Escape The Storm

As he felt the sudden drop in temperature, John aimed for the window. As he opened it and prepared to run, he remembered the difference between himself and David. So instead of running, he put in bag in one of the many boxes and climed in it. The box was in the back of this cluttered room, and went in the one filled with old sheets. He made sure to put one of the many sheets over his mouth so it wouldn't be as heard. Shortly after climbing inside the box, he heard the door shift open with a cold rage. He heard the frozen footsteps of his brother, and he felt the room drop in temperature. His breath began to make steam as it was so cold. He then heard David say "That damn bastard."

With that he heard a sudden rush of ice. He couldn't see, but made sure not to be heard. He then heard the door slam, but he didn't dare move. After an hour of waiting in that cramped up space, he slowly got out. As he stepped out, he saw Thomas standing their. He didn't know how to react until saw the plane ticket in his hand. He slowly walked over and whispered "Your brother is out looking for you. I didn't see you leave the room on the cameras, and hoped for the best. A ride is waiting outside for you. Get out the window and go straight down the right side of the driveway. The cameras won't pick you up, and then your free."

John was utterly confused and asked "Why are you helping me?"

"Because you were the first but of light I saw in this family z and you were kind to me. I could at least return the favor."

As John shook his hand, he followed his directions and got into the car. As he made it to the airport, he saw the sun rise over the horizon. He hoped that he was home free, but just always kept watching over his shoulder until he got home. As he got back to San Francisco, he was finally relived to be rid of that nightmare. Though Jason said it would hopefully be productive, he knew it only worsened the situation with his family. Now that it was over, he called Jenelle and told her what went down. "Christ John, that sounds like something out if a horror movie. Are you honestly alright?"

"No, I'm quite shaken up by the whole ordeal. I can't even go outside and not look around to see if he's standing their. I know how persistent he used to be, and it could have only gotten worse over time."

"But John, do you really think he would come all this way for you being supposedly rude to your mother?"

"That's what I'm afraid about."

Their was a long moment of silence until she said "Why don't you join me at combat practice today. I know your not on the team, but it may help you quiet your mind a bit."

"Yeah, sounds great."

John walked over to the training arenas set up by the school, and walked up to the main entrance. The woman sitting behind the rest asked "Name?"

"John Smith."

She then looked over his portfolio, and said "Seems like everything is in order. It seems an official match was scheduled in five minutes. Please make your way over to the arena."

John was confused, but then said "Ok".

He then thought to himself "Jenelle, what did you get me into?"

As John walked through the door, he saw a few people he knew from school sitting on their phones. Then then looked up and saw him walk in, and some began laughing. He could hear them talking to the person next to them "Is he really going fight?"

"I heard he's fighting Jenelle. I hope she beats him into the dirt where he belongs."

As John continued to walk down the hallway, he was confronted by his gun teacher, Mrs.Stroble. She looked quite supposed to see him, and said "John, what in the hell are you doing here?"

"I'm going to fight Jenelle."

He could see her try her best not to laugh, but couldn't stop herself. "I'm sorry... Your going to fight Jenelle?"

"Yes, and apparently she made it an official match."

She then stopped laughing dead in her tracks "Oh, your serious."

Before she could continue on ranting, he walked passed her, and walked out onto the field. He saw Jenelle standing on the other side, and a referee in the middle. The arena was huge, and could easily hold a few thousand people. It was covered over the seats, but the fighting grounds was open at the top. He put down his backpack and pulled out his gloves. He put them on, and walked into he arena. It was made by compacted sand and dirt, which was especially good for Jenelle. The referee then asked "And we are confirming this an official match?"

In unison, the friends said "Yes"

With that, Jenelle picked out some seeds from her pocket. John knew her well enough that she wouldn't hold back from this fight, and he didn't have the home field advantage. He had to be smart about his moves and what he would do. He then calmed his body down, and began to focusing on emerging energy from his cells. He then began to hear commotion coming from the stands. It seems as though now that people saw this as an official match, they wanted to see what would happen. He kept calm, and made sure to focus on the fight in front of him. His cells began to bring with adrenaline as he hear the ref count down. "3...2...1... Begin!"