Enter The Garden

"3...2...1... Begin!"

With those words, John sprinted forward towards Jenelle. Though he had closed the distance between both of them, Jenelle had already planted her seeds in the ground. As he saw them begin to sprout, he positioned himself to dodge. Suddenly, the seeds shot out large vines the shout out twords John. He prepared for the attach, and used his hand to cut them off from the origin. The plant then began sprouting more and more vines that he kept cutting. Shortly after, he saw another set of seeds begin to sprout. He didn't know which seeds these were, by they likely were something worse. He jumped back, and saw a large tree begin to grow from the sprouts. He then tried to go for the trunk, but he was stopped by the vines that didn't let up. Though he could keep up with them, he couldn't advance any further. They then suddenly died, and then this 50 foot tree swing one of its branches at him. Instinctively, he jumped over it and began to climb the tree. The more and more he jumped and climbed from branch to branch, the more aggressively they attacked him. After he jumped on a branch near the very top, he was swatted down. A large cloud of dust raised up from where he landed. His whole body felt like he was just hit by a truck, and he could barely move. As he got up on one knee, he saw a huge branch about to hit him. His eyes flashed purple, and the adrenaline in his body stopped. All non essential bodily functions had stopped, and all his cells that were vibrating stopped. His whole body went still for a second as he saw the branch get to his face. John then saw all the energy flowing through the trees limb like thermal vision. He saw it radiating from the trunk of the tree, and then it's origin. From the watchers, all they saw was a sudden darkening of the area where John was just getting up. As the trunk hit the ground, a hand came out from the top that was shrouded in this purple aura. Then a figure shot up from the branch that was now dead. They saw this radiate up the limb till it reaches the trunk where it snapped over its own weight. John was no longer fully visible, and most of his body was brimming with purple energy. Where he stood, the branch began to dissapear. As he began to sprint along the dead log, his footprints were embedded in the wood. He then made to the end of it as another branch attempted to swat him away. He jumped over it but used it as a fulcrum to spin himself in too of it. His hand acted as a support because it cut through the wood as he jumped on top of it. He followed the energy flow and noticed it didn't radiate from the top. He jumped into another branch and put his body up against the trunk. His body reacted to the tree like a strong acid, and began to cut away at the tree. As he got deeper into the trunk, he saw all the energy release from the tree as a whole. He then back out front the trunk, and saw a energy signature standing below the trunk. He saw her running, and knew that if he didn't stop her soon, he'd be repeating this process u til one of them runs out of energy. So he cut off a piece of the trunk and sued it as a spear. He hurled it in Jenelles direction and broke the seeds before they could sprout. He then jumped off the tree and saw her next set of seeds sprouting. This was his last chance, so he had to put everything he had into his next attack. He began to push all his energy outward, and began to spin like he did when he versed his sister. The spin seems to look like a single purple object front the stands. Her seeds sprouted into a huge flowed that acted like a wall. The pollen then went in his direction trying to stop all airflow to his lungs. His spin cut through it like nothing, and then the flower. All Jenelle could see was a dark object before John kicked her in the head. He made sure to hold back force as much he could so he didn't kill her with the force. She was then sent flying backwards about 40 yards, looking like skipping stone over the ground. She then fell flat in the ground as John stood their. Their was a huge silence fro. the crowd as they just saw their strongest fighter be beaten by a supposed nobody. He rushed over to see if she was okay. It seemed as though she obtained lots of cuts and scrapes. Her energy flow seemed quite low, but was still there. She was out cold, but he knew that she wouldn't hold back so neither did he. If he didn't add more energy to his body when she swung at him with that trunk, he would have surely been crushed. He stepped backwards, and then fell on his back. He pushed his body to it's limits, and knew this was going to happen. He then gazed at the sky above until the referee came over. "Hey, you kids ok?"

As he got no response from either of them, he sent our the medical team to check on them. John awoke an hour later on a bed in the infirmary. He saw Jenelle in a bed next to him, as the principal walked in. He was then motioned over to where they were, and walked over. He saw that John was awake and walked over to him. He pulled up a chair, and then began to talk to him. "John, are you able to talk?"

It took him a second, but he was able to say "Yes sir."

"Good... Then we have a lot to discuss. Let's start off with your match today. Not only did you beat our schools number 1 fighter in your first match, but you also had many more opportunities to do so in the fight. I'm guessing you didn't so you didn't have to hurt her?"


"Ah, I see..."

He thought about something for a second, and then pulled up his records on his tablet. "It seems as though you had no former abilities before this time. Would you mind explaining why?"

"I noticed having power around two months ago. My sensi talked to me about it when he noticed I was learning at a much too accelerated rate, and my physical abilities were way outside my age range."

John then told him of his practicing of his powers, and how he fought his sister last week. He left out all the other parts such as his family and what transpired afterwards. He also left out what his power was. After hearing what he said, he sat their for a minute or two. "So in quick terms- Found out about powers two months ago, trained with them, fought your sister and won, then came here?"

"Your forgetting I have five years of martial arts training."

"Ah, sorry. So if that's it, J still don't understand why you have such control over them in such a short period of time."

"Its because of its given limitations."

He seemed intrigued about this and asked "What limitations?"

"I cannot use it outside of my bodies area."

"Hmm... Very interesting. Anything else?"

"It limits me to only close quarters, and I now believe that I've had this power for a long period of time."

With that, he looked down at his watch and said "Sorry we have to cut this short. Well continue this some other time. Get well soon."

He then left the room, and John quickly faded back into a deep slumber.