Life's Hidden Figures

As the clocked in at around 5, John and Jason had made it to the back entrance of his old dojo. Luckily, John remembered the door lock code, and was able to get in. After locking the door behind them, they made their way to the back of the building. The place had no cameras, so as long as no lights went on no would suspect anyone was there. Both of them made it up to the second floor into the office space, and hunkered down near the fire escape. As they were able to catch their breathe, Jason asked still gasping for air "What in the hell was that about?... Why would people send hired hit men after us?"

"Jason, what would you expect? We go to school with families who are in the top 100 richest in the world. Not to mention that many of those families didn't get that money by legal means. To be honest, I'm not surprised they didn't send some after Jenelle a long time ago."

After a few minutes passed, Jason asked "That man talked about how they already had Jenelle. Do you think he meant that they already had her, or just used it as some talking point?"

"Either way, we should go and see. I haven't dared call her. It probably better if we keep quit for now and begin to move around six or so. Making any calls or texts could give away our position."

After another thirty minutes of them resting, they decided to head out fire escape and make it for Jenelles house. She didn't live too far away from the school, and was in a fairly populated area which would make things harder for whoever was after them. John and Jason tried to blend in with the morning rush, but we're always looking out for someone who seemed out of place. Now that John had seen the perception energy from before, he had a basic understanding of what to look out for. Though him being able to tell the difference would give him away, he ducked beneath the upper view of the crowd and look for any abnormalities. For around fifteen blocks, John noticed that there was an abnormal amount of thermal energy radiating in the air near Jenelles building. As soon as he realized this, he motioned to Jason and both of them dashed down the street and found her building burning down. Without thinking, Jason said "John, I'll take the upper flo and your search the lower floors. The building was definitely smoking and the roof was ablaze. Their was also a second area of smoke coming out from the third floor. Jason rushed thro the door while John jumped up to the second floor and scaled the rest of the way until he went in a third floor window. As he broke through the window, he could hear syrins in the background noise of screaming and people talking about what they were watching. John found himself in a room with five adults and three children. He began to say "I can carry out the children, but sadly to the adults."

With that, he grabbed two kids who seemed to be twins. With one in each arm, he jumped out the window. As they began to scream, he kicked out against the buildings outer wall and landed with minimal pain. After he put them down and told them to wait by the front, he went back into the room. Their he found the adults had left, and the one last kid sitting their crying. John was quite angry, but he just hoped that none of them was his parents. He walked over to him and said "Hey, I'ma get you out of here. Just grab onto my back."

As the kid was scared and confused, it took a minute that they didn't have until he grabbed onto his back. He jumped out the window, but was able to scale down further before the building exploded out in flames. As John set the kid down with the others, he realized this amount of flame to accelerate so fast wasn't a normal situation. Jason used his energy vision again, and saw a few distinct energy signatures. He saw Jason, and in front of him three distinct energy signatures that were emmiting a large amount of heat.

As Jason had already gotten 15 people out of the building, so he went back in to check for anyone else. As he went down the forth floor hallway, he was staring at three people who were engulfed in flames. From the moment he looked at them, he knew they started the fire. As he looked at them closer, he saw two of them holding charred bodies, and one of which was most certainly a kid. Their eyes expressed no emotion. Jason instantly became inraged at the sight of someone killing people so effortlessly, yet alone that of a child. Jason lost his temper, and syphoned as many amps as possible. He said to himself he wouldn't use this technique unless nessicary, but did so out of rage. As they fired off large blasts of heat down the hallway, Jason sent out deep red lighting. As the forces clashed, his lightning pushed through the flames and hit his targets. Unlike normal electricity that shocks people, this electrical charge hit them and made them explode from all the amps that flowed through it. As Jason sat down after he realized he just killed three people, John burst through the wall in full void mode. Jason fainted from the heat and exhaustion he just went through. John picked him up, he sprinted out the way he just broke through. He jumped out the window and was sent flying down. As he reached the last floor, he hit the building so hard it began to crack and large portions of the brick building began to crumble. As John set Jason down, the fire department arrived to find people out of the building, and the whole structure spouting flames. After the firefighters were able to put out most of the flames, they began asking people what happened.