World of The Void

John was floating around aimlessly in a space that he couldn't comprehend. He saw constantly moving of different types of energy, swirling around like the waves of the ocean. He saw mostly darker colors like blue,green,black, and purple. The occasional white and red would flash, but nothing more. He he floated on trying to comprehend what he was in, then all of this energy seemed to stop. As it stopped, he saw what seemed to be a figure in the waves of energy. It was humanlike, but had no features and was shrouded in white. He didn't talk, but John heard him. "It has been so long since I've seen another person in this realm."

John was confused, but then it thought "Your confused I see. Don't be alarmed. I've been in here for so long I am part of it. Anything you think, I will know." John didn't know how to even think about what was going on, but just went with it. So he thought "What is this place?"

"This place had many names, though no one really understands it because it is constantly changing. I personally call it the realm of the void."

"Then what do you understand is this place if you've been here for so long?"

"It is the place where the absence of space exists. It is completely different from what me or you were raised in, so we can't directly interact with it. Only after all these years have I been able to, but in tern I lost my connection to your dimension."


"Yes. Kid, you already know that physical matter only takes up around 5-8% of your physical universe. Did you think the rest of it was just nothing?"

"So what is it exactly?"

"You can't see it for what it is, but think of it like other planes of existence with different laws of reality and physics layered over in different portions of the same space. I cannot see them yet as I have not fully embraced it, but when I do I can never see you or my place of origin again."

"So where are you from?"

"The same planet as you, but if a much different time. What age is it for you?"

"Maybe I should ask you that first?"

"Ahh right, your time keeping is likely different. I'm from Atlantis in the year 3087 after the great planetary war."

"I'm sorry, I don't know about that."

"Really?... I guess things got lost in time. I know my relative time is different, but to have it be totally forgotten... Better question, how high is sea level?"

"I don't know... Wait. Do you mean you lived before the great flood?"

"No, I was sent here during it. I tired so hard with my powers that I got sent here."

"That's over 24 thousand years ago."

"My gosh. It has been some time."

"If your from a totally different time, the how are we able to even communicate?"

"Remember, laws of physics and reality change here. Just accept it and go along."

"Can you send me back?"

"Why so soon. We just got to know one another."

"Alright, I'll stay."

For hours and hours, John talked with this man about how the world had changed from his time. Apparently in older times, people also had powers similar to now. However, these powers were weaker and more people had them. As John was about to be sent back, he left him with this "From one fighter to another, don't let the voices of those who follow get mixed up with the ones that care. It is something I still regret to this day. Don't make the same mistake I did."

And with that, John woke up. For what he thought was his body traveling was merely his mind. He looked at the clock next to his bed, and only two hours had passed. For what seemed like days only actuated to two hours? "I guess the laws of reality do change."

John was still shocked by his knew finding, but more so relieved that he wasn't their for longer. Though he didn't mind talking to to him, he felt himself slipping from reality the more he stayed there. As he kept going over the things he was told, trying to grasp the likely concept that it was all made in his mind. His brain merely trying to focus on recent or past events, trying to make sense out of them. But the more he continued thinking about it, the more and more it made sense to him that it was all a facade. He never said his name, or really detailed anything past his previous understanding. So instead of focusing on the facts the man said, he rather remembered the lessons he said. The one the resonated with him the most was "The mind is an endless void. No matter how hard you try, you can never truly fill it's seeking of knowledge. While the mind is endless, the body acts as it's limiter. If we all could do what we thought... Let's not dive into that. The point is, the mind can only be used for what the body allows. Know your weakness, and evolve it to the point where it is a strength."

With that resonating in his mind, he had an apifany. He naturally made changes to the inner workings of his body, but never tried to do them himself. To just what bounds could he alter himself? For the next few days, he began to understand to what lengths he could alter his body and what adverse effects it may have. Genetic altering would take lots of time, so he tried out with a few cells. He subconsciously figured what traits he had dormant or showing would be better or worse. He then reshuffled their combination and watched how they developed. Seemingly, two out of the four of them became cancerous, so he deleted them. The other two cells were far healthier than any other cells in his body. He know he couldn't make all of his cells like this, but would just change a couple from time to time to keep them at premium condition. With that, many other thoughts came through his mind. "Can I be immortal? Can I use this on others? Could I add other DNA strands or pieces to make a superhuman out of myself?"

He went on for hours of what he could possibly do, until he got a phone call from that same number he'd seen six years ago.