Roar Of The Beasts

As John looked down at these frightening digits, he ran outside. He sprinted out the door, and ran until he made it 10 blocks down from where he lived. For the third time, it rang. He knew now that it would be hard pinpointing where he lived, though they could just pull up his records. Better safe than sorry he presumed. As he picked it up, he was met my the same cold tone of his brother. "So it seems like you were able to sneak away you damn rat. Let's just say I wasn't so pleased to find out that Thomas had helped you escape, and made sure to put him on ice."

In that instance, John snapped. He hadn't tested his new found abilities as of recent, and all that buildup led to this outburst. His voice was noticeably deeper and more sinister. One could almost say it was demonic, like the ones you hear in horror movies. The void in his body was so dense that it terribly distorted his voice to that it actually frightened his brother. He only said a few words, but they were more than sufficient to get his point across. "If I find out that Thomas is dead, I swear I'll personally rip you apart, limb from limb."

With that, his brother didn't speak. He simply ended the call, and sat down. His face was even more pale than usual, and the shock and fear still resonated within the very fiber of his being. His body began to shake, and all of his senses vanished besides fear. He then passed out, where his mom cried out and brought him to a hospital. They found no real damages, except that a certain few chemicals in the brain that induce fear and pain were extremely high. David knew what the cause was, but didn't dare speak of it. Though he thought he used to be able to toy with his brother like a pawn, it seemed clear to him now that he was also a player in this game. As John settled down from his burst, he called Jenelle and Jason to talk about what he had figured out. After training for only a few minutes, he found that his body was working more efficient, and that his energy flowed much easier now. He was also to grasp the concept of constant intake of energy now that he didn't have to spend do much time driving it out from his body. It was now July 1st, three days before his entrance exams. They had been practicing for two weeks straight, and now we're more than confident in their abilities. Jason was able to use the same form of taking in the radiant energy in the area and use that as a basic from of energy intake. Both boys were able to do this, but were way to inexperienced to have it be noticed. They knew it would take weeks, if not months to make it into a skill that would directly benefit them in combat. Jenelle on the other hand was falling greatly behind her friends. She didn't have an ability like theirs, and she couldn't figure out how to increase her power. Though it was already really high even for normal people, she knew both Jason and John could easily beat her now. Either by John just making her plants disappear, or Jason sending such electric surges into her plants where they die and act as a conductor to get to her. She felt like an outsider with her own friends, until she had an idea. She consulted Jason and John first, and they thought it could be possible. Her limitations were that her plants grew so quickly that she had to use her form of telekinesis to input energy into them, along with nutrients and water to grow. Because she was limited to what seeds she had, making them be effective was hard. Even using plants like Redwoods would be still way to slow, so she thought of using plants that would be detrimental to her opponent rather than sheer strength and mass of the plant. It wasn't to hard to get what she needed as it was legal, but it took pulling a few strings to get. After she got what she needed, she went into trying to splice her new plants before the competition. While she did that, Jason and John had been non stop training, always trying to drain themselves of energy to increase their endurance. When the fateful day arrived, all three of them were ready and prepared for the trials they would face.