Awkward Existence

As Thomas looked John over, he saw no real physical damage. "Master John, do you have any pain?"

"No so much pain, but more sore soreness. I know I pushed myself over my limits, so if you have any neproxin or something like that."

"Mostly certainly sir. I'll give you this bottle here, and take three of these for the next few days. If you feel like your feeling fine, just take it for one more day to be safe."

"Thanks for your help Thomas. If you wouldn't mind, do you have any straight cranberry juice?"

"Sorry sir, but we don't have any around. Would you like me to order some?"

"If it's no inconvenience to you, that would be great."

"Most certainly. When it arrives I'll inform you. Is there anything else you want?"

"Well, I haven't had Mrs.Olenas cooking in some time. Is her restaurant still open?"


"Then could I get her meatball sub and a Coke if it's not too much of a hassle?"

"No problem at all. Though I have just met you sir, you are by far the nicest of all the members here."

He left the room, and John walked back to his room. Only after a few hours of rest, he felt back to his normal self. It seemed like basic bodily functions were much faster, and the time to heal was much faster as well. He did feel better, but he knew not to push himself so soon. He then heard a knock on the door. "Master John, what you asked for is ready."

"Thanks Thomas, I'll be at the kitchen in a minute."

John changed his clothes from the burnt ones he was previously wearing, and walked down to the kitchen. He saw his little sisters sitting down, and was bombarded with questions. Emily was noticeably the most energetic. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm doing much better, but I'll still need to rest for a bit."

"Would you mind teaching us what you did earlier. We were so amazed by your skills that we just had to learn."

"Now now, don't be so pushy. Maybe tomorrow, but for right now I just want to eat."

He sat down and devowered the grinder in minutes. He than drank the whole bottle of straight cranberry juice like it was water, and then sat back. His sisters stared at him like they just saw a ghost, and then looked down at their plates to find they had barely ate. As John began to tell them stories of San Francisco, and how he learned martial arts, his brother walked in. You knew because the room instantly got colder, and you could almost feel his ominous pressure. He then walked over to a seat, and started to talk. "For a man that just saw thousands degrees of heat a few hours ago, you seem fine an dandy."

John didn't want to talk to him, but knew it was probably better to do so. "Yeah, it's one of the symptoms of my power so to speak."

"And what exactly would this power of yours be? I've never seen anything like that before. You simply just waved your hand and her flames disappeared?"

John knew it would only spell trouble if he told him the truth, so he came up with something plausible. "I can convert things down to simple structures and change the flow of energy. That's why I was able to disperse her flames, and allow my body to preform and heal at higher than normal rates."

His brother didn't seem fully convinced, but then asked "Then why did your eyes turn purple, and your body cast a black aura?"

"That's because it diverts the light around it, and makes things seem darker."

He then pondered on the idea for a moment, and then said "That makes sense, but isn't a very multifunctional power."

John wanted to yell out some statements he knew he would surely regret, but reminded calm. "Sadly I don't know a whole lot about it yet, as you found out about my ability not too long after I did."

"So you are what they call a late bloomer then?"

"As far as I know."

He then stood up, grabbed a sandwich that Thomas had made for him, and walked out the back door. John sat back down and sighed with relief. "Is he always that serious."

In unison, the girls said "always." After some more stories, the girls went off the bed. It was getting late, so John was about to go to bed when he saw his mother come down the stairs. "John, how are you-"

He paid her little attention, and kept walking. She continued to try to make him notice her, but he just kept walking. She eventually yelled out "WHY WONT YOU EVEN TALK TO YOUR OWN MOTHER?"

With that, John snapped. His eyes flashed purple, and he turned around. "Because a mother would have never let her son be outcasted by the family. A mother wouldn't let her children fight over a petty things such as power. And a mother would care to check on her daughter when she was just beaten by her brother, and sent into an electric fence to fry. Who knows what type of suffering fahter is putting her through right now. Oh wait, I know, BECAUSE I LIVED THROUGH IT FOR SIX MONTHS. You know what that does to a child, let alone being starved and beaten, and the phycological effects? How about instead for trying to earn my forgiveness, you should have been their to earn my love."

She stepped back for a second, shocked by the truth her son told her. "But don't you love me?"

His eyes flared with deep purple as he closed his door "I have no room left in my heart for love, because you already filled it with resentment and hatred."

As he closed his door, he could hear her crying as she went back upstairs. As he fell asleep that night, a sudden chill ran through the room.