John, Jenelle, and Jason all met at school the morning of the exams. Depending on how they placed allowed them to go to the next set of exams. In order to not stay at their current school, they had to place in the top five to go to regionals. As all the students massed in front of the school, the headmaster began to speak. "As of today, all 8th years students will begin their entrance exams. The exams will be held at Brimmings arena downtown because of needed renovations to our normal arena. Because of how many fights we have to get through, matches will not exceed five minutes. If the match last longer than the allotted time, judges will vote for who preformed the best. After the final five people are chosen, you will be sent off to regionals. As you know, if you make it that far you will be up against other people from all over the West Coast. Over 200 competitors from over forty different schools. Shall you make it that far, you hold a great honor and privilege. May you all preform at your best!"
After his brief speech, everyone ran into buses to bring them to the arena. Because they were the only school in Northern California, they had many strong students. But from their knowledge of the other students, it shouldn't be much if a challenge. Apart form a few people that come close to their fighting capacity, not many posed to much of a treat. Shortly after they got their, the matches sprang off. John and Jason had to wait a while before their matches, while Jenelle was one of the first. Her opponent was a air telekinetic who just got blasted aside by her vines within a few seconds. John and Jason were up next, and made sure to look at the roster so they knew if they would have to face each other. Luckily their were five separate lines of competition and they weren't in the same one. With making sure of that, Jason faced his first opponent. She was around 5'11 and quite skinny. From what he remembered, she came from a rich family who made their money in the insurance business. So as soon as she knew who she was up against, she began to laugh. "This will be easy. Ill show you what true power is." With that, you could see Jason's expression change quickly to a calm and reserved kid to almost brimming with rage. Their were few things that pissed him off, and expressing ones status of being rich was one of them. She was taken back at his expression, and when the match began it ended almost at the same time. Jason released a large sum of electrical energy through his body and punched her square in the face. The force sent her flying back over twenty feet, and layed unconscious. Barely anyone saw what happened because he moved so fast. In reality they were only paying attention to her while he was only moving at sixty miles and hour. John was quite confused why he didn't use more of his power, because he knew he could easily double that speed. Out of Jason and Jenelle, he feared facing Jason the most. He wasn't just fast, but could out out enough electricity to kill a water buffalo. Even though he could minimize the damage he took, he was for sure being knocked out if Jason went at full force. Shortly after Jason, John was up. His opponent was a shy girl who he knew got in for her smarts rather than he combat skills. He knew there was no need to really hurt her, so he just ran over, doged a few punches, and then hit three pressure points to knock her out. He didn't want to be seen as weak, but not a monster either. Their next few matches were uneventful, only needed to make a move or two to defeat them. All three friends had made it to the semifinals of their particular division. Jason was up first, he he was up against the previous second strongest fighter in the school. Her name was Julia Voguard. She was known as the princess of pain as her ability was to manipulate a persons nervous system. She walked out onto the battlefield with a presumptuous smile across her face. She looked at Jason like a bug to squish. She knew he controlled electricity, which made him an easy target. As the match began, Jason struggled to stand straight. He felt his knees shaking and his muscles beginning to give way. One could already see the small smirk on Julias face grow to a full smile than ran from ear to ear. She throughougly enjoyed seeing people in pain, and coming from someone who beat her friends in a few moves made it even sweeter. However, Jason quickly realized how she adapted her powers. She would use a modified version of tesla energy to radiate a set of electric waves into a persons body that would naturally go through and make it mess with their body. Now that Jason figured how it worked, he figured how to stop it. He stood back up, unfazed. She looked at him wondering why it wasn't working and tried even harder. The more and more she tried to effect Jason, the quicker he learned how the learn how she did it. Only two minutes into the match, Jason had a decent understanding of how it worked. After the third minute counted down, Julias knees began to shake until her whole body began to cramp up. Jason walked over to her and just watched and thought about how he could possibly increase the potency of this ability. He realized how it wouldn't work on people with a decent amount of energy flowing through them, and how sad it was how no one had figured it out yet. As he was about to smite her and end the match, the timer ran out. He instantly stopped his assault and stepped back. She looked at him like a ravenous beast, her teeth bared and her eyes almost popping out of their sockets. She would have attached him right then and their if it hadn't been for the fact that he was way stronger than her. She then awaited the judges results. It was unanimous vote than Jason had won, and all the judges were quite intrigued on how he stopped her ability and then turned it against her. John and Jenelle had won their matches with ease, and they all made it to the finals. All of the three had figured the test would have been much harder and that more of their opponents would pose much more of a threat. By the time they finished consulting themselves, the principal began to talk. "This year we noticed how a certain three students were much stronger than all the others. All of the teachers consulted with me and we came up with an interesting final battle. Unlike the previous years of how we had all the final five fight it out, we are having it to where the three stooges over here will be fighting against thirty other students. Shall any if them be defeated, their aggressor shall take their place until five are left standing."
In unison, all five victors all said "How is that fair at all?"
The principal looked them all with no remorse and said nothing. With that, the event began right away. Everyone had little time to prepare for the assault besides Jenelle who had already placed down her seeds from before. Weed looking plants began to spring up all around the stadium and then released a very potent amount of THC spores into the air. She then asked Jason "Strike all the plants with your lightning."
With that, Jason did it without hesitation. The spores all became smoke, and the whole arena was filled with a high potency weed smoke. Kids began coughing and falling over. By the time the smoke reached the five kids in the center, Jenelle had made a wooden shield around them. After a few minutes had passed, she put down the barrier to find kids passed out on the ground or just barely hanging on to conciseness. The principal was extremely angry, but knew he couldn't do anything. Not only what he called was against exam policy, but he now had to explain to parents why their kids were so high they couldn't stand straight.