridge, he sat their in complete silence, never wavering. After a few hours of self concentration, he felt a sudden shift that he hadn't sensed before. As his vision went into thermal, he saw a cold spot approaching two warmer figures. He then saw the cold seem to attach the two warmer spots, and realized what was going on. He rushed over, jumping from tree to tree, until he reached the spot to which made him stop dead in his tracks. It was the stone field where he got his beatings, and the concrete cellar behind his brother was where he was kept. The area was covered with 4x4 stone slabs, and had an electric fence around it. He could still see the scortch marks from when he was 8. He then saw David continuously beating his two younger siblings, Emily and Sarah. They were twins, and the youngest in the family. They were only 12, and John couldn't stand for it any longer. So he jumped over in front of them, and voided his brothers next ice attack with his right hand. "Seems you've come out of the woodwork John. I remember the fun times we had here."

"Let's just cut to the chase David. Why are you beating up our little sisters?"

"Because unlike you, I can beat power out of them."

John knew he would knew stand a chance against his brother, so he grabbed his sisters in each arm, and leaped out of the area. He set them down and said "Go into the woods, find a stream that's probably 1/4 of a mile in, and hide in the cave by the riverbank. I'll come find you later."

With that, the two girls went of sprinting into the woods. They never really knew John, but knew he had their best interests in mind. "Their just like you John- Always trusting of those who help them. But unlike you they have actually potential."

Just as he finished his statement, he saw his sister emerge from the concrete basement. "I've made your old home nice and cosy for you John."

He looked back at her, with rage flowing through his veins. He stepped forward and said "Like hell!"

The David said "Then I'll give you the choice John- either beat Amanda in a fight, or I out you in an ice tomb until you freeze to death. Sound fair?"

Though John hated the idea, it was the only way he was going to make if out of their alive. He thought about it for a second, and then said "Sure, sounds good."

He was in no position to make demands, and knew what he was up against. Then his brother added "Alright, the match will commence when father and mother show up. Thomas should be getting Emily and Sarah. It will be a family affair."

After a few minutes of meditation, he felt his father, mother, and sisters. He opened his eyes to find them standing outside the fence. He saw his fathers emotionless face, from black hair to black suit, everything about him was bland. His mother stood their in a blue dress, with her blonde hair ties back, almost tearing up. His two sisters were stuck staring at the whole ordeal, obviously afraid. He then stared down his sister, who was already smoking. She had wide range fire abilities, and was already hoping to turn him into charcoal. "Well then brother, let's get things started."

Thomas then walked into the area, and began to talk. "The match will begin on the count of 3, and the person will win when his or her apponent is knocked out or gives up."

There was a moment of silence, until he started to count down. John felt the pent up rage flowing through his veins. He felt the void wash over him like a raging storm. He felt his sisters temperature begin to rise as the count began. "3...2...1...Go!"

With that count, John opened his purple eyes to the flame that stood before him.