Chapter 23 OUCH!!

As the group of teams RWBY and JNPR along with Logan headed to the orientation for the classes, Ruby was sulking at the indecent with Cardin. As they tried their best to cheer her up and take her mind off it. Logan was in front them deep in thought. She spoke to them.

[Ruby] "Why can people be so mean? I mean, yes i shouldn't have butted in, but that was uncalled for. He didn't have to be like that."

[Jaune] "He's just mad that Logan got in by an exception, that's all."

[Yang] "Yea. He's just stupid. And mad that Logan beat the snot out of him."

[Nora] "Really!? And I missed it? Aww..."

[Pyrrha] "I had only seen him walk away from that. What happened?"

[Weiss] "He tried to be a playboy."

[Blake] "Cardin tried to pick up Yang. Logan laughed. He swung. Logan.... threw him? I think?"

[Weiss] "I don't blame you. It all happened so fast. I blinked and missed it."

[Jaune] "I think Logan grabbed his arm and belt? I'm not to sure. Cardin's swing was wide but fast.

[Ren] "Arm and belt grab to throw... Sounds like a Mistral martial arts style. Hey , Logan what was it?"

Ren asked Logan who was in front, but got no response. The group looked at him and saw that he was just walking to class with his head in the clouds. As they watched, the saw he was about to walked into a tree. Before they could warn him, he seemed to faze through the tree.

[Ren] "I was right. That was a Mistral martial art technique. I'm not sure what though."

[Jaune] "I kind of wondering what. And if he can, will he train me if I asked. I'm curious."

Yang stopped in her tracks. Nagini, who was in her hands, curled up in a ball. As she took a pitcher's stance with Nagini in her hands. She merely said:

[Yang] " Time for a fast-ball special. Nagini, sick him."

Yang through Nagini as hard as she could. Nagini straightened out as soon as she left Yang's hand in to an arrow-like object. As she neared Logan, She opened her wings to slow down and splatted in to the back of Logan's head. Nearly knocking him over. Logan just sighed and walked over to the group, while Nagini perched on the top of Logan's head. As they arrived, Nagini released a large breath of fire in to the sky, as if to say 'I got him!'.

[Logan] " Yes, Yang? You called again?"

[Yang] "You really got to stop that habit. We were talking while you were in the clouds again. They want to know what you did to Cardin back there and what was those moves. Plus were trying to cheer up Ruby here."

[Logan] "Back at the cliff was a simple movement trick modeled after several different styles. As for the throw in the auditorium was simply jiu jitsu. Anyone can learn them if they try. And Ruby, it's not your fault about Cardin. He is a man that puts his pride first, others second. He's the kind that will do anything to be the best. And I'm pretty sure that he will change after today. After all, I pretty much destroyed his pride."

[Jaune] "Do you think you can train me? I'm not that confident when it comes to fighting, I've always been more of a planner. So, he... could you?"

As Ruby cheered up, her and Yang grimaced. The two of them know what kind of training he goes through to keep in shape as well as to adapt his body to move as he wishes. A simple warmup can and will tire any normal hunter with in minutes. They started praying for Jaune's survival.

[Logan] "I can, but it will be tough and arduous. Most normal Hunters will tire from the warm up alone. If you're sure, I will train you to the best of my abilities. But first, why is your aura blocked?"

The group was astonished, not because of Logan, but Jaune. Yes they were surprised that Logan could sense it, but it was more surprising that Jaune's aura was blocked. Aura could mean life or death if one was not careful.

[Jaune] "YOU COULD TELL!?!?"

[Logan] "Yes. Everyone and thing emits aura. You and me, the trees and grass, even animals do. Aura is the manifestation of ones soul, it bears our burdens and shields one self. But the creatures of grim are devoid of aura. Hunter's are being that could weaponize their auras, so it's possible to sense other auras if you train. So, why is yours blocked? I could barely sense you when we first meet."

[Jaune] "My grandfather was a hunter in the war. After the war ended, he was injured, so he stayed with my family before I was born. About a year after I was born, I unintentionally unlocked my aura. With me being a child, my aura was making me sick as my body couldn't handle it yet. So he sealed it as I couldn't control it. He trained me as much as he could before he died. Unfortunately, he died before he could undo the seal. My sword and shield are the only things I have left of him, and I thought they might hold some way to undo the seal. So I keep them with me hoping it will happen or I figure it out sooner or later. I'm surprised that they even let me in here at all because I told them about it in my transcript."

While most of the group was shocked at Jaune's backstory. Logan had and idea that could provide a new found ability of aura. Logan rushed up to Jaune and started to examine him.

[Jaune] "What are you doing?"

[Logan] "It just might be possible, but I need data. Jaune, are you willing to help me with a theory? Of course I help you out in any way I can afterwards."

[Jaune] "With what exactly?"

[Logan] "You see, I'm curious about aura. We know a little about what it can do, but not all of it. My guess it that your grandfather seal your aura up to a trickle so that your body could build up it's strength before undoing the seal. But by doing this, he inadvertently locked your potential away as well. If we unlocked the seal entirely, your potential aura could dwarf my own aura."

The entire group was at first were amused at Logan's change in demeanor. But as he talk, it slowly changed to wonder. They all soon had similar thought about what could happen. Ruby and Yang knew how much aura Logan had, and if he said that Jaune could dwarf his, was shocking to them. As most of them were curious of what could happen, Logan was definitely wanting to see it happen.

[Logan] "The only problem is that I have no clue how to awaken someones aura, as it's the best way to break that seal. Does anyone know how?"

[Pyrrha] "I know how. My family taught me how. It's also the same way my aura was unlocked."

[Logan] "Great! Now, Jaune are you okay with this? Without your consent, we can't continue."

[Jaune] "I'll admit, I'm scared of what could happen. I could be like before. But, I'll give it a chance, let's do this."

Pyrrha walked up and stood in front of Jaune. Then slowly and gently placed her hands on the sides of his head.

[Pyrrha] "Now, close your eyes and concentrate."

[Jaune] "Okay."

As Jaune closed his eyes, Pyrrha did the same. Soon Pyrrha started glowing with red aura. Then Jaune started glowing in white aura. Suddenly, Pyrrha started speaking.

[Pyrrha] "...For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all, infinite in distance and unbound by death. I release your soul and by my shoulder protect thee."

As Pyrrha finished the chant, she dropped tired from it. Jaune continued glowing, and soon it started gaining intensity. Logan quickly rushed to his side and laid him down on the grass. Everyone gathered around and watched as Jaune started sweating profusely.

[Logan] "Jaune! You have to listen to me. Your aura is running rampant in your body. You have to start circulate it throughout your body, it's the only way for it to calm down. We can't help you from here, your on your own. Do you hear me?"

[Jaune] "I... c-can. Can't t-think. Get-ing tired."

[Pyrrha, Nora, Ren] "Jaune!"

[Ruby and Yang] "You can do it Jaune/Vomit-boy!"

Weiss and Blake were silent. While Logan was going through all the knowledge he had on the human anatomy trying to find a way to help Jaune. Then Auren spoke up.

{Auren} "Repeat after me. Its the best help we can give."

{Logan} "Alright!"

[Logan] "Jaune listen to my voice! Imagine your aura as a river!"

[Jaune] "A... river?"

[Logan] "Yes! Now imagine that river is your aura. Imagine it flowing through your body. From the top of your head, to the tips of your fingers, to the bottom of your feet. Imagine it flowing in a loop steadily throughout your body. In a slow and steady loop."

Jaune's aura glow started shrinking at a steady pace. When it was a few millimeters thick, he opened his eyes. As he slowly got to his feet, his eyes shown shock. Jaune started gripping his hands as he tested his new found power. Everyone was relived, everyone except Logan. Logan had a questioning look pastured on his face, as everyone looked at him including Jaune.

[Logan] "Odd, your aura is less then mine, but not by much. From what I can tell, your aura should be stronger then this. How do you feel?"

[Jaune] "I feel great! I had minor knee pains from a injury a few days ago, but it feels like it was just a dream! And I feel stronger then before, like I could bust concrete!"

As Logan continued to examine him, he came to a conclusion. Everyone could see it on his face, but no one could tell what. Until they had an idea when he spoke.

[Logan] "Hey Jaune. Could I barrow your shield?"

[Jaune] "Sure..."

Jaune handed over his shield after he took his sword out and stabbed the ground with it. As Jaune handed the shield over, he had a sense of dread wash over him. Nagini took off and landed on Ruby's head. Logan took the shield and braced himself up behind it. Ozpin and Glenda watched from a distance to see what was happening.

[Logan] "Okay! Hit me!"

[Jaune] "What?"

[Logan] "Hit me as hard as you can. If I'm right, you have two semblances and one is active right now. That, or its something else. The only way to test that is for you to hit me. Plus if your shield breaks, I'll fix it. Now, HIT ME!"

[Jaune] "Okay. Here I go."

Ozpin and Glenda watched as Jaune backed up a few steps then rushed and swung at the stationary Logan. What happened next made everyone's eyes, including Logan's, go wide. In Logan's mind, he found out a that Jaune did not have two auras like he thought. But he found a new application for aura as he soared through the air with a busted shield, bent backwards arm, and blood coming out his mouth.

Glenda rushed to Logan, while Ozpin rushed to the teams of RWBY and JNPR. As Ozpin arrived, he demanded to know what had occurred. While they were explaining what had happened, Logan's voice rang out with laughter. As their heads turned towards Logan's and Glenda's direction, they could see him limping over to them followed by Glenda trying to help him and tell him off at the same time. While Auren was berating him from the inside of his mind.