The Hero's Welcome

Logan stood outside the gates of Kuo Kuana with Jones, Anna, Azrael, and Ghira. Waiting for them to open the gates. Azrael and Ghira had met them a little away from the town as to keep the populous from rushing and surrounding them and being bombarded with questions. Ghira was the current chief of Kuo Kuana and he was anything but a pushover. Ghira is a tall, muscular man with black hair, a short beard and sharp yellow eyes. He wore a long purple tailed coat with silver metal spaulders he wore open, with tan pants and black boots. He is tall to say the least and has an intimidating aura around him, but he could have a good laugh and be blunt about his opinion. Which brings us to now. Logan retold the tale that he told Jones and Anna, to the two new comers. He even gave the two broken weapons of his to help give evidence of the tale.

Ghira: "I see. Those Hunters fought bravely, and to think that they cared little if you were a faunus or not. Plus that Grimm. A type capable of leading others, this is most concerning. The mask as well, to be dropped upon death." Logan had given the mask to Ghira, "I have never seen any like this. I will inform a trusted friend. He will have an idea of what this is and what to do in the future."

Azrael: "It's a shame that we can't meet the ones who passed, but their story will be passed on as heroes. But for now, my son, you've earned a rest. But I highly doubt your mother will let you rest. After all, you've lost your wings in the fight. But at least you survived, that's all I had wished."

Logan: "Thanks, I need it. But, can I ask a favor of you, Chief Ghira?"

Ghira: "Hahaha! Ghira is fine, young one. Please, what is it? If it's in my ability to do so, I will."

Logan: "I want you to say that there was a team of four that took care of the Grimm horde. And that I only found it by chance."

Azrael: "Logan! What are you asking?! This is too big as it already is. Plus, you fought in it as well. Why is it that you want no part of it?

Anna: "I wish to know as well. From our first encounter, you already have great skills. I fear it will be near impossible to hide it."

Logan: "I... I have heard about the 'White Fang'. About the leader that has taken up the mantle after the previous head stepped down. I fear that I would be used as some sort of pawn. A piece whose use is limited and would quickly be discarded."

Ghira: "Logan, where did you hear about them?"

Logan: "The villagers of my town talked about them. I also fear that some may join due to my actions. They also may use me as some sort of poster child to help with recruitment of other Faunus." Logan gave them a white lie.

Ghira: "I fear the boy maybe right. It's for the best that we keep what he did quiet. I know the high leader, she will try something like it."

Azrael: "I won't allow it! I don't care who she is, if she tries, she'll have to answer to me!"

Ghira: "I'm afraid that you don't understand. She'll do anything to get more followers, and I mean anything. She isn't above kidnapping or murder. I stepped down when the people wanted a... Less Idealist... leader for them. One who wasn't above violence and armed protests."

Logan: "You were the previous Head?!" Logan faked rather well, as to not get found out.

Azrael: "I see... I need to talk with Sophia. She won't like this. Not one bit."

Jones: "This is going to be a problem. If anyone sees Logan with us, they'll know that he has something to do with it. We don't have anyway to hide him and he can pass as a human as he now has no discernible Faunus features. They may treat him as that Mike guy."

Logan: "What happened to Mike?"

Ghira: "He had rocks thrown at him. He suffered a minor concussion and some bruising. The man maybe Human, but he never retaliated and took it all. I can see why he is a guard of yours. I talked with him and I can say without a doubt, I can trust him. He's not someone who is easily pushed away."

Azrael: "I trust him due to him being around since he and I were kids. I don't know any human more trust worthy. Heck, we played together most of the time until I became a Hunter. After that, he became a guard and that's that."

Logan: "We're getting off topic. Jones is right that I can't be seen. I doubt that they have been keeping tabs on the town enough that they will spot a new person, but we have to be prepared for what they throw at us. The best plan I can currently make is for me to go back to 'Unus' and wait for everyone to come back. This way we wouldn't have to deal with then 'White Fang' and having the Hunter's not appearing by saying that they had a mission to do will give us some leeway."

Azrael: "He's right. And if we stay out here any longer, the populous will come looking for us. I trust that Logan can take care of himself. I agree with his plan."

Anna: "I have no doubt he can, but, it's too risky. They may have placed spies around the town and 'Unus'. But, I have to agree as well. This is for the best."

Jones: "I agree."

Everyone looked towards Ghira. So far he has yet to give his opinion of Logan's plan. Even though Logan had the mind of a full grown adult, he was still just a kid.

Ghira: "I don't like this one bit. Even without saying any, there is too many 'if's'. We may be very well sending him into a trap. I fear that this is what they planed for. But this is the best course of action."

Azrael: "If anyone from 'Unus' asks about you, Logan, I'll say that they never let you help as you were too weak and stayed back and watched and kept track of the Grimm. If they ask about your whereabouts, I'll say that your on your way here. Taking your time to train and get stronger. I can't do much else."

Logan: "Thank you." Logan gave his thanks before quickly leaving.

Ghira: "Haaa. I kinda wanted him to meet my daughter. Azrael, your daughters became fast friends with her, and I hoped that he would as well. She's only 9, yet due to her being my daughter, she has hardly any friends."

Azrael: "Don't take it too hard. He's just like that. Besides, he's training to be a Hunter. He hardly talks to anyone his age in our village. At times he seems to be an old man, others he's another kid. But I don't mind one bit, he is my son. I trust him completely."

Logan ran from Kuo Kuana as fast as he could. Logan's fears had weight to them as he was correct that the White Fang had their eyes on him and were waiting for him to arrive. However, Anna was correct as well with the spies. As Logan ran, a group of Faunus were following at a distance and heading to Unus as well. Their speed was matched with Logan's and were staying close enough to see him but far enough away so that he couldn't see them.

Soon the group that was following Logan watched as he entered a open field and disappeared. Surprised, the group rushed out into the field looking for Logan. Hoping to find a trace of him or at least of where he went. The group comprised of several Fox, Bulls, and other Faunus all wearing baggy black pants and shirts with grey vests that have a red wolf head that is snarling with three diagonal claw marks behind it in red as well. Grey masks donned their faces to hid their identities.

{White Fang Member = WFM}

WFM1: "Damn. He's gone. There's no trace of him left.

WFM2: "Keep searching! He can't have gotten far!"

WFM3: "Could he have sensed us?"

WFM4,2,1: "No." "Impossible!" "Can't be." "I doubt it."

Logan had activated his [Aura Pulse] as soon as he entered the field. As the Group of Faunus rushed out, Logan had doubled back and hid on top of a tree. As he watched them, Logan recognized some of them. One was a man know as Tukson, a panther Faunus who later deserted and became a book store owner. Adam Taurus who is a type of Bull Faunus that manipulated Blake and is a crazed mad man. And Fennec and Corsac Albain brothers who were religious freaks that manipulated Illia to become a assassin. The other six were random members that Logan didn't recognize at all.

Logan: 'Well this is somewhat unexpected. I knew that I would be followed, but by some of the crazy-er ones is a surprised. From what Jones and Anna told me, Blake's 9 and that makes Adam at most 14 and from what I remember, he already has gone off the deep end. Jones hinted at that it was him the encouraged that boy to attack Willow Schnee. And I was wrong that she was killed, she was only injured, mentally scared from it, and started to distrust Jacques afterwards. From the time frame I could make, she already had Whitley. So that makes Weiss and Yang 9 as well and Ruby 6 or 7. Neo is two years older then them and that makes her at least 10 like me. So she is with Roman and if I'm right, their currently in Atlas as that's where Roman found her. The only problem there is where they are currently.' Logan deeply sighed as he remembered all he could. His mind racing as he thought of all that he wanted to do.

Logan sat in the tree as his [Aura Pulse] wore off. As much as the ability is good, the drawback was that it had a 5 minute cool-down before Logan could use it again. Logan watched as the group of White fang continued to search for him on the ground. Even with a group of ten, they had a lot of trouble to find one man. As Logan watched them, he had realized how very seldom few thought to look up when they search for things.

Logan: 'I'm not sure what would happen if I killed them all but Tukson. I don't know for sure that Blake will go to 'Beacon' afterwards. Adam was pretty important to the 'White Fang' and Blake currently. Tukson will desert in a while anyways, so if I spare him now I could have him owe me one.' As Logan was thinking, he could overhear them talking about him.

Tukson: "Okay, so what's the plan now? We've lost him and there is no sign of him anywhere."

Adam: "Simple. We keep searching until we do. He can't have gotten far; and once we do, we will have him to come back with us."

Fennec: "I agree, he's worth too much for him to be wasted in such a rotten town."

Corsac: "To seek piece with all, Human or Faunus, is foolish and stupid. A town like that should disappear." As Corsac said this, all the members of the group agreed except Tukson.

Adam: "I have an idea." He said. Getting all to focus on him. "When we find him, we capture him. If he doesn't compile, we burn the town down and blame it on those Hunters. And if that's not enough," He smiled, "We take his sisters and use them as leverage." They all start laughing, all except Tukson.

Tukson: "Your mad! Why?! Why do this?!"

The group stopped laughing and all turned on Tukson. Adam, who didn't have his mask or scar yet, looked at Tukson in the eyes. His eyes reflected his maddened and crazed mind.

Adam: "Looks like we had a casualty to those 'Hunters'. Men! Recover the body! Or don't, it makes no difference." A crazed smile donned his face. The group lunged at Tukson, with the intent to kill and torture. Their eyes reflected Adam's quite well.

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*