Old Memories

Long into the night, a rhythmic sound for hammering rang out from Tokage's forge. As two figures could be seen at the epicenter of the harmonious sound. One hammering away, and one keeping the material hot, beyond what was possible

*Ping!* *Ping!* *Ping!* *Ping!* *Ping!* *Ping!* *Ping!*

Each hit resounded throughout the forge. Almost as if the one hammering away was in a trance. One so deep, that they could not be broken out of. The other, even more so. Each hit was full of life, full of passion. The heat sweltering, the material white hot.

*Ping!* *Ping!* *Ping!* *Ping!* *Ping!* *Ping!* *Ping!*... *HISS!*

Finally, with a hiss that reverberated in the forge, all became silent. As if the sound that once was there, was an illusion. The heat, gone as if it wasn't even there in the first place. In the dead of night, all that made noise was gone, and eerily silence premeditated throughout the night. Soon, of the two figures, one collapsed. The other gently picked it up and laid the figure in a cot nearby. Then the figure went back to the task at hand, before passing out in a corner.

--Flashback start--

Grandpa: "Logan, come here my grandson! I want to show you something. I want to show you the pride and joy of our family. Our ancestor's legacy that was passed down from generation to generation; along with it, his words of wisdom. Our family has a very long and rich history, one fill with much tragedy, betrayal, and a lesson to be learned. That shield you see on the wall, that shield survived countless battles. Though it's only a mere sheet of metal now, that piece of metal has traveled farther then any man, woman, or child has. The sword sheathed inside the shield is unique among unique. Our ancestor lived and traveled to the country of Japan before the era of katanas became prevalent. Forged in a similar fashion, that sword is far stronger and sharper then even modern sword and knives. Even shattered into pieces, each shard is sharper then obsidian. And the spear that rests above them? It was once a dagger that broke during a fight. The opponent wielded chakrams, and even though he won, he presented his chakrams to him, as a gift for a worthy opponent. The same bladesmiths that forged his blade, made the spear after saving their village from raiders. The sword, he won in a tournament that the town had held a year prior.

Logan (5yrs): "Grandpa, why are you telling me this?"

Grandpa: "Because Logan, I wish to pass on the words of our ancestor. Long before I leave for good."

Logan (5yrs): "Your leaving? Don't you live here? And if you do go, where will you go?"

Grandpa: "I will leave one day Logan, because I have to. I won't be able to stay with you forever. And I can see greatness in you."

Logan (5yrs): "But, where will you go?"

Grandpa: "I'll be going to see your Grandmother. I'll be living with her from then on."

Logan (5yrs): "Okay, Grandpa."

Grandpa: "Thank you, Logan. Now, are you ready to hear what I need to say? Are you ready to hear your ancestor's words?"

Logan (5yrs): "I am, Grandpa!"

Grandpa: " *Chuckles* Okay, here they are. 'Life is nothing but trials. Some are easy to overcome, others are near impossible. If your knocked down 1,000 times, you get back up 1,001 times. A sound heart and a sound mind, these are what you need in troubled times. No matter what, when you think you can't go on. Stand up and keep moving forward towards your goal. Stand true, and you will always find a way.' "

--Flashback end--

Logan: 'What the.. Why am I remembering my past life?' Logan thought as he slowly woke up. 'He was my rock, by why am I remembering him now? It's been nearly 40 years since then.'

Logan slowly came too. As he woke up, Logan found himself laying on the ground inside the forge area at Tokage's house. Not to far away was Tokage herself, sound asleep on a cot not that far away. Logan slowly and quietly stood up as he brushed the dirt off of himself, trying to remember last night. As his mind woke up, he remembered more and more.

Logan: 'That's right. After we started work, we ended up working for hours on end. We both ended up passing out. Me later then her surprisingly. She's going to freakout that she passed out first with that annoying competitive spirit of hers. She always has to be the last one standing.' Logan thought as he started to stretch. His muscles sore from sleeping on the ground. Starting with his neck, to his shoulders, then to his arms and back. After them, Logan started to stretch his legs, slowly working out every sore and stiff muscle he can. Finally, as Logan stretched his arms up, he bent backwards, popping his back and as he brought his arms back; Logan cracked his neck. Tokage was still sound asleep, oblivious to the world. Logan quietly sneaked out of the forge shop to Tokage's house. It was just past sun raise and hardly anyone in the town was up. Logan entered inside and started to cook something for himself and Tokage after rooting through her cabinets and fridge.

Logan: 'It's still early. I'm starving and she will be too. And I highly doubt that she'll wake up any time soon. Still, she went with my idea and it's the least I can do for her. I'll just make sure to leave her portion in the fridge. That way she can't say that I'm ungrateful. Even though she can be annoying, she needs all the help she can get.'

Logan thought as he began cooking a simple breakfast of ham, eggs, and toast. Logan didn't bother with the stove, as he can manipulate flames with ease. With a sly smile on his face, Logan thought back to when he first tried to use his flames during the forging process with Tokage.

Logan: 'I still can't believe that my flames became stronger after meeting the two brother gods. Are they powered by emotions or something? Rage? But, didn't they leave Remnant for good? Why would they return? I highly doubt that they would just to see me... Something is up with them.' Logan thought as he cooked.

Not even a few minutes later, Tokage stumbled inside her house. Logan watched her, to him it looked as if she came back from a drunken mixer. Tokage stumbled her way to the bathroom, not long after, Logan could hear water running. Logan didn't mind her and continued to cook their breakfast. As he did, the bathroom door opened again a while later, Tokage came out with a towel rapped around her and wet hair, and headed into what Logan knew was her bedroom. Logan was just finishing setting up the table that was in the kitchen with him when Tokage came out. Logan turned around and sighed.

Logan: "Oh come on." Logan mumbled under his breath.

Tokage came out in a white sports bra and a pair of loose, cyan shorts. Her dark, tanned skin gave a unique contrast to her outfit. Her body was lithe and luscious to any man. A slim waist, a healthy bust, and bubble but, as most would call it, gave Tokage a fascinating beauty that most would never realize. While most men would be shocked at her carelessness, but Logan was used to it as she took care of him and his sister's when they were smaller, when their mother and father were too busy.

Tokage: "*Yawn* Hum? Oh, thanks Logan..." Tokage said as she sat down. "Do me a favor, will ya? Get me a beer." She said as she set her head down on the table.

Logan: "No. It's far too early for you to drink." Logan replied as he set a plate down in front of her.

Tokage: "Fffiine. I get it myself." Tokage went to get up, but Logan just pushed her down into the chair she was in. Earning him a glare from her. "Damn brat."

Logan: "Yell if you want, you ain't getting it. Here, have some orange juice." Logan said as he pushed a glass of orange juice he got earlier when she went into her room. He himself had a glass of milk. Tokage just continued to glare at him.

Logan had dealt with Tokage's antics ever since he was young. Even though she watched him when he was young, he basically took care of her instead. Even when he was five, Logan took care of her as she had too many daemons to deal with. One of them being her missing wife and child. Logan only knew fragments of her passed, mainly through drunken ramblings, but he knew that she had a hard life.

They took their time as they ate. Logan finished first, then got up and started the dishes. Tokage just watched his back as she ate. Her mind wondering to another time, a happier time in her life.

Tokage: "Spill it, brat."

Logan: "..."

Tokage: "I know your not here only fer that knife we made. Something's eating at ya. I can tell. And I've known ya long enough that ya keep things bottled up. Spill." Out of everyone that knew Logan, Tokage knew him the best. Somehow she just knew when something was on his mind.

Logan: " I've been... thinking... about leaving the island. I've hit a dead end in my training. Plus, I want to see the world, there's so mu-"

Tokage: "The real reason. No lies or tricks. Logan."

Logan couldn't really lie to her as she knew when someone was lying. Logan stopped himself and thought for a bit. After giving a loud sigh, he begin again.

Logan: "Some people are gonna do something. Something horrible. I don't want to drag anyone into it. I have a few trusted people that will know when the time is right. And there isn't much time, in the next few days maybe even. I'm not too sure."

Tokage: "Bloody?"

Logan: "Very."

Silence overcame the two of them. One was focused on the near future. The other was worrying about the other. With a sigh, Tokage stood up and walked next to Logan and began drying the dishes with a towel. The two were quite for a bit, then Logan spoke up.

Logan: "Tokage, I need a favor."

Tokage: "Hm?"

Logan: "After it goes down, I'll have to leave. I will be making too many enemies to handle, even with help."

Tokage: "If you want me to watch out for ya sisters..."

Logan: "No, they'll be in good hands. Before I leave, I'll drop off my pistols here."

Tokage: "You want me to pass them off to them?"

Logan: "Not quite, I want you to modify them. I'll leave a blue-print with what I want done to them. Once your done, then I want you to pass them off to the girls."

Tokage: "Let me guess... That pattered steel was a barging chip then? Hehe, smart ass... Fine, I'll do it."

Logan: "Thanks."

Tokage: "Where you gonna head to? Atlas? Vacuo?"

Logan: "Patch. I have an acquaintance there. I know I can trust him."

Tokage: "I see... I'm guessing that you still have quite a bit left to do. Go ahead and finish that knife we made, use anything you want. Consider it a parting gift."

Logan: "Thank you. I'm honestly surprised your not down my throat that you passed out before I did."

Tokage: "Brat, I maybe confident in my endurance, but I never lose! Besides, I could tell you had something on your mind when you came to me. Now get going, you have a lot to do before that thing happens."

Logan thanked her once again and left the house. Arriving at the forge, Logan spotted the knife that was still incomplete as it sat on the workbench. The overall length was about 15 inches, with a 10 inch long blade and 5 inch long handle. Logan had based the design off of the [MTech USA Xtreme knife], as it was something he had used a lot in his past life. Far from a normal one, the blade had a wave-like pattern from the forging process and was much longer and had a lighter cure to the handle. The only thing Logan had left to do was fit the handle with a grip and it would be finished. Without much thought, Logan got to work on finishing his knife.