A/N From now on, I have no new guides anymore for the story. So any ideas in the Author's thought please vote for. I will place a few comments for you to like to vote for what's next. Please as this will help me immensely.
The Initiation test was something that every new student was dreading. They had no information no what it was, as it could make or break them. As they stood at the cliff that they were told to meet at, they waited for what seemed like an hour before Prof. Goodwitch and Ozpin arrived. Without wasting any time, they lined up everyone on to small grey plates that lined the cliff-side. One stern and poker-faced, the other quietly sipping coffee.
[Opin]: "For years, you have trained to become warriors. And today, your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald forest."
[Glenda]: "Now, I'm sure many of you heard rumors about the assignment of teams. Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion. Each of you will be given teammates... Today."
[Ozpin]: "Normally, we would send you in to the forest and the first person you make eye contact with will be your partner. And the relic that the two of you retrieve will assign your team. However, this year will be different. As most of you have already formed bonds strong enough for the teams to be formed unnecessary. As such, we will form them differently this year."
[Glenda]: "When your name is call, step forward."
Glenda called four names forward, and as they stepped forward, Ozpin had them move to the side. Nagini had taken off to explore the cliff-side. The process repeated until there were 13 students left. As they stood nervously, wondering who will be left alone. Glenda soon started calling once again.
[Glenda]: "Cardin Winchester, Russel Thrush, Dove Bronzewing, Sky Lark. You four will be team CRDL (Cardinal). Your team leader will be Cardin Winchester. Next is Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie, Pyrrha Nikos, Lie Ren. You four will be team JNPR (Juniper). The Team leader will be Jaune Arc. Lastly is Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, Yang Xiao Long. The four of you will be team RWBY (Ruby). The leader will be Ruby Rose."
As the last of the teams were formed, Logan stood with no one else. The other teams watched as he stood alone, a feeling of solidarity seem to emanate from him. But, at the same time a feeling of strength came as well. For a solid minute, no one spoke and marveled at Logan's posture. He stood there in his armor, with his helmet under his left arm with his right hand resting on top of it. Logan stood there without fear. Ozpin broke the silence with a cough.
[Ozpin]: "Logan, as you are the only one left, you should be denied entry in to the school as there were not enough people for a team to be formed. However, as your abilities are far to great to waste, I'll make an exception to the rule."
As Ozpin spoke a few murmurs broke out from the teams. Some were wondering his strength. Other were outraged that he got in due to an exception. Cardin, who Logan had made a fool of, was pissed at this.
[Cardin]: "What makes him so special that he gets an exception? He looks like nothing! A weakling at best!"
As Cardin shouted, some were on his side, mostly his team. While others were thing along the lines of 'what abilities he has'. Yang was about to say something, but Ruby beat her to the punch.
[Ruby]: "Says the guy he laid out with a simple throw."
[Cardin]: "Stay out of this you stupid *****!"
The group of students went quiet as soon as he had shouted. Yang's eyes went scarlet red, and as she activated her gauntlets, what happened next shocked everyone including Glenda. Logan had appeared in front of Cardin with his helmet on; which looked like a form-fitting helmet (think of Jason Todd/ Red Hood's helmet); sword drawn in his right and 'Jack' in his left. Ozpin was in front of him with his right pushing 'Jack' away and his left blocking 'Muramasa' with his cane. Even though Ozpin had blocked the sword, it was still a few millimeter's away from Cardin's eye. Both Logan and Ozpin were staring eye to eye while struggling with each other to move forward. Cardin finally managed to compute what was happening and fell back on to his behind. All of the students and Glenda hadn't even seen them move, to them, they had just appeared there. The aura emitted from the two was heavy, it was as if the air was pressing down on everyone, including Glenda. The stalemate soon ended as Logan broke from Ozpin and jumped backwards. Ozpin just fixed his posture as they disengaged.
{Ozpin}:' That was close. Any later and poor Mr Winchester would have lost his eye, maybe his life. No, he held back. Even struggling with me was just to scare him. He has a good grasp of what he wanted done. He even used me, impressive.'
[Ozpin]: "Now I know that what Mr Winchester had said was out of line, but harming him won't make it right. Now then, I'm sure all of you have seen with your own eyes that Mr Tenebris, has the skill for my exception. He has even gone on missions already at the young age of 16. And no small amount ether. The list is really quite long."
[Logan]: "They were nothing really. All they were was simple grim clearing and reconnaissance missions. Any one could have done."
[Ozpin]: "Not quite, most of them heavily relied on your ability. One of them, required you to fight alone ageist a few hundred Ursas, Beowolfs, and Nevermores. Basically a full on grim army, not many of which some of the top Hunters could do. Now, would you be so kind as to put away your weapons and call your pet back, as she is about to roast Mr Winchester. And Miss Xiao Long, you as well, he will be punished accordingly, there is no need for you to fight him."
Yang was glaring at Cardin while Ruby was still stunned at what he said. Weiss, Blake, and the majority of all the girl students present were looking at him with disgust. Nora and Pyrrha had eyes of predators looking at their pray. Nagini had seen Logan go after Cardin, and as he fell on his butt, flew on to his knee sat there breathing small flames at his chest. Logan feeling that Cardin had dug his grave sighed. As he sheathed his sword and holster his gun, Logan made a series of chirps similar to Nagini's. Nagini responded and hopped off Cardin's knee and scampered over to Yang, who picked her up. Logan proceeded to walk over to Cardin, grab him by his chest-plate, pick him up, and looked him directly in the eyes.
[Logan]: "You are lucky, simple as that. Not to mention, you just cemented yourself as a grade A douche. And you've really, really ticked me off with that. Now, you WILL change for the better. This is your ONLY chance. I don't do thirds. Am I clear?"
Cardin looks at him with horror. Shaking with fear, he just stuttered. Not making any sense. Logan, let go with one hand and slapped him, hard. A solid crack could be heard by everyone.
[Logan]: "AM I CLEAR!?"
[Cardin]: "C-Cr-c- crystal."
Logan just dropped him. As he turned to Ozpin, they stared at each other for a few seconds, came to an understanding. Ozpin then spoke up to gain the attention of everyone.
[Ozpin]: "As I do not condone what Mr Tenebris did, but, I agree that he needed to be straighten out. As such, Mr Winchester, you will have 2 weeks of detention. And as I was trying to explain, your skills are far above your peers, enough to say that there is no one who could challenge you. For that, I ask you to help train your generation, and the generations to come while your here."
Logan took off his helmet. As his head appeared, he had his eyes closed and seemed to be thinking. Soon, as he opened his eyes, a flash of gold appeared and disappeared through them, he came to a conclusion. Tucking the helmet under his arm, he walk in front of Ozpin.
[Logan]: "I have a few... concerns and requests I would like to talk about in private. Then I will give you my answer. Is that alright?"
[Ozpin]: "That is fine. I will listen and try to find a middle ground were we can come to terms. I do hope you agree. After class, I will call you to my office to discuss it."
As the students watch, they could not believe what they heard. 'He had no equal?' and 'Professor Ozpin asked him to train us!?' floated through their minds. But, most shocked of all was Pyrrha. She could not believe that Logan was that strong. While Jaune could only thank God (Monty).
{Pyrrha} 'He's that strong!? Yet why have I not heard of him. With what happened, I don't think I would have a chance, yet, I want to see how far I cane go. This might be the breakthrough I need to further myself. I have to see!'
{Jaune} 'He's good! Too good! He might help me if I tell him. But I'm afraid, what if he rejects it? He doesn't seem like that kind of person though. He just might.'
Glenda quickly tried to get the students back in order. And finding no other reason then dismissing them to go to orientation of the classes. Sighing, she spoke up and all eyes drew to her.
[Glenda]: "Now then, you're dismissed! Please head to your first class of the day for orientation! And Mr Winchester, you will be notified of when and where your detention will be."
As they broke up, Logan walked up to the now crying Ruby and put his arm around her and steered her to their first class with team JNPR and the rest of RWBY. As everyone else broke up, Logan could feel the stares at his back. All left, but, Ozpin and Glenda, as they watch them leave and disappear, Glenda spoke first.
[Glenda]: "Why did you ask him here of all places? Yes, I acknowledged him as someone strong, but, he's too young and immature to teach others."
[Ozpin]: "The reason is simple, he will only hurt those he wished to protect if he keeps going in that direction. I am only granting the wish of his parents. And I quote: 'Please give him a chance to make friends and live a good life if something were to happen to us', that is all. Plus he is hiding somethings as well."
[Glenda]: "If you go this far for something, it is usually for the best. What is it? What is it that got you worked up?"
[Ozpin]: "When I first saw him, a peculiar felling washed over me. One of familiarity. As if I had meet him before. From a long, long time ago. Back then."
[Glenda]: "Is that so? Well I leave it at that for now. So, what now?"
Glenda didn't get a response. As she turned around, what she saw stunned her. A perfectly shaped pillar rose from the ground and ended in a hand that had grabbed Ozpin's coffee mug from when he dropped it to save Cardin. All elegantly sculpted and designed Ozpin casually walked over to it, picked it up and took a sip.
[Ozpin]: "Hmm! Hot! As you can see, he is quite a bit more skilled then you thought. He did this as I had dropped my cup. Not only that, he even reheated it for me. I suspect that he only moved that fast to play with me. Hmm?"
Glenda was flabbergasted! She ran up and started examining the pillar. As she rose back up, she looked at Ozpin with disbelief.
[Glenda]: "This is astounding! This style is reminiscent to old ruins that are being excavated as we speak! Not only that, you said that he did this as you dropped you mug? From the fact that I lost you two as you moved, I can see you tying with each other. But to do this as you both moved is beyond anything I can understand. I can't even fathom how fast he is."
[Ozpin]: "This is going to a very interesting year."