A Deeper Understanding

As John awoke, he still saw that Jenelle was still asleep. He saw that his backpack was by his bedside, but that his gloves were gone. That was until he saw the remaining material on his hands from where they were. It seemed as though that even though he used it as an extension of his body, he couldn't fully control the energy yet. His clothes likely weren't effected because they were not the epicenter of his power culmination. He pondered on for a few minutes, and then left the infirmary. As he left, he saw many people staring at him like they saw a ghost. He instantly knee the look in their eyes as he usually saw it in himself, fear. The look of fear was so potent for them that they couldn't even look at him. A few girls just looked up from their phones, and their hands began to shake. He didn't know why they were so afraid of him until he saw the tapes from the fight. They were being played on the waiting room screens since they were the last match the occurred. Because of how his energy altered how he looked, it seemed as though they saw a demon emerging from the wood. After that, it was just a dark blur. He seemingly just erased the life that Jenelle had created, and was likely the cause. As he saw his gym teacher, she looked at him for half a second and her eyes went wide. She then instantly turned around and walked the other way. As John looked at his phone, he had six texts from Jason. Later that night they talked about the fight, and how Jason was even scared watching it. As he thought about the reason, he figured "Humans fear what they don't understand more than anything. They couldn't understand a man who one day just beat their highest notion of power. If I didn't know it was myse in that video I might have said it was a demon."

He then got a call from Jenelle later that night. He thought she was going to pissed, but she went on to be happy about the whole ordeal. "You beat me good. I didn't expect you to be so strong in such a short amount of time."

They continued to talk for the next few hours until it was time to get some sleep. But the one thing he rem more than anything in that conversion was what she said people were calling him- "The Black Blur".

When he got to school the next day, no one even dared to look at him. Normally he had to fight kids for being weak by lunchtime, but no one even dared step near him. He was like a black sheep, no, a black wolf amongst sheep. Even during lunch, no one sat with him besides Jason or Jenelle. He didn't dare listen to what people were saying because he knew it would only make him angry. That Friday, he heard a kid getting kicked around and stepped in as normal. The simple sight of him coming down the hallway made them scatter. He walked over to the kid and asked "Hey, are you ok?"

The kid was instantly frightened, but then remembered that he always did stuff like this. "Yeah, thanks."

John knew he wouldn't get any more out of him, so he just went back to going to class. This went on for a few weeks until the school year was about to end. He constantly trained every day with Jason. This not only helped them both learn how to fight better, but also allowed for John to learn something. The more he condensed his energy, the more volitale it was. As he continuously trained with this idea, the more he realized that he couldn't do it with his physical body. He needed something that he could conduct the energy with, and something that wouldn't disappear as easily. He asked Jason about it and he said "Then we need to test what materials you can erase as easily. Might I also suggest that you try to use a blade, since that seems like it be the easiest weapon to condense your energy with."

He thought about what weapon he should use since he said a blade would work, but his power had two condensing points. He figured that trying to send all his energy through one point would likely overload the amount of control he had. He then thought about a few weapons he learned in karate, went over them. He then figured using kamas would likely be the best option because their light, small, and come in pairs. Now it was just making a pair with a material that he could work with. After a few different tests with different materials, they noted the higher density materials let his energy flow through it. So they came up with some spare materials Jason had saved up, and decided to make a pair of Osmium-Titanium kamas with a blue beech handle. After a weeks of waiting for the material, he sent them to blacksmith to be specially made. Since he didn't need to spend his money that month in karate classes, he was able to barely pay for them. After he got them, it was just trying to focus his energy into them. His chosen materials allowed his energy to flow quite easily, and we're almost second nature after a week or so of continuous use. The school was out by this time, and now Jenelle, Jason, and John were all training together now that Jenelles previous responsibilities didn't hold her back from joining then. Jason and Jenelle were struggling to make the same headway as John, so he tried explaining his understanding of how powers worked. "The baseline energy you use comes from within the essence of your cells. Try to focus on that energy and drive it outwards."

Jenelle was able to do it relatively easy, but Jason was struggling because it was at the cost of calories. John then tried to explain it in ano method. "Maybe because you control electricity, try to use your self generated energy as a lightning rod. You already made one, so try to turn yourself into one."

Jason had never thought of it that way before. After a few days of trying out this method, he was able to condense the latent energy in the air into himself. Though it wasn't as much as storing energy in himself like a battery or using his spear, it allowed a constant flow of energy into himself. It was now the end of June, and Jenelle went off in a vacation with her family. Now that it was just John and Jason, they came up with different scientific formulas to back up their powers. "So my constant energy syphoning is the basis of tesla energy."

"Not quite Jason. Your using different charges electrical waves in your body to attract more electricity to ballance itself out. By this process you can acquire a constant stream on energy from the latent energy in the air."

"That makes a lot more sense. But why can't you do that yet John. Wouldn't you think the basic principles would be the same?"

"I doubt that very much. Not only would you have figure out the basic principles for whatever energy were saying I use. For terms we'll call it warp energy. This energy flows easily through dense objects and radiates from my cells?"

As they thought about this for a while, Jason had an idea. "What if that's due to the fact that the amount of dark energy between those molecules are lower, so they are trying to even out like heat as it spreads out?"

John had done some research on dark energy and dark matter. Though the concept was mainly dropped after the cataclysm, he knew that dark matter exists m

by being the bubble, and dark energy is that mass inside said bubble trying to push outwards to reach equilibrium. "Jason, your a genius."

For that whole week, John trained in trying to harness this energy. One day he thought he made a breakthrough, and tried his hardest to harness as much of it as possible. As he did, he then felt a sudden shift in the energy signature and was then thrown into a place where reality itself seemed to bend and warp.