Chapter 17 We Meet Again

Logan and Ruby were being escorted to a local Vale police station by the blonde Huntress. Logan, knowing better, took off his satchel-backpack and put his bracers, gun, and belt in to his bag, the Huntress saw this and looked on approvingly at his understanding of the situation.

Huntress: 'This boy has a good grasp of what's going on. He's able to make good decisions with what knowledge he has at hand. Plus, when he fought that woman, he was able to see she was not easy to deal with and chose to make the first move to test her abilities with his. His semblance as well, at first I thought it was similar to mine. But as I watched him battle, he could easily outclass me over time. He got a hang of her power, and was smart enough to make her self-destruct. This boy has brains unlike any other I have seen.'

While they walked to the police station, Auren was talking with Logan. Telling him about what he sensed in the woman on the VTOL. What caused him to panic.

Auren: {'That woman was more dangerous then most grim. She was able to absorb her magic from someone, I shudder to think if she got a hold of you.'}

Logan: }'What? It's possible to absorb someone else's magic? Isn't that impossible?'}

Auren: }'I thought so as well. But whoever she is, she has found a way. Hmm? That's odd.'}

Logan: {'What's odd?'}

Auren: {'I feel... a familiar presence. One of my past students. And their getting closer.'}

Logan: "I have a feeling I'm gonna meet someone I haven't met in a while."

Logan said this to Auren, and out loud. Ruby not expecting it, jumped a little as he been quiet during the walk. The huntress and Logan ignored her.

Ruby: "What do you mean?"

Logan: "Call it a hunch."

The Huntress behind them was looking at Logan with a confused look. If one were to look at her face, they would not see any change when she went through different emotions. What gave her away was her eyes, by looking in to her eyes is what gave her emotions away.

Huntress: 'Has he met Professor Ozpin before? If he has, does that mean he's Aurum's and Carmeli's kid? I've had only met them a handful of times, I didn't even know that they had a kid until he told me about him after he went to check to see if it was true.'

Huntress: "We're here. For now, what are your names? You can't expect me yo call you 'boy' and 'girl', do you?"

Ruby: "I'm Ruby Rose!"

Logan: " Hello, My name is Logan Tenebris, it's a pleasure meeting you Ms...?"

Glenda: "My name is Glenda Goodwitch. Now come along, there is someone who wishes to meet you."

Upon entering the police station, they were guided to a interrogation room were they were soon being scolded by Glenda. With her pacing back and forth in-front of the big one-way glass. You couldn't help be be intimidated by her.

Glenda: "I hope you realize that your actions tonight, will not be taken lightly. You put yourselves and others in great danger, you two."

Ruby: "But they started it!"

Logan: "I agree with Ruby here, Ms Goodwitch. They did in fact start the fight, and if it wasn't for Ruby and I, it could have been much worse. They could have killed the shop-keeper and/or any others inside if not for us. With us there, We managed to not only save the store's product, we also managed to capture most of the criminals as well."

Glenda: "As true as that might be, if it were up to me, you'd be sent home,"

Ruby leaned forward,

Glenda: "With a pat on the back,"

Ruby smiled,

Auren: {'Oh no. Ruby don't!'}

Glenda: "And a slap on the wrist!"

Logan: {'Too late.'}

Glenda brought her ridding crop down in front of Ruby's hand. Ruby saw the motion quickly pulled her hand back. As the crop smacked the table, Ruby couldn't help but make a noise.

Ruby: "Eeek!"

Logan saw this, watched, and felt sorry for Ruby. He knew that she wanted to help people, but she has a habit of fighting first, asking questions later. Unlike Logan, she doesn't really plan things in advance. Logan just quietly sigh at his sister's antics.

Glenda: "But... there is someone here who would like to meet you."

Ruby looked confused at what she meant. Logan already had a pretty good idea of who though. A man who looks like a middle-aged man with tousled silver hair, thin brown eyes, and brown sharp eyebrows; with a light complexion and sharp facial features entered the room. He was wearing shaded glass spectacles and a small, purple, cross-shaped pin on the green cowl around his neck. While his outfit mainly consists of an unzipped black suit over a dark green, buttoned vest and green shirt; he also wears black trouser shoes and long, dark-green pants. Under his left arm was a cane, in his left hand was a mug bearing the Beacon Academy emblem, In his right was a massive plate of cookies. As he entered, he looked directly into Ruby's eyes.

Man: "Ruby Rose... You... have silver eyes."

Ruby: "Um...."

The man then set the massive plate of cookies down in front of her. Gingerly, Ruby slowly took one, as she lightly nibbled it, her eyes shined as she started wolfing down the cookies. Logan sighed at her antics once again. Logan lifted up his hand and started concentrating, slowly two equal sized rectangles of ice formed in his hands. Ozpin and Glenda watched in amazement. Logan then slowly started spinning the rectangles in the air as shavings of ice started falling from them. Once they were rounded, Logan took a lighter from his pocket and lit it. Ozpin, Glenda, and now Ruby watched as the flame got bigger and bigger. Once the flame got a little smaller the the now rounded pieces of ice, Logan swiped his finger at the base of the flame, the flame now was on the tip of his pointer finger. They watched as Logan carved out the top and center of the rectangles making glasses out of them. After setting one down in front of Ruby and himself, Logan formed a ball of water out of the moisture in the air and filled the glasses up.

Logan: "Ruby, as much as you love them, please slow down. Your gonna make yourself sick if you eat like that."

Ruby: "Hehe... sorry.... I got carried away."

Logan: "Your fine. Now then, sorry for using my semblance with out your permission, Ms Goodwitch, Mr Ozpin."

Ozpin: "So you remember me?"

Logan: "Yes, I do. I also know what you are as well. And with what I got from Qrow, I know you were the one who validated my letter for Tai and Qrow."

Ozpin:" Yes, your parents are very good... Friends, you might say, to me. And I have a feeling that you know what I am about to ask Ms Rose here."

Ruby: "What is it?"

Ruby had calmed down from the cookie rush, and was now following Logan's and Ozpin's conversation. She looked confused about what was going on. She knew that Logan would never get her into trouble, so she trusts him.

Ozpin: "So Ms Rose. Where did you learn to do this?"

Glenda had came forward with her scroll. On it was playing the attack at the store. It was currently showing the front of the store were Ruby was fighting

Ruby: "S-Signal Academy"

Ozpin: "They taught you to use one of the most dangerous weapons ever designed?"

Ruby: "Well, one teacher in particular."

Ozpin: "I see... Well, I've only seen one other scythe-wielder of that skill before, and as Logan here has figured out, its your uncle."

Ruby: "Your right, I was complete garbage until he took me under his wing. Now I can say that I'm pretty good for myself."

Ozpin: "So I've notice. And now, what is a adorable girl such as yourself doing at a school designed to train warriors?"

Ruby: "Well... I want to become a Huntress."

Ozpin: "You want to slay monsters?"

Ruby: "Yeah! I only have two years of training left at Signal! Then I'm going to apply to Beacon. You see, my sister is starting there this year, and she's trying to become a huntress, and I'm trying to become a huntress 'cuase I wanna help people. My parents always taught us to help others, so I thought, 'Hey, might as well make a career out of it!'. I mean, the police are alright, but huntsman and huntresses are just so much more romantic and exciting and gosh, you know!?"

Ruby had gotten so excited that she was beginning to bounce out of her chair. Logan had to actually put his hand on her shoulder to keep her in her seat. Glenda had a off-put look on her face, Ozpin just had a small smile, and Logan had a apologetic look on his face to them.

Ozpin: "Do you know who I am?"

Ruby: "Your Professor Ozpin, the Headmaster at Beacon. And she is the Vice-Headmistress, Professor Goodwitch."

Ozpin: "Hello."

Ruby: "Nice to meet you."

Ozpin: "You want to come to my school?"

Ruby: "More than anything."

Ozpin looked at Logan, as if he was asking the same question. Logan just nodded and agreed with Ruby's answer.Ozpin then looked back at Glenda, who just hmmphed and looked away from him. He then looked back at Ruby and Logan who were sipping their water.

Ozpin: "Well okay. You are hereby accepted in to my school. You better get home, As the new semester starts tomorrow."

Ozpin and Glenda then left as they had no more business with them. As they were escorted outside, Ruby could not believe her luck. She had just got accepted in to her dream school! It all came crashing down when Logan spoke.

Logan: "Come on Ruby. We got to get home, school starts tomorrow. After all, we just skipped grades, and we have to get ready."