A Cat, Two Dogs, and a Bird

Logan: "HELP ME!!!" *Deep Growl*

Azrael: "Logan! What's wrong-" *Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

The three of them stared at Ghira's scroll as they heard something that made their blood run cold. They heard Logan's scream for help, followed by a deep growl, then the call was cut. Their minds ran wild as they thought of what could be wrong. Qrow went for his hip flask, only to find it missing.

Qrow: "Guys, I know that Logan is in trouble with something. But, has anyone seen my flask?"

Azrael: "That's not important right now! We have to get to your house right now, Ghira!"

-Flashback to a few minutes ago-

As Logan left the group of smugglers to the 'Black Fangs' and the rest, he walked as fast as he could to Ghira's home. His mind focused on getting out of the ridiculous clothes that belonged to Joey the smuggler. Logan all but sprinted to Ghira's house, taking the shortest possible route.

Logan: 'I gotta get out of these clothes. They're starting to chaff. And my boys down there are starting to feel it.' Logan thought as he walked past houses and cut through back allies. 'I need to plan for the future. I hadn't thought about it before till now. But with me being here, I've changed things here and there.... Wait... If... If that's a possibility, then I want to see it. Ozpin was always a bit of a d***, but to see him as a chick would make my day.' Logan thought as he slowly approached Ghira's home, having himself a good laugh. 'But in all honestly, with me being in this world, I changed a lot. Of it and me. I'm not sure how much of it has. My best op-'

[Mission Start! Mission: Survive; Rewards: Presence Detection (Passive)]

Logan's thoughts were interrupted as he walked into Ghira's home. As he entered, Logan was given a mission and tackled by three blurs. Two from each side and one from the front of him. As Logan was dazed, he felt himself being dragged into the house. Once the door was shut, the first thing that came to Logan was a smell, alcohol to be specific. As Logan was wondering why he smelled alcohol, he started to hear giggling. From three different female voices. Logan lifted his head just enough to see what was going on at his feet, from where he was being dragged from. What he saw actually shocked him. Blake was holding his legs and dragging him with Ava on the right helping her and Eva on the left helping her.

Logan: 'What the hell is going on? Why are they dragging me? And why do I smell alcohol?' he thought to himself. "Hey, girls? What's going on and why do I smell alcohol?"

The girls just ignored him while a small fit of laughter escaped their lips. Logan was confused as to why they were acting weird. He found the answer in their eyes. They were the eye's of someone who it is their first time being drunk. The slightly glazed eyes, the smell of alcohol on their breath, the giggles, and the irrational ideas that you believe are a great ones. The three of them all had the signs, and Logan only had one thought.

Logan: 'Shit.'

Logan saw that the stairs coming closer as the girls were dragging him. His mind flashed with what they could be doing, or in this case, what they want to do. With all the things flashing through his head, Logan's face rapidly became red. He then cleared his thoughts, remembering that they don't know anything too worrisome. He then heard Ava mumbling to herself.

Ava: "Hehe... Warm pillow..."

Logan: 'Not again...' Logan quickly scrambled in his [Void Storage] for his scroll. Once the trio saw the scroll in his hand, they turned. 'Shit!'

Logan kicked away from the three of them and ran. Ava recovered first and lunged at Logan. Logan twisted to the side and avoided her, but was tripped by Eva who came from behind. Swaying backwards due to Eva, Blake went for a tackle. Logan regained his balance and caught her. With her caught, Logan was toppled backwards and with a backwards roll tossed Blake away. As he stood up, Ava came at him with a high kick and Eva with a low leg sweep. Logan was forced to jump back into Blake, who was waiting for him. Blake grabbed Logan arm and swept his leg and through him to the ground. Logan landed hard and had to roll away from the sudden dog pile from Ava and Eva. Logan not wanting to deal with them anymore spread his ash around and blinded them temporary and activated his [Aura Pulse] and ran into a nearby bathroom to hide. Quietly closing the door, Logan took his scroll and went through his contacts. As he found Ghira's number, the door was slammed into by the girls.

Logan: "Shit! What's with them?"

Logan quickly formed a shield of ash, as soon as the door was busted open, Logan charged through. But he was met with a donkey punch to the back of the head from one of them. Another grabbed at his scroll and the third tried to pin him down. Logan gathered his ash onto his body and around his scroll. As he felt the three pile on him, Logan forced his ash out as hard as he could. As Logan felt that they were away from him, he quickly called Ghira.

Logan: "Come on... Come on... Yes!"

Ghira: "Hello-"

Logan: "HELP ME!!!" As Logan screamed for help, a loud and deep growl could be heard behind him. "Shit!" Logan shouted as Ava pounced on Logan, knocking his scroll away from him. Blake then came running on all fours and stomped on Logan's scroll as she charged to Logan.

Logan could make out just before Blake broke his scroll of his father yelling. Logan bucked his body and through off Ava but not in time for Blake to tackle him to the ground once again. Logan rolled with the hit and pinned Blake to the ground, face down with his knee on her back. Eva came at him from the front and tried to claw at him. The attack forced Logan to move away from Blake.

Logan: "Sorry girls. This has to end and I didn't want it to come to this."

Logan took a stance as the three girls slowly closed in on him. Ava from the left, Eva from the right, and Blake from in front. Logan took the first attack, now that he was on the offensive. Logan rushed Blake and gave her a swift uppercut to the stomach. Then quickly followed it up with a shoulder thrown to a quick hit to the head to knock her out. Ava and Eva attacked simultaneously with a punch and a kick with Logan in the middle. Logan quickly rotated on the spot, redirecting Ava's punch away and Eva's kick into Ava's stomach. Logan then gave Eva a palm to the chin to knock her out. Rotating Logan put Ava into a head-lock with one arm and knocked her out with a light hit to the head like he did with Blake. With panting breathing, Logan had successfully knock all three girls, though with quite a bit of trouble mostly on his part.

[Mission Complete! Rewards: Presence Detection (Passive)]

Logan: "What the hell? Why were they drunk and acting like that?" *Shiver*

Logan looked down at himself. The clothes that he was wearing were completely torn and trashed. It was a miracle that his pants were still in one piece, mostly. Logan let out a sigh and then turned his attention to the girls. As they lay on the ground, their faces showed no pain but complete blissful sleep. It was as if what happened not even a minute ago was real.Letting out another sigh, Logan began to pick them up and take them to Blake's room, starting with Blake. It took less then 2 minutes and by the time Logan reached the ground floor, Ghira, Azrael, and Qrow came bursting in through the front door. Their eyes immediately spotted Logan

Azrael: "Logan! You're okay! When your call cut out, we rushed here as fast as we could! What's wrong?"

Ghira: "Where's the girls?"

Qrow: "Uhh... What's with that look?"

What Qrow meant was that Logan was glaring at him. The other two were so focused on what happened to Logan that they missed it. Logan's look at Qrow was easily described with one word, annoyance. Complete and utter annoyance. Logan slowly walked towards Qrow with his eyes never leaving him. The three didn't know what was going on in Logan's head, but two of them knew that one of them didn't want to know. Logan soon stood in front of Qrow and gestured for him to bend down. Qrow wanted to get this over and knelt down to Logan's eye level. Qrow then opened his mouth to ask something but was never given the chance to. Logan had hit him with something and Qrow wasn't expecting it.

Logan: "You lost your flask." Logan said it as a statement, not a question.

Qrow: "Yea..."

Logan: "I found it. Along with three cups and it was empty."

Ghira: "Logan, what happened when you got here?"

???: "We would like to know as well."

The group of guys turned towards the new arrivals. Standing in the broken door way was Kali, Sophia, and Sienna with Kali looking very, very, mad. The aura she let of let the group of men knew they better had a very good answer.

Logan: "You can blame Qrow for this."

Qrow: "What?!?"

Logan: "It is your fault!"

Sienna: "Oh, this is gonna be good."

Kali: "Logan, explain."

Logan: "When I got here, I was assaulted by Ava, Blake, and Eva. And they were acting weird."

Sophia: "Weird how?"

Logan: "Like a teen that got wasted drunk and blacked out. I even smelled alcohol when I got here. And when they got me, they started to drag me to a bedroom, muttering about a warm body pillow. And I have never been afraid like that before. Hence why I called them and hoped that they were closer then they were. I had hoped that they could have got her to help me subdue them without hurting them. But, by the time they got here, I had already subdued them and put them in Blake's bed. And the reason they were acting blacked out drunk? Because they were blacked out drunk from Qrow's flask that he lost and they found."

Kali: "They got drunk. And tried to use you as a body pillow?"

Silence. Then laughter. The group of girls started to uncontrollably laugh. And Laugh they did, and they laughed hard. Qrow, Ghira, and Azrael started to as well, but were quickly silenced by Logan's glare. And Logan made sure to let Qrow know that he wasn't out of the woods yet himself with a well placed smack with his flask. Once the group of women calmed down from their laughing fit, Logan started to reprimand Qrow for losing his flask. After a few minutes, Sophia stepped in to save Qrow.

Sophia: "Logan, that's enough. I think Qrow got more then what was deserved. Kali, Ghira, would you be so kind to let Logan barrow your bath? With all that happened to him today, I believe he needs one to help him relax."

Kali: "I don't mind, and with what he just went through. I don't mind at all."

Ghira: "I agree. Logan, go ahead and take some time yo unwind. Once you get out, we can go over everything that has happened why you were away."

Logan: "Thank you for your kind generosity. If you don't mind, I'll excuse myself."


After Logan got out of the bath, he met up with the rest in the living room. Logan got the gist of what, Linzay, the smuggler group's leader wanted in exchange for their help in taking down the boss of the smuggler's operation that came in when Logan was bathing. As they were discussing what to do, Ava, Blake, and Eva came down stairs. All three were showing symptoms of being hungover. After a very long chastise, the three were very down trodden. When asked why they would even do such a thing, their response was unexpected to say the least.

Eva: "We did it because..."

Sophia: "Because what?"

Ava: "We wanted to become sisters!"

All: "What?!?"

Blake: "When I was reading, I came a crossed an old Mistralan ceremony. One that bonds people together. We did it to become sisters..." Her cat ears lay flat against her head. The same thing was happening with Ava and Eva.

Kali and Sophia giggled at this while Ghira and Azrael just smiled. Qrow and Sienna shook their head while smiling as well. Qrow then looked at Logan and broke the news to him.

Qrow: "Now you have another sister to look after."

Logan: "I figured... Now I got another headache to deal with"


Name: Logan Scarlett

Race: Scarlet Hawk Faunus

Age: 11 yrs

Semblance: Phoenix fire {accommodates all that has to do with fire/heat}

-Ash-Born: Manipulation of ash and storage on body with ash tattoos (items take up space on the body depending on the size of the object.)

- Locked (40%)


Aura: 100%

Abilities: Void storage [10 cubic meters], Chakra (Aura) Control (A), Healing Factor (Very Weak), Hephaestus's Blessing (Weak), Cooking (pro chief), Sneak (master), heighten reflexes (Peak), Sharp mind (Peak), Presence Detection (Passive) {New}

Shop: Armor/Clothing, Weapons, Ammo, skills/abilities, Powers, materials, and items

[Void Storage] Earth Weapon Crate, Custom Armor Crate, Predator Bow (Crysis), TBS' survival shoulder bag [Satchel], Steel Hatchet, "Dragon's Fire", "Fenrir's Heart"

Store Points: 10685
