Charred Aftermath

As John was setting up Jason up against a light pole, he sat down quite exhausted. He had never experienced having to nullify so much material, be it normal mass or heat. He sat down and instantly began to sweat profusely. His body had expended almost all possible aspects of self generating void energy, and it was taking a large toll on his body. The muscles in his arms and legs began to continuously spasm, and his vision began to fade very quickly. As soon as he saw a fire fighter walk over to him, his vision went blank. He awoke to his vision still being blurred, and noticing the room was white and didn't have much in it. He could make out a heart monitor and the machine he was hooked up to. His whole body ached, and he was extremely hungry to the point to where he knew what starvation felt like. After a minute or two, his eyes had adapted to the rapid change, and as he suspended, was in a hospital. The room smelled like cleaner, and the room was filled with machines that he didn't know about. He was hooked up to two bags of what he thought was some form of sucralose or something. As he tried to move in the bed, he realized that his arms and legs were tied down. Though he instant reaction was to get out of them, he decided just to stay put. After a few minutes of waiting, he saw a nurse walk in and then walk out as soon as she saw his eyes were open. A minute later, a police officer walked in the room and pull up a chair. He set it next to him and began to ask some questions "So, who are you?'

John knew he would be asking quite a lot of them, so he made sure to answer relatively quickly. "John Smith"

He looked at John for a second, and then said "Well that doesn't really help me when you have the most common name possible. Where do you live or anything to help us."

"My name is John Smith, and I go to the San Francisco school for powered youths."

The officer then got up and left the room for a few minutes. He came back later with a picture and another officer. Instead of sitting down.He held up the picture of him, and then began to ask questions again. "So are you saying your this kid? That's the worst lie I've ever heard. Your hair isn't even the same color."

John was confused, but then realized what likely happened. He never had such a bad reaction to using his powers, so it's likely his whole appearance was changed. Rather than asking for a mirror, he said "Look of a photo of me after my match with Jenelle Perkins. The results if me using my powers is the change in my hair and other physical features for a time after large amounts of use."

Both officers looked at each other, and the other one then walked out of the room, likely to check if what he was saying was true. The first officer he saw then began to further question him. "If you are who you say you are, the school is also looking for you because they found three dead fugitives in your room this morning. I would ask you about the whole fire incident, but taking the first part into account I'm guessing theirs more to this than on face value."

"Be it quite so. My friend Jason and I, who is likely still at the hospital, had got too five in the entrance exams. Though the school will say otherwise, they conducted the exams in a a manner that was against national regulations. Though we still ended up beating the odds pressed against us in that manner, families with more influence likely didn't take a liking to their kids not making it. The night before, Jason stayed at my house because he was attacked by some our classmates the night before. At around 4 in the morning, our supposed principal and other teachers we knew came to my room needing to speak to us. It sounded sketchy from the start, so we're in guard. After a minute of talking, we figured out they were appearance shifters, and we dealt with according after they tried killing us. Knowing that other kids tried to attach us the night before, and that the exams were rigged int their favor, we made sure to get as fast as possible. One of the things our agressors stated was about our friend Jenelle. So we made our way over their, and then found the building to be up in flames."

The officer that left before then came back in, and they stepped outside to discuss their findings. After a minute, the first officer, who was now seemed quite interested, then said "Your records match to what we know, and then quite a bit more. But just in case, get out from the bed and follow me."

John was pleased to see they were believing him now, but still remained vigilant. He broke out of the restraints, and then noticed his hair was grey. As they walked out of the room, he saw that Jason had woken up as well, and was waiting for him outside. "Jeez John, it looks like your 70."

"Yeah, I've been better. I'm still quite tired, but Im at least concious now."

One of the officers then said "Save the conversation for the car. We need to get you both to a better place before we can ask anymore questions. The area might already be compromised."

With that, they went out the side to a blacked out Suburban and got in. As they buckled in, the officers than began asking once again. "So both your stories check out in being the same. Now, what happened in the building. You both had already got as many people out as we're possible."

John let Jason less as he was more involved in that part. "As I went back inside to check for me people, I saw three fire users down the hallway. They were holding and charred woman and child, so I lost my temper and killed them by using a large amount of amps to break through the high temperatures. Shortly after I blacked out."

John then added in "After that, it was just med getting him out of their, and then that's where I blacked out."

The first officer, who they now knew was officer Precard, then spoke. "The things you both are saying are multiple accounts of murder. Not only on your attackers, but also upon yourself. You both killed three people each today, not to mention all the people that died in the fire. We knew that the fire was set, but now we know the reason. I'll personally thank you for saving those people, since it could have been a much worse problem without your help. But the things still us is that someone sent people after you today. Jason, you have no family so we'll have to place you under protective custody. John, it more than likely that we'll have to send you back to your family in Detroit. The next part of the exams as you call them don't start for another two weeks. Until then, you both need to stay low until then. We hope that whoever sent these people after you will stop after they've been noticed, but it could also mean they will try harder to kill you. We'll investigate the issues of the people in your room John, and the issues of you being assaulted by your classmates." Jason was soon left off at a safehouse, and John was given a flight back to Detroit with no choice in the matter. He left his house last time on terrible terms with his family. He knew that going back would only spell disaster for him, but he knew he had no choice. On the flight back "home", he began thinking about all the possible things that could occur: being intomed in ice, being charred alive by his crazy sister, constant tourturing from his father, or the assasins sent to kill him were by his family. As he thought about these possible events, he faded off to sleep. He dreamt once again of the world of the void. After his supposed interaction with it, he was having many dreams about it. However, this one was distinctly different. He noticed how the different colors mixed and interacted with one another. He watched closely as the purples and blues seemed to stray away from the blacks and whites. But he soon noticed if their was enough abundance of white, the purple and blue would interact with it. The white would then turn black, and then mix back with the black. He contemplated on this notion, and how it corresponded with his current condition. So he tried thinking the white as his drained cells, the black as his normal ones, the the purple and blue as the energy that feeds into them. He tried letting the the white feel open to the world around it, and felt the natural energy recharge the white energy. Shortly after this, he felt a sudden rush of energy and power. His eyes then shot open back on the plane, to find that they were about to land. As he looked at his reflection in the glass, all his features and hair returned to normal.