Flames and Fury

As his purple eyes flashed, his sister stepped backwards in a sense of surprise. As John rushed forward, she shot out a large burst of red flames. He jumped out of the way, and knew he couldn't go airborne. So he decided to slowly move in closer, and began to run in a circle. She tried to fire flames where he was headed, but he jumped backwards. He then had gained enough distance between the two of them to try and charge in, but was caught off guard by a barrage of fire balls. He effortlessly blocked and made the fireballs vanish, but that was all he could do. His power set was strictly defensive and made for close quarters, while his sister was the opposite. He kept moving around, blocking and dodging countless attacks. After a few minutes of this, his sister began to get quite tired. John was still going strong, and began to move in closer. But then he realized a sudden change of heat from her, so he kept his distance. Her face was full of rage, and now she was attacking like a wild animal. "You damn worthless trash! How dare you make a mockery of me! Just did already!"

The longer he kept dodging and blocking, the more enraged she became. He then saw an opening when her internal body temperature dropped, and sprinted for her. Like a black flash, he rushed in. She was able to fire off some fireballs, but nothing he couldn't block. He stopped himself right before her, stared into her eyes for a split second, and sent her flying with a punch to the stomach. She was able to catch herself, but then she had a sudden rush of heat. Her body began eminating yellow and orange flames, and she began to lash them out wildly. He knew of this ability before, and it was quite common with fire users. Rage- The point where there about to loose and get a sudden rush of power. Now a wall of flames incircled her, and then he noticed a large amount of heat focusing on front of her. He knew he couldn't block it, so he lifted up one of the large stone slabs. He then positioned that one between two others to make a wall, and then life's one behind him to make a top. She then screamed out like a deranged beast and said "Die Die Die!"

With that, she sent a huge wave of flames his direction. His brother David had already made a wall of ice so it didn't go outside the area, but that meant the area would act like a convection oven. The heat began to take its toll on Johns body very quickly, and he knew he had to do something. He then felt a little but sudden drop in heat. With this moment of opportunity and adrenaline pumping through him, he lifted the top slab. He then spun around three times, and sent it flying her direction. He gave himself an openingz and chose to jump at an angle. Amanda evaded the attack, but that was just the opening John needed. As she tried to see where he was, she saw him jumping up. "I've got you know. Your a dead man!"

But little did she know, that's what he wanted. John realized that for her to generate fire, she had to remain still. So when she began to shoot flames his direction, he overflowed his body with energy. He felt it coursing through his veins, and he felt it leave the very edge of his skin. So he began to spin violently like a black tornado. Her flames were wiped away from the battlefield, and all she saw was his purple eyes before he kicked her straight in the head. The impact made a very large noise, and she went flying into the electrical fence. Her body sizzled in it for a minute until his brother cut the power to it. John stood their, completely exhausted. He had never put out that much energy before, and his body definitely felt it. He fell down to one knee, and all his power went back inside himself. His hair once again had turned brown, and his body was sore all over. As he stood up, he saw the angered eyes of his brother. He then picked him up by the neck, and began to freeze him. He then heard his father say "Enough. As bet is a bet. John beat Amanda, and now he gets to walk free. That was definitely a interested fight to watch. One man with little power beat the raging inferno."

David put him down, as John gasped for breath. He said nothing, and just walked away. His mother walked over to him and asked "John, are you alright."

He was only more furious to be asked that by the woman that left him, no matter what situation she was in. "How about you go ask the daughter I just fried." She looked over at Amanda, and began to cry. She realized what punishment she allowed her family to be out through, and ran over to help her daughter. Before she made it five steps from John, a wall of blue flames roared up in front of her. Mr.Smith then stood over John, and held out his hand. Though John resented the idea of being helped out by his father, he knew he might as well take it. As he lifted him up, he said "There is no place in this family for weaklings. John, you know this the most out of anyone. You have proved your worth today. Go to the main bathroom and have Thomas tend to your wounds. I'll personally deal with your sister when she wakes up."

With that statement, John knew what he just out his sister through. The simple thought of having anyone else go through what he did made him shiver. But he limped on, helped by his little sisters. Emily was the first one to say something, "That was amazing John. The way you beat her was incredible."

Though he was exhausted, he knew a lesson needed to be taught here. "No Emily, it wasn't. It was sickening. The simple thought of you having to fight your own flesh and blood for praise from your parents sickens me. Not to mention you both having to see that. There are things in life you that should hold above everything, and that's family and friends. No matter what they say, it doesn't matter if your weak or strong. If you truly care for someone, than neither of those things should matter."

With that, she had queited down, and he didn't hear a peap from either of them getting to the bathroom. As he sat down on a chair, he hoped that he instilled a lesson that he knew no one else in this family could- Compassion.