New Home, New Family

Logan: 'What kind of mission is that!? I fail and die if no one finds me? *Mental sigh* Well, at least I was found'

As Logan was contemplating his first mission, he received a new notification. As he looked he wasn't surprised at what it was. In his mind was a transparent screen with the notification.

[Mission complete. Dispensing rewards: Starter Pack, Random Blue-print, and 1000 System Points]

Logan: 'From what I can guess, the starter pack is basically a loot box. The random blue-print is pretty self explanatory as with the system points.'

[Do you wish to use the Starter Pack and Random Blue-print? YES / NO ]

Logan: 'At least it comes with some assistance. YES.'

[Opening Starter Pack... Received: 'TBS' survival shoulder bag (Tactical M.O.L.L.E. Bag 3 Function Ultra-Light Multi-Purpose Travel Pack), Carbon Steel 18' Kukri, Steel Hatchet. Using Random Blue-print... Received, Please choose: {Gen 3 'Colossal Juggernaut' class heavy Juggernaut armor blue-print} or {Fallout 4 light leather armor blue-print}

Logan: 'Okay, I can see the starting pack being like that. But the random blue-print? I like the ability to choose between the two; one I can use in the future, yet the other one was still only in the concept phase before I died! It was suppose to be an exo-suit armor that had a mini-gun built into it on its arm. The idea behind it was simply, 'why not?'. I mean, come on! *Mental sigh* I choose the Fallout 4 Leather armor! At least this on can work around my wings. I hope.'

[Acknowledged. Everything sent to Void Storage]

Logan: 'Now that's taken care of, I better rest. I can't do much as a baby.'

Logan had settled down as not to waste any energy. And since he was a baby he couldn't do much anyway. So he decided to sleep for now.

[Mission Start! Unlock your aura before 10 years old. Rewards: Random Blue-print and Random ability]

Logan: ' (-_-') Well... I'll start when I'm older. I can't really DO anything right now."


As Azrael walked through the villages, several people called out to him. Asking seeming random things, like how was the hunting? Or how is he doing? One even asked if his wife was finally pregnant. Azrael answered the best he could, except for the one about his wife, he punched to one who said that in the arm, telling him to mind his own business. As he approached his home with Logan in his arms, he smiled at it's appearance.

The house was two storied with an addition on the side, a little larger then a story. The house and addition were made from sawed and shaped oak logs in a rectangle design with a steep peaked roof made from oak planks. All houses in the village shared the same lumber type for building materials. As he approached the front door, he suddenly could hear a shout from inside.

Hurriedly shifting Logan in to his left arm, Azrael used his right to shoulder-check the door open, nearly taking it off the hinges. Once inside, Azrael shouted for his wife. Hoping that it was nothing.

Azrael: "Sophia!"

Sophia: "AZ!!!"

Suddenly a blur tackled Azrael, hitting him directly in his chest. When he looked down at what had tackled him, he saw a mess of long white silky hair. Pushing back the mess of hair relieved a women whose beauty could rival the gods. She had long white hair that reached her waist with two white fox ears that blended in with her hair. She was about 5'10' and her body had an hourglass shape. Her face, even with tears, could give world class models a run for their money. Her eyes were smoky grey with flicks of amber mixed in them. Even though she was crying, her eyes shown excitement.

Sophia: "AZ! We did it!"

Azrael: "You mean?"

Sophia: "YES! I'm pregnant!"

Azrael grabbed and hugged his wife with one arm, while making sure that Logan wasn't gonna get crushed. After they held each other for a bit, they broke up. Both of them, their eyes shown with joy. Azrael then remember Logan, and quickly brought him to her attention.

Azrael: "Sophia, I know your happy about this, I am as well. But, while I was out hunting, I stumbled across a child. This child."

Azrael then handed the sleeping Logan to Sophia. Once she took him into her arms, a wave of protective feelings washed over Sophia. She didn't know why, but she feel in motherly love for Logan.

Sophia: "What happened?"

Azrael: "I was on my way back when I heard him cry. When I picked him up, he calmed down, on his blanket was a letter. Here."

Azrael then took out and handed the letter to his wife. As she read it, he continued on. She only half listening.

Azrael: "From what I could tell, he was there for a while but no longer then a few hours. According to the letter, his father had enemies he couldn't outrun. He was planing to hand him off to a trusted friend. Who he was wasn't answered in the letter. I was thinking of taking him in, as our child... Uh... Sophia dear?

Sophia had finished to letter and crunched it in her hand then throw it away. Afterward, she started walking around the sparsely furnished house grabbing materials. The first thing she grabbed was a large wicker basket and then some clean towels; once she was satisfied, she entered the kitchen with Azrael following behind. She then set the basket down on the table, next with one hand she skillfully made the basket up into a simple bed for Logan. All while Azrael watched from behind, stunned, and with her humming an old tune. Once she was done, she had felt Logan's growing wings, laid Logan down on his stomach. Turning around to face Azrael, she looked him dead in the eyes, hers could have froze hell, and said a few simple words.

Sophia: "Az, we now have a child with another on the way. I don't care if his father comes saying he wants him back. He abandon Logan in the woods. I will fight him if he does. Logan is our responsibility from now on."

Azrael, who had known his wife since they were kids, was afraid. He had many names when he was a Hunter, and he was never afraid then before he retired. Now he was terrified of his wife. This was the first time she spoke like this that he knew of, even when she was a Hunter. Her kind, loving, and energetic demeanor she had throughout her life, ether was amplified when she seen Logan or they became overcharged now that she was pregnant.

Azrael: "Yes, dear."

Sophia: "Good. Now we're going to need rooms for them in the future. But for now, we need a crib for Logan. Can you go see if Johnson will make one?"

Azrael, not missing the subtle hint that it was more of a command, rushed out of the house. Logan, who was awoken by Azrael's door bashing and scream, hear all of it. Trying to keep calm and act asleep, he tried not to think about the future too much.

Logan: 'She must have massive motherly instincts that kick into overdrive. As beautiful she is, she is terrifying. I do NOT want to get on her bad side. Lets see my stats for now and then plan from there. STATS.'

Name: Logan Scarlett

Race: Scarlet Hawk Faunus

Age: 2 months

Semblance: Phoenix fire {accommodates all that has to do with fire/heat}

Aura: Locked

Abilities: Void storage [3cubic meters]

Shop: Armor, Weapons, Ammo, skills/abilities, Powers, Materials, Items

Missions: [Mission Start! Unlock your aura before 10 years old. Rewards: Random Blue-print and Random ability]

Void Storage: [TBS' survival shoulder bag (Tactical M.O.L.L.E. Bag 3 Function Ultra-Light Multi-Purpose Travel Pack), Carbon Steel 18' Kukri, Steel Hatchet, Fallout 4 light leather armor blue-print]

Store Points: 1000

Logan: 'Okay, not much to go on but I can work with it. I wasn't special ops for nothing. Now, how can I change the story? Since I'm on Menagerie, I think, I can start with ether Blake's or Weiss's problems. If I remember correctly, Weiss's problems started with her mother, Willow, died to an Fuanus teen after his father was killed in an mining accident and she didn't know that he was hired unofficially. By the time she realized that, it was too late. With Blake, she was being constantly tricked by Adam, who thought of her as his property, man I hated that. Even with his so called 'revival', the guy was a ***. Next, it all depends on where I go. If I head to Vale, I can work with whoever I find, Neo is one I will definitely help. I always felt sorry for Neo, she had a rough life. Parents that beat her then tried to sell her, when she met Roman, he turned a poor little girl into a monster for his own gain. Even her death wasn't about her, she died after speaking TWO WORDS! "For Roman!" was all she said before a literal shot-for-shot copy of Roman's death! Her only time speaking and she then dies? RoosterTeeth tried to pull a 'Game of Thrones' stick; it didn't work and they got shit for it. With Ruby and Yang, yes what happened to them with Summer and Raven was sad, but Tai hung in there with them and became the best parent anyone could ask for. That's good for now, let's see what the shop has. SHOP.'

[Shop: Armor, Weapons, Ammo, Skills/Abilities, Powers, Materials, Items]

Logan: 'With aura, armor is really useless, unless it's like Ironman's armor or Master Chief's. Weapons and ammo I'll need in the future. Skills/Abilities are things that are common place in the world, while Powers aren't really from this world. Materials and Items I can get in time. But for now, let's see WEAPONS.'

[Shop: Weapons: Rifles, Pistols, Shotguns, Melee, Other, Blue-prints]

Logan: 'As much as I want to get my AR-15 back, I won't be able to use it for a while. I'm also curious about other, and blue-prints is easy to understand. Best to get some sort of ranged attack. PISTOLS.'

[Shop: Weapons: Pistols: Displaying]

What the screen displayed was a massive list of pistols. Ones that ranged from simple flintlocks to the most recently made pistols on the market from both Earth and Remnant. Deciding on a simple Glock17 Gen 4 (9mm comes with 2 magazines filled), he was pleasantly surprised that he could change a few things about it. But when he added a suppressor to it, he watched as the price jumped up from 750sp to 1000sp.

Logan: "If I buy it now, I'll have nothing to get anything else. I decided to buy a Glock as it was the cheapest at 750sp. From what I can tell, any attachments jump the price up quite a bit. I'm not sure about buying it now. I rather use the points when I need them. CLOSE. I wonder whats in store for me in the future?


9 Months Later

9 months had passed since Azrael and Sophia took Logan in. The town, Unus (One), welcomed him with open arms. As well as the joy as they watched the usually kind, energetic and loving Sophia turn into the very doting parent ever since they took in Logan. She used to let Azrael cook but now with Logan, she tries at every opportunity to cook for her family. Even if she nearly burnt down their house. Logan had turned a year old when it happened. Sophia's water broke and she went into labor. Currently, he was being held outside the room she and Azrael were in as she was giving birth.

Azrael: "Push dear PUSH!"

Sophia: "I AM! *Pained Groans* Hah...Hah...*Pained Groans*"

Mid-Wife: "Almost there... A little more... There! Congratulations it's- Wait. Azrael come quick! I need your hands! She's having twins!

Azrael: "Wha-"

Mid-Wife: "Come! Here take this one. Come on Sophia, almost there.....Aaannnddd It's out! Con graduations Sophia, you've had twins! You have twin girls! What's their names?

Azrael: "Give her some time to breath. If we had the equipment, she would have had an easier time. This was hard on her."

Mid-Wife: "Sorry. It's not that often that twins are born. Here, clean and wrapped. Take your time and rest, their names can come later once you've rested.

Sophia: "Thank you... I'm good... enough to give them... their names now. I was thinking of Ebony and Ivory because of their hair color."

Azrael: "How about Mia and Maya. I at least don't want them to realize that they were named based off their hair color."

Sophia: "Your right. If they're anything like us, they wouldn't like it.... I've got one. How about...."