Return of the Hero

Logan: "Ahh. I feel like I was hit by a truck." Logan mumbled to himself after he had awoken. "That Grimm was more annoying then difficult to fight. Ahh, FUCK! My back is killing me. Ah ah, that's what I get for dropping my guard." Logan continued to grumble as he slowly stood up. Soon he was assaulted by a notification.

[Mission Complete! Mission: Survive! A surge of Grim is on it's way to the town of Unus! They are being lead by a Grim Lord called, 'The Imitator'! (Passed)

1) Last and defeat all waves and Grim Lord. Rewards: 1,000 Store Points, Earth Weapon Crate, Random Ability Choice Pack (2) Rank: (A) (Passed)

2) Last and defeat all waves and Grim Lord without any casualties. Rewards: 2,000 Store points, Predator Bow (Crysis), Custom Armor Crate. Rank: (S) (Passed)

3) Solo all waves and the Grim Lord. Rewards: 5,000 Store Points, Systema Martial Arts, Healing Factor (Very Weak), Hephaestus's Blessing (Weak). Rank: (SS) (Passed)

Number of Grimm Killed:

Nevermores x20, Griffins x30, Manticores x10, Deathstalkers x10, Sabyers x15, Beringels x5, Ursa x10, Beowolfs x50, Boarbatusks x50, Grimm Lord x1 - Aura Recovery Pill (Perfect) x2 = Total: 2625sp

Updating new status. One moment please.]

Logan groaned at the the sight of it as his head was pounding. Logan stood unsteadily as he surveyed the sight of his battle with Grimm horde. What he saw was a vast plane riddled with craters, gouges, tears, and several hills made from mounds of newly moved soil. As Logan took a step, a wave of nausea washes over him and he drops to his knees and hands. Pain flares up in his back, nearly making him pass out. Doing his best to withstand the nausea, another notification popped up showing his status.


Name: Logan Scarlett

Race: Scarlet Hawk Faunus

Age: 10 yrs

Semblance: Phoenix fire {accommodates all that has to do with fire/heat}

- Ash-Born: Manipulation of ash and storage on body with ash tattoos (items take up space on the body depending on the size of the object.)

- Locked


Aura: 100%

Abilities: Void storage [10 cubic meters], Chakra (Aura) Control (D), Systema Martial Arts, Healing Factor (Very Weak), Hephaestus's Blessing (Weak)

Shop: Armor, Weapons, Ammo, skills/abilities, Powers, materials, and items

Void Storage: Earth Weapon Crate, Random Ability Choice Pack (2) , Predator Bow (Crysis), Custom Armor Crate, TBS' survival shoulder bag, Carbon Steel 18' Kukri, Steel Hatchet, (DMC5) Ebony and Ivory pistols with conversion magazines, Black Jade (Sniper/axe) {Broken}, Grimm Reaper (mg42 scythe){Broken}

Blue-Prints: 2

Store Points: 10625


Logan fell to his stomach as the notification appeared in his head. Trying his best for any little relieve of the pain he feels. As he thinks about what to do, he acts.

Logan: 'System, activate my healing ability and use my aura to speed it up. After that, open the random ability choice packs.'

[Acknowledged. One moment.]

Logan soon felt a wave of warmth flow through his body as his injuries healed at a visible rate if anyone saw. And soon, Logan's back was healed, but at a cost.

[Healing complete! Warning! Due to the state of the injury, Host wings are lost. Host must fully unlock their semblance to make a full heal.]

Logan: "Damn, I just got used to them! *sigh* Mother is going to freak..." Logan sighed at the notice then facepalmed at the thought of his mother finding out. He could already imagine the tears she would have.

Logan stood as the nausea left his body. As he tried to move, Logan stumbled a bit at his center of balance was changed drastically. Doing simple movements, he got a bearing of how to walk right. As Logan when to leave the plains to head to Kuo Kuana, a white object caught his eye. On further inspection, the object was a mask. The mask that the Grimm Lord was wearing when it turned into a shadow version of Logan, complete with ethereal blue colors instead of red. It appeared to be a full face mask with the eye-sockets empty and open so that the mask didn't obstruct eyesight. The majority of it was skeletal in look, with blue lines similar to that of rolling curves like waves around the bottom and sharp lines around the eyes like storms. It gave the feeling of a mask for tribal rituals from the sea. As Logan was handling the mask, the system popped up with another notification.

[Please choose which ability you want:

Master Crafter (Due to long years of working with tools you've inherited, You've become proficient with all tools.) OR Aura Pulse ( A pulse of aura potent enough to render host invisible to everything for 30 Seconds, this effect is cancelled if host attacks or comes into contact with them.)

Fire manipulation [Weak] (Allows the host to manipulate fire ranging to 460 Celsius {860 Fahrenheit}). OR Master Chef (Gain masterful techniques and unparalleled skill with all cooking tools.)]

Logan looked over the options he was giving from the Random Ability Packs and weighted his options carefully. After debating with himself, Logan chose Aura Pulse and Fire manipulation [Weak].

Logan: 'With these, I'll at lease be able to hide and survive for now. Aura pulse is similar to that one character's ability from that Rainbow siege game or whatever it was called. With this, I can hide and sneak wherever and whenever I need. The fire manipulation is useful when you know what to use it for. Cooking, metal-working, distractions, or a simple light; all it matters is how you use it.' Logan thought as he walked to the woods where he came from. As he walked, Logan checked over his status. 'Hey System? I want somethings to change.'

[Please designate what host wishes to change]

Logan: 'Please sell the sell Systema Martial Arts, modify the status page so that it's in a drop down format, and open up the store in the abilities page.'

[Acknowledged. Systema Martial Arts sold for 1,000 SP. Opening store abilities:

Cooking: 50sp

Sneaking: 100sp

Sewing: 50sp

Construction: 100sp


Logan took his time as he scrolled through the options as he walked. By the time he had reached the tree line, night was fast approaching. With his low aura, Logan knew that he had to spend the night in the woods as he would be unable to travel at night. Finding a decent place to camp, Logan began to busy himself to make a fire pit. Taking out his survival bag, kukri, and hatchet; beginning by digging a small pit with the hand trowel that came with the bag, cutting some brush with the hatchet, and making some tinder with the kukri. Building up his small fire and taking out a tinderbox, Logan got to work on making a small fame to start. After a couple of unsuccessful tries, Logan managed to make a campfire. With the fire going well, Logan left to gather some more bush for the night from nearby. Keeping close enough to keep an eye on the fire while his mind was racing with thoughts.

Logan: 'I need to get a time frame of when the story starts. So far what I know is: Ghira, Blake's father, just became the chief less then a year ago and I don't know how old she is currently; Willow Schnee's father, Nicholas Schnee, is still CEO of Schnee Dust Company, and Weiss's age is unknown; Yang and Ruby's age is unknown as well, as is their current status; Neo's age and location is unknown and if she is with Roman or not. Once I can get to Kuo Kuana, I can estimate the time frame.' Logan rapidly thought as he was crouched down picking up some sticks.

As he was crouched down two figures observed him from afar, both concealed by shadows. Once Logan was done and had returned to his fire, the two figures silently moved closer to Logan's position, doing their best to flank him and get as close as they could. Once they were with in 10 feet of Logan, he suddenly disappeared. Panic swelled up in the two figures as they rushed into his campsite. As the two figures were washed in the light of the campfire, they were reviled to be a man and women. Both wore tight fitting leotards that were dark in color and had dark tan skin coloration with darker spots dotted around their bodies. Both had dark colored hair, while the man had brilliant blue eyes and the woman had silver-grey eyes. They both had simple dust weapons and were lightly geared. From their eyes, Logan was their target and they were in a panic after watching him disappear in front of them.

Logan on the other hand, had activated his Aura Pulse to see if it would work. Little did he know that it would cause unexpected results. As Logan sat there, he watched as two unknown people arrived and started to search in a panic as they were unable to see him. Logan reacted as soon as they appeared in front of him, moving as fast and as quietly as he could he reached the woman with ease. Logan got behind her and kicked the back of her knees and pointed Ebony, in his left hand, at her head and Ivory, in his right, at the man. All this happened in less then a second.

Logan: "Who are you?! Identify yourselves!" Logan's voice echoed as he shouted at them. His words shocking and scaring them as the sudden outburst was unexpected. They, who were not on guard, were taken back at his authoritative voice. Trying not to be seen as a treat, the man slowly raised his hands.

Jones: "Hey, Hey! Easy there. We mean you no harm. My name is Jones and she is Anna. We were sent from Kuo Kuana. Your Logan, right? Your father, Azrael, got there two days ago and had the entire town put on high alert. Something about a Grimm horde coming this way?"

Logan: "Okay Jones, lets say I believe you, then what? I may not seem like it, but I just fought ageist a Grimm that was leading that horde. And I'm sure that I told my father about it when I first spotted it. What did it look like?" Logan said as he was checking with his system. So far Logan found out that he had been out for at least a day after that fight. What happened next was that the woman, Anna, spoke even though she was held at gunpoint.

Anna: "I can answer that. It was and odd shape, similar to that of a blob of slime or gel. The mask looked like an carnival mask that had a skeleton design and instead of the normal read eyes and lines, it was an ethereal blue." She said with a voice filled with confidence.

Logan sighed as what she said was correct. Logan removed his guns from them and proceeded to pocket them in his jeans, what was left of them anyways. Then he simply walked back to the fire and sat down facing them. With a simple gesture, Logan invited them to sit with him. The man and woman gave each other a quick glance before joining Logan on the ground.

Jones: "Thank you.... Wait... What happened? If I remember, your suppose to have wings, right? Where are they?"

Anna: "I was wondering that as well. Plus, the description we were given about you is wrong as well. We were told that you had large red and gold wings, red hair; and, you have the next thing we were told, two pistols. One white and one black."

Logan started to explain from when he got a bad feeling that he decided to check out. He thought better to tell them that he was given a mission from something he really couldn't explain. And upon finding the horde, decided to call about it. To the face team of two that snuck-up on him. About how the three of them fought it together and to how they 'died' to the mysterious Grimm after it took their form. How he lost his wings, then to him being a punching bag. Then his wings and body beginning to smolder and catch fire because he had started to unlock his semblance partially. And finally by shear dumb luck that he defeated it.

Jones: "I see... But due to how unbelievable that is, we will have to see the battle field in the morning. I hope that you don't mind but, would you be so kind as to show us. We were tasked to find you as a forward scout party and find any evidence that we can confirm that the horde was real."

Anna: "We hope you understand."

Logan: "I don't mind. The weirdest thing about it, was that the Grimm let out a loud screech when it died. I didn't have any strength left when I passed out, so I didn't see what happened afterwards. I only woke up less then a few hours ago. When I did wake up, I found its mask that it wore." Logan had told them about his 'Ash-Born' part of his semblance. He had taken the mask and stored it on his leg. The broken weapons, [Black Jade] and [Grimm Reaper], were stored on the lower part of his back and stomach as his wings took up a large portion of the upper part of his chest and back. When they seen it, they were in shock once again as they thought it was a misunderstanding about the blue color. What they seen was the honest truth, the mask was unlike anything they have seen before. Worry settled upon the two, but for Logan, he was already accustomed to it and didn't mind it too much.

All too soon they trio passed out as the night wore on. In the morning, the group returned to the battlefield and took a multitude of pictures and prayed at the two graves Logan had prepared before he had set up camp. Once all was done, they quickly returned to Kuo Kuana were they were expected as Anna had called ahead. Logan was gonna be hailed as a hero and the 'two' that lost their lives would be commemorated there as well.