Chapter 18 The Vault

A/M I'm sorry, I have been having trouble with my internet. I'll post when I can and question, I have been thinking about giving Logan a pet, which do you think: a snake, a owl, a racoon, a lizard, a hedgehog, a deer, a rabbit, a fox, or a weasel? Dog or cat included as well.


The next morning...

Logan woke up at six in the morning like normal for him and got to work on his daily routine. After waking up, he got dressed in shorts and a t-shirt and went out to the training area. First, he started with 100 squats, 100 crunches, 50 push-ups, 50 sit-ups, and jogging around the house for 25 minutes. After that, Logan sat down in the middle of the field and started practicing with his semblance. First, he started with earth, he rose a large stone block similar to him is size. He slowly compressed the stone in to a humanoid shape, then he continued with making rough details similar to a human. Once he was done, Logan then carved more finer details in to it, until it was almost a perfect sculpture of him. Afterward, Logan encased the statue with a thin, but highly compact barrier of wind and picked it up. Then he collected the moisture from the air to form a blade. He then stood up and stuck the statue as many times he could until he got tired. As he sat back down, he pulled a lighter out of his short's pocket and lit it. As he transferred the flame of the lighter in to the air in front of him, he slowly started increasing its size. Soon Logan started increasing the intensity of the flame, from a dull, just visible red (225 C or 980 F) to a bright dazzling white (1500 C or 2700). As he brought it back to a dull red, soon the color changed again, but this time from red, to blue, to gold, to purple, to black, and finally to a kaleidoscope of colors spiraling around in upwards current. Soon, Logan was brought out of his concentration by Tai calling him for breakfast as it was now 7:45 am.

Logan went inside and up the stairs to his bedroom for a change of clothes. Then to the bathroom for a quick shower before breakfast. After finishing, he tossed his workout clothes into a hamper in his room before descending the stairs to the kitchen. Upon entering, Logan noticed that Ruby and Yang weren't there, only Tai and Qrow were at the table.

Logan: "Were is Ruby and Yang? Did they leave already?"

Tai: "Yeah, they left earlier then usual to catch the shuttle. I'm surprised that you didn't hear them leaving."

Logan: "I was busy with practice, I didn't even know they left. Oh yeah! Qrow, did you talk with Mr Ozpin about me bringing my armors and workshop?"

Qrow: "As long as you get accepted, Oz's okay as long if you bring it yourself. He also asked me to tell you to bring one armor for now until your enrolled completely. So, which one you taking?"

Logan: "I was thinking of bringing the 'Stalker' armor as it has the best adaptability, or 'Ranger' as the test will most likely be in the forest near the school."

Tai: "I figured you'd take 'Knight', 'Complex', or 'Roadblock' for their abilities."

Qrow: "I agree with the kid. The "Stalker' and 'Ranger' are best suited for the test. 'Knight' and 'Roadblock' are to big and slow for it. 'Complex' may be okay, but, it's incomplete still."

Logan, who had made himself a bowl of 'Pumpkin Pete' cereal, though over what the two had said. 'Knight' is a heavy armor suit built for hand-to-hand combat, equipped with a sword and shield. 'Roadblock' is a large heavy exo-suit built for tanking blows from massive grim, equipped with two big tower shields and dust cannons. 'Ranger' is a lightweight suit with an outer exoskeleton built for hunting grim in forests, equipped with a large compound bow, a quiver with compact arrows, and a heavy machete. 'Stalker' is a suit similar to 'Ranger' but equipped with a optical camouflage cloak, a medium range aura rifle that uses rounds created by Logan, a aura pistol similar to the rifle, and the 'Box' system that can become any shield or weapon it has programed in it.

Logan: " 'Complex' is suppose to be a interchangeable suit that can change it's armor depending on the problem. Basically a skeleton suit, one suit for all scenarios. Biohazard, search and rescue, riot, you name it. The base is done, yet the changing system and delivery system has a power issue that I have yet to solve. For now, its shelved in the 'Vault' under the house, as is most of the armor. For now, I'll take 'Stalker'."

Tai: "Alright, but finish up quick or you'll miss the shuttle of Vale. Or are you planning to take your 'Eagle-flight' there?"

Logan: "That was the plan, after all its a ten minute flight to Vale from here with it. And it's the only thing I trust to carry the armor anyway. With 'Sensō' down for modification, I have to use a different armor for the test."

Qrow: "By the way, how did you find out about the test?"

Logan: "I did my research of the school, and its not hard to figure it out, with the fact that you two were in be in a 4 man team. And from there, I realized that there is some kind of placement test for it."

Tai: "Okay, Logan , you better go before your late on your first day. I'll let Yang and Ruby know what your doing while you get ready."

Logan: "Thanks!"

Logan placed his bowl in the kitchen sink and left the kitchen. He left the house and went around to were the shed was, next to it was a new building . It stood at 8ft (2.43m) tall with the peak of the roof, 8ft (2.43m) long square elevator made from metal and reinforced concrete then reinforced by Logan's aura was the entrance to the 'Vault' were most of the armors were kept. Logan walked up and opened the elevator by providing an retina scan, finger print, and password in a language only Logan knew. As he entered in to the elevator box, there was room for a group of five people to fit, and there was only one floor to descend to. When the elevator finished descending, it's doors opened up in to a long steel hallway about 30ft (9.144m) long and about 6ft wide (1.82m) with a height of 7ft (2.133m). At three points, what were vents were allowing air to be circulated in as the 'Vault' was about 150ft (45.72m) below the surface. Along the ceiling were florescent lights that ran the length of the hall, and at points were cameras that tracked movement of whoever entered. As Logan got to the end of the hall, a robotic voice asked a series of questions in the language Logan knew, and was then asked for another series of scans before he entered the 'Vault'.

The doors then opened to reveal the 'Vault'. Upon first look, it appeared to be a massive armory that only Logan had access to. Guns lined one wall in neat columns of three for about 10ft (3.04m). Below them were massive ammo creates with the contents listed on their fronts. On another wall; swords, axes, daggers, staffs, maces, etc lined in neat rows. With the ceiling lined with florescent lights and vents, everything seemed shiny. Towards the back was a open stairway that lead down a bit to were the armor was kept. As Logan continued on and down the steps, what greeted him was a massive open space about 50ft (15.24m) square that had a single pillar in the center that was surrounded by a worktable which was strewn with parts of random armors and weapons. On the walls, aside from the stairs, pods lined them, each with a nameplate of what they contained. When Logan reached the worktable, a synthetic female voice greeted him.

Syn voice: "Greetings sir. How may I be of an asset today?"

Logan: "Morning Amie, I'm here for a few things."

Amie: "Is it for the test at Beacon?"

Logan: "Yep, could you be kind and open 'Stalker's pod for me?"

Amie: "Would you like it in carry format or would you like to wear it?"

Logan: "I'm taking 'Eagle-flight' there, so could to pack it in travel mode?"

As Logan and Amie chatted, Logan checked the weather forecast on a terminal that was set at the worktable. As Amie packed 'Stalker' for travel, Logan calibrated 'Eagle-flight' for a round trip to Vale and back. Amie then chimed up with an announcement.

Amie: "Sir, I regret to inform you that 'Stalker' s weapons were remove for maintenance by you and were never finished. Would you like to take a different set? If so please select it from the armory and place them in the 'Stalker' pod."

Logan: "Crap... Hey Amie, is the 'Muramasa' blade finished as well as the 'Jackals' handguns?"

The left and back of the 'Vault' were for the armor and their respective weapons. While the right side was for weapons that yet to have an armor that complements them or has yet to be finished.

Amie: "Scanning... Yes! Both are finished and ready for testing. Do you wish to take these instead? I must warn you that these have yet to have real world tests ageist grim or people. Their durability, aura absorption, and stress tests are optimal and their chance to fail is at 0.001% possible."

Logan: "Thank you and acknowledged. Please begin packing. Once your done, please place them in 'Eagle-flight' and send it up for takeoff.'

Amie: "Affirmative, anything else I may do?"

Logan: "Yes, once 'Eagle-flight' has returned, place the 'Vault' under heavy surveillance until I return and notify me in case anything happens. Code: X-23-Alpha-Charlie-Echo 177, I repeat, X-23-Alpha-Charlie-Echo-177."

Logan then left the 'Vault' to pack an overnight bag. As he returned outside, 'Eagle-flight' had appeared on the training ground. 'Eagle-flight' is a 5 person compact VTOL whose design is patented by Logan. Thanks to it's simple construction, a family can own one as long as they have the money. Logan was seen testing it and most of Patch asked if they could buy one, hence the patent. Logan even designed more elegant ones for the higher class as well. So Logan is by no means poor, hence the heavily secured underground 'Vault'. Plus Logan's 'Eagle-flight' was personal as it was heavily modified as it was faster then most, it could turn a 30 minute flight into a 10 minute flight. Plus with the 'Vault' underneath the training field also doubles as a hanger for it. And with Logan being 16, he has his own license for it as well. As Logan checked the cargo for his armor, and once he was sure that it is secure, he took off to Beacon Academy.