New Start with a Dream (Complete)

As the Goddess Karma watched as Logan left, she could feel that they were being watched. Once Logan left, Karma called out to the watcher. She knew who it was, so she was unfazed by his behavior.

Karma: "Auren, please don't just watch. You could have introduced yourself at least."

Auren: "It was your realm of expertise. I would have only confused him."

Karma: "You'll never change will you?"

Auren: "Yes. But what did you give him to change that world? Too much power and the world itself will treat him as an enemy and will try to eliminate him."

Karma: "I've already dealt with it. All that's left is up to him. In that world, it's hard to grow and he will be challenged by it as well."

Auren seemed to agree with Karma and left it at that. As he faded away, he gave thought to the young soul that just past through. Even Auren wished the young soul luck on his journey.


Logan felt himself fade from wherever he was, after what seemed like several minutes to him, he was greeted by an transparent screen in-front of him. He had appeared in a pure white void.

Name: ???

Age: [To be determined]

Race: ???

Semblance: ???

Aura: ???

Abilities: Void storage [3cubic meters]

Shop: Armor, Weapons, Ammo, skills/abilities, Powers

Missions: [F(Easy)-A, S, SS, SSS(near impossible)]

Underneath it was a mouse and keyboard, and he had regained his physical body back. Logan was stunned as he saw all this appear before him. It reminded him of all the games his wife used to play, things like Skyrim, Bioshock, Red Dead Redemption, Half-life. He remembered all the times he spent with her as she played, watched the anime she loved, or the manga she read. As he looked at the screen, trying to figure out what he wanted to be, a memory of his wife's favorite story flashed through his mind. The story of the Phoenix. The story of death and rebirth, and that every end has a new beginning. As he went and typed in the race part of the screen, a notification popped up.

[Error. Selected race {Phoenix Faunus} cannot be used as there is no tribe like that.]

Logan was surprised he couldn't use it as a race option. As he thought about it, he realized that the innate abilities of the Phoenix were too powerful, so he tried something else. As he typed in what he thought would work, he was surprised that it did. The screen now looked like this.

Name: Logan Scarlett

Race: Scarlet Hawk Faunus

Age: [To be determined]

Semblance: Phoenix fire {accommodates all that has to do with fire/heat}

[WARNING: This semblance will drain aura fast! Use with caution.]

Aura: ???

Abilities: Void storage [3cubic meters]

Shop: Armor, Weapons, Ammo, skills/abilities, Powers, materials, and items

Missions: [F(Easy)-A, S, SS, SSS(near impossible)]

[Accept?] [YES] / [NO]

Logan looked upon what he had typed. He saw that he will be making it hard for himself with it as is, and a feeling he once forgotten started to resurface. The feeling of excitement started rearing it's head. Calming himself, he had to think of when and where he will be after he accepts.

Logan: (to himself) "I have to calm down. If I rush, there's no way to tell where I'll end up. I could end up at some random grim infested forest. I wish I could ask where I would end up"

???: "Answer: you can choose where you will be placed."

A synthetic voice spoke and answered his question. The voice nether sounded like a male or female. It was robotic in nature.

Logan: "Who said that?"

System A.I. : "Answer: I am the system A.I. I answer any basic questions for you until you leave this area. After which, I will give you missions at random with no further contact then that."

Logan: "That so? Then, give me a breakdown of this screen and it's abilities."

A.I. : "At once. The first basic function of this is to help you keep track of your well being. Second, to help you organize and sort your abilities, weapons, armor, ammo, item, and powers. Third, to give you missions to help further your goal."

Logan: "Thank you. Next, I see a shop function. Can I exchange Lien for Shop credit and vice versa?"

A.I. : "Answer: Yes if you wish for it, I can make it so."

Logan: "Please do. Next question. You said that I could set where I wanted to be brought to right?"

A.I. : "Yes, as long as it won't interfere with important events like Summer Rose's death or Penny Polendina's creation for example. UPDATE: 100 Lien can be exchanged for 1 System Point."

Logan: "That makes sense and damn. It looks like it's going to be hard to receive points. Can I sell things I get and can you explain the shop in detail?"

A.I. : " The answer is yes. The shop has several categories to choose from. Armor: this category is armor from your original world, the RWBY world, and other worlds. The armor from other worlds besides yours and RWBY, will be changed out every year and new stock will appear. The same is said of the Weapons category. Ammo is similar as well. The Skills/Abilities are things like lock-picking, sword based fighting, stealth, and cooking. Powers are powers that come from other worlds like the Sharingan, Devil abilities, and others. Warning: these will drain your aura extremely fast. Materials and Items are simple things that can be found or bought in the world such as steel, wood, clothes, and proper hygiene equipment."

Logan: "Thank you, now my question is about the missions. What are they?"

A.I. : "The missions are missions. They will help you on your journey and give out awards according to how they were completed and the rank assigned. It is also possible for missions that Hunter's take on to become missions and give out rewards equivalent to its rank.

Logan: "Okay..."

Logan mentally sighed at the answer he received. He was expecting more of how they worked more or less. His thoughts then descended onto where will he be once he enters the world. Where will he choose, and why. His thoughts decided on five possibilities.

1) Enter near Tai Yang's house when both Ruby and Yang are young

2) Enter near Blake's home and handle the White Fang early before Adam does

3) Enter near Neo when Roman finds her

4) Enter somewhere in Vale a few years before Ruby's fights Roman

5) Enter and survive until the show's start.

As Logan contemplated what he should do, he started talking, making logical decisions to himself.

Logan: "If I head to Tai's house, I might not be able to change much. With Blake's, I might change it too much and many important events might not happen. Neo, as much as I love her cute childish voice, I might deal with Roman too soon. I will help her though if I get the chance, she deserves better then what she got. If I spend time in Vale before the start, I might not be able to change anything. My best option is to enter and survive while training. But the question is where? If I remember correctly, there were few avian tribes but they were wandering ones. My best bet is to make it so that I am ether found by one or born into one. Then see if there is anyway I can change the outcome of the show from there. The biggest events are the fight between Ruby and Roman, Blake's escape from Adam, Weiss defying her father, Raven leaving Tai and Yang. Man, I have my work cutout for me, that's less then half of what's would be considered important. The hardest thing for me would be getting into Beacon. The wandering tribes don't have the best reputation with kingdoms."

As he was thinking, Logan had an epiphany. He thought if he could change it. As by the time the main story starts, the avian tribes were wiped out in the Human/Faunus civil war. Wondering if this was a possibility, he asked the A.I.

Logan: "Hey A.I. , is it possible to create a avian tribe that survived the civil war?"

A.I. : "No, it is not possible. However, there are two tribes that have survived."

Logan: "I see. Those tribes must be what Goddess Karma meant by factions the authors didn't know about. Those tribes were probably hidden before the war started. What are the tribes?"

A.I. : "Scanning. Result: One is the 'White Owls' tribe. A tribe that has owl-characteristics and are a solitary tribe with no outside interactions. They live deep within mountains in a snowy region far in the north past Atlas. The other is the a united tribe full of random avian species and other Fuanus. This tribe is called 'United Sky'. They believe that all who live under the sky should be united under one equal banner. They are a peaceful tribe, but it is a smaller tribe of about 200 people. A town size is about 600 smallest to give as an example. They are small and do not have much in fighting potential. Currently on the continent of Menagerie."

Logan: "The only option of those two is the 'United Sky'. If its with them, I might be able to change things for the better. Hmm. I want to be reborn as an infant that gets picked up by a Hunter of 'United Sky'."

A.I. : "Understood. Please design what you want to look like and then accept."

As the A.I. said this, a second transparent screen popped up next to the first with a hologram of Logan's current looks behind it. Logan sighed as he looked upon the hologram with his face, he was by no means ugly nor good looking. His face had sharp lines and soft curves that gave him a decent look with short warm brown hair and brilliant blue eyes with flicks of grey. An odd sight yet the only one who noticed were his mother and his wife. His body was well built, every muscle tightly packed with no real bulk to them; most people didn't even realized that his body was a lot stronger then he let on with a height of 6' 1-2". The only difference between the hologram and Logan were that the hologram had a pair of massive dark colored hawk wings on its back about 22' long. The screen in front of it had several options with sliders and numbers amongst other stuff.

Logan decided to keep his looks mainly while changing a few things. His new wings were dark brown with white tips despite him now being a scarlet hawk Faunus. He changed them to be a dark crimson scarlet color that faded into a burnt golden color towards the tips. Next, he changed his hair, he made it somewhat spiky and longer, but not much. As for the color, he copied Ruby's style and followed his wing's color pallet. Logan kept his eyes the same for some contrast with the colors. Once he was finished, he noticed a slider that had age to the left of it. Curious, Logan slide it and watched the age of the hologram change. Logan played with it as he saw how his wing were to develop to how they fared when he was old.

Logan: "I see. I would have wings since birth. But their similar to how baby chicks are. They'll be there but without any feathers. I guess I won't be able to move them till about 3-4 months old. After which, I would just flail them around. The annoying thing would be sleeping, but that's a small thing to deal with."

As Logan was talking to himself, he finished designing how he would look. His overall appearance didn't change much, but to him, he looked like a new man. Logan did a once over as he checked both screens to make sure that he wouldn't miss something. Satisfied, Logan went to hit 'yes' to accept when a sudden thought occurred to him. His mind started racing about what ifs. What if he failed to change the outcome of the world? What if he made everything worse? What if he changes it so much that he can't do anything to stop it? As these thoughts flashed in his mind, one after another after another. One of his grandfather's saying, one of the few people in his family that cared for him, escaped his mouth.

Logan: "If you ever come to a crossroads, just ask yourself. Are you willing to take a step and regret not trying? Or will you jump feet first, even if it's into hell itself and not regret a thing? The biggest thing you need to know is yourself. It's your choice."

As these words escaped his mouth, all the doubts disappeared as if they never existed in the first place. Steeling himself, Logan hit 'yes' and listen to the A.I. as it started speaking. His doubts, non existent. His mind, made up. His determination, solid. Logan was ready.

A.I. : "Confirmed. Rebirth starting in 10 seconds. 10... 9... 8..."

Logan: "My dear Ava, I will keep our promise. And if you let me, start over in a better life."

Ava (Ghost): "Go ahead, you've earned it"

Logan: "AVA!?!?"

A.I. : " 2.. 1... "

Logan, knew for a fact that he had heard his wife. And she had given him the go ahead. But before if he could ask why or how, he vanished. Karma had given to him, her gift.


Somewhere in a forest, a small child could be heard crying. A large figure slowly approached the child, a hooded travel cloak covered him and shrouded his face. Once the figure's feet were in front of the child, it keeled down and gently picked up the crying child. As the figure arms wrapped around the child, it's crying slowed down and then died off, as if accepting the figures embrace. The figure pulled back its hood to reveal the man's face. His hair and eyes were coal black, his face looked like it was chiseled from stone by an artisan's masterful hand. His hair was short and windswept back with a full beard the same color as his hair,connected to it. Atop his head stood two fox ears that had white fur inside them The man could have been a man of unparalleled beauty if it wasn't for the three scars that ran diagonal acrossed his face from the left to right. The child had scarlet red hair and crystal blue eyes with flicks of grey in them. Upon the child's back were a pair of wings that were starting to get feathers. Wrapped around its legs was a tattered grey blanket. Attached to it with a pin was a letter. The man removed it and read it aloud to himself and the child.

Man: " 'My son whom I cherish more then my own life, I will leave you in the hands of a trusted friend of mine. I cannot take you with me anymore as my enemies are closing in on me. Your name is Logan Scarlett, my son and world. Live your life free, free as the birds in the sky. I love you. Goodbye.' Logan, huh? Seems your old man had to leave you here. Whatever his reason, I shall take care of you in his and his friend's stead. From now on, I'm your father."

The man then took the young boy with him. Unknown to him that he had just changed the world. For the better or worse, that was yet to be seen.

The man had walked with the child for the better part of two hours. The child was fast asleep in his arms, the grey blanket wrapped around him to keep him warm. Soon the duo approached a fortified town of about 200 people. This was the current base of 'United Sky', a small town that has similar reasons that the 'White Fang' was formed, but they wish for peace for all under the sky. And now that they reached Menagerie, they could settle down for now. As the duo approached the gate, a group of armed guards spotted them. One, who appeared to be the leader, waved and spoke to the man once he got close enough.

???: "Hey, Azrael! Good to see you back! Hmm? What do you got there?"

Azrael: " Hello, Mike. A child. I found him in the woods abandon. There was a letter on him. Apparently this boy's father had enemies that were after him. He was going to hand the boy off to a trusted friend, but was never able to. Take a look at the letter for yourself."

The man know as Azrael hands over the letter to Mike. After reading it, Mike handed it back to Azrael, who in turn placed it in his pocket. Mike was a human with average features and looks. Almost generic to a fault.

Mike: "Man that's sad. Wonder who his dad is? And were he is now. So, you gonna keep him? Or hand him over to someone else?"

Azrael: "Me and Sophia were trying to have a baby, I'll see if she is willing to take him in. I rather not just hand him over to someone else, besides, I feel like I was directed to him."

Mike: "What do ya mean?"

Azrael: "I felt like I was pushed in his direction by something. But no matter, I'll convince Sophie to take him in. The little guy seems to like me."

Mike the guard just shook his head. He knew Azrael and he would never bring trouble the the town. Mike and the rest of the guards, who hear their conversation, let them through the gates. Once they were inside, Azrael held Logan a little higher and said.

Azrael: "Here we are, Logan. Your new home."

Unbeknownst to Azrael, Logan was being quite as he had been screeming to the system at the mission he was given.

[Mission Start! Mission: Cry until someone comes to pick you up. Fail to attract anyone will result in death! Rewards: Starter pack, random blue-print, and 1000 System Points.]