
Logan: "Great...."

[Mission Start! Operation: Messy House-Keeping

Objective: Eliminate All that is in Kuo Kuana's maximum security prison before they escape and take hostages.

Eliminated: 0/10]

Logan: 'What the... This is... What's up with this mission? It's off... and I'm getting a bad feeling about it as well.' "System, what's up with this mission?"

[Answer. This is a unique mission. The first one in the long line of similar missions. The best way to describe them is that they are similar to that of a chain of emails. Please note, that the rewards for these missions will be generous.]

Logan: "So a chain mission. And what the rewards? There's nothing."

[Answer. !%^&Y%(!&@O^(!&%U(!&(%W!)&$(I&*%&L(*!L@&%(D^#*(I&^&%E#^%%^^!#%$*&^%!#%$*&^#!@*&*^]

Logan: '...'

Logan's mind raced as he processed the system message. Fear, similar to that of when he first saw the Grimm Lord slowly rose inside him. Almost like a snake coiling around him. Fear and utter terror started to cloud his mind. His body started to shake uncontrollably. Shaking here, a nervous twitch in the fingers, rattling knees. Before the fear could completely cloud his mind, Logan smacked himself as hard as he could. The slap was hard enough to break the feeling of fear.

Logan: "System! Do a full scan to find the issue, now!" 'Whatever is going on, only a god can do. And I have a good idea of 'who'.'

As Logan shouted this, two beams shot down in front of him. One of golden light, the other of the darkest night. Out of the golden beam appeared a tall, naked, humanoid male with a crown of antlers upon his head. His complexion is a softly glowing light gold, his build is muscular and his face devoid of features. Out of the dark, night-like, beam appeared a slim male with curved, segmented horns that arc back over his head and curve upward to a point just over the back of his cranium. His form is a deep purple that seems to draw in surrounding light. Like the other, the face is utterly devoid of features, though humanoid contours are present.

Logan: "I'm guessing this isn't a friendly visit. Isn't that right, Mr God of light and Mr God of Darkness?"

Dark: "You know of us. Yet, you are not one of our creations."

Light: "Forgive us, as this is unusual. That thing you call 'System' has been made from Divinity. We had trouble trying to pry into it to see whose it belonged to. Tell us, who are you?"

Dark: "Brother, as much as I respect you, that thing and him can cause imbalance. He needs to be erased. He will destroy all that we have strived to achieve.

Light: "Let us not be hasty brother."

As the two brothers stood before Logan, one wishing to erase him and the other curious. As Logan stood before them, he could feel a unknown wave of energy emanate from them. A feeling of energy that he remembered vividly. Something he once felt before. Divinity.

Logan: "My name is Logan Scarlett. A Red Hawk Faunus and currently 11 years old as my birthday was earlier in the month."

Dark: Do not lie to us mortal! We can tell that your soul is far older then your mortal shell is."

Light: "Please, do not take us for fools, Mr Scarlett. You've come in to contact with other beings like us. We wish to know who and why have they sent you here."

Dark: "Without our permission I might add."

Light: "Brother, that's not how we act."

The two brothers started to bicker and argue in front of Logan. Back and forth, back and forth they went, completely disregarding Logan who stood in front of them. To them, he wasn't even there anymore.

Logan: "H-hey..."

As Logan tried to get the conversation back on track, he was ignored. [Unlocked: 45%]

Logan: "H-hey, gods?"

Ignored once again. [Unlocked: 54%]

Logan: "Hey."

Ignored. [Unlocked: 63%]

Logan: "Oi."

Ignored x4. [Unlocked: 68%]

Logan: "*Tick marks* OI!"

Ignored x5. [Unlocked: 74%]

Logan: " *Tick marks x2* HEY!"

Ignored x6. Still bickering [Unlocked: 82%]

Logan: " *Tick marks x3* OI! POOR EXCUSE FOR GODS! SHUT THE HELL UP!!"

[Unlocked: 90%]

The two gods looked at the one who shouted at them incredulously. Utter disbelief that a mere mortal dare to not only shout at them, but also call them poor excuse for gods as well. Never had anyone had the gal to even think that, let alone actually do it.

Light & Dark: "W-what did you say?"

Logan: "I called you, and I quote. 'OI! POOR EXCUSE FOR GODS! SHUT THE HELL UP!!'. And no, I will not retract it or regret it."

Dark: "You! A mere mortal dare insult us!? I-"

Logan: "Shut up." Two simple words was all it took for the God of Darkness to become silent, and one very terrifying glare.

"I dare insult you two, because you two are acting like spoiled brats."

Light: "I-i will admit that we were acting like children. But to insult us is a bit much."

Logan: "I don't care. Why I'm here? That's my reason. The reason I have something made from divinity? You don't need to know."

The two gods looked at him with different expressions. The god of light was looking at him with a hint of wonder that one would look at something new. The god of darkness was looking at him with hatred, seething hatred.

Dark: "Mortal, you WILL answer us! Or you will be erased! Now, speak!"

Logan: "If you keep acting like that. I WILL whoop your ass. I've died once and I'm not afraid of dying again."

Dark: "YOU!!!"

Light: *Places a arm in front of Dark* "Mr Scarlett, If you tell us what we want to know, we will leave. But, please know that we will have to return in the future."

Logan: "... Fine.... *sigh* I was tasked by a Old God to fix this world. The 'System' was a gift to help me on my mission. Happy?"

Light: "May I ask which Old God. There are numerous ones that fit that description."

Logan: "... Raiden..."

Light & Dark: "Impossible!"

Dark: "There's no way that is true!"

Light: "Even I have doubts about that."

Logan stood, staring at the two gods. Both of which were charging up their respective divinity. Logan knew that he had to make a gamble with his answer, and he took those odds he gave himself. Reaching out his hand sideways, Logan stuck his arm into his [Void Storage]. The gods were not surprised as they could pull off a similar feat. But what he took out, it scared them badly. Logan stood there with the gem [Raiden's Spark] in hand, presenting it to them. The two gods could feel the massive amount of divinity the gem held.

Logan: "You two have caused too much trouble. I will fix this world before being assigned to the next one. You are very lucky that you two are still important to this world, or I would have erased you both. Now... LEAVE!"

The two gods left as quickly as they came. Fear was prevalent in their divinity. As Logan was sure as he could be that they were gone, he breathed out a sigh of relief.

Logan: 'That fu*king worked. I can't believe that fu*king worked. I just scared off two gods. What the fu*k?'

[Scanning done. Result: Tampering due to non-admin has resulted in abnormal missions and objectives.]

Logan: "So basically, they were trying to tamper with you, huh. Any long term issues?"

[Result: The risk of mission's rank has been increased. Store prices have been scrambled and store temporary disabled. Status have been disabled. Time till full restore: 3 years and 5 days.]

Logan: "Shit. Am I still able to receive [Store Points]? And is my [Void Storage] still accessible?

[Scanning... Result: Yes, the abilities to receive {Store Points} and the ability to utilize {Void Storage} is possible.]

Logan: "At least that's decent. I'm gonna have to plan around that now... System, is that mission, [Messy House-Keeping], still active?" 'If it is, I have to deal with it. Adam's too dangerous to leave be.'

[Answer. Yes, as the mission was generated as it was being tampered with. The mission is still active. Note, Admin has doubled the reward for this chain mission due to the tampering of non-admin.]

Logan: "Huh, guess Ms Karma is looking out for me. That, or she's trying to apologizing to me because of those two. Ether way, I'm fine with it." 'But weren't there only 6 or 7 in there? Who's the other ones I'm missing?' "Oh well, they have to die ether one way or another. System, give me an updated [Messy House-Keeping] mission without the tampering."

[Mission Updated! Operation: Messy House-Keeping (Rank: A)

Objective: Eliminate All that is in Kuo Kuana's maximum security prison before they escape and take hostages. Note, they have an outside helper. Time till escape: 3 days 10 hrs Current time: 1:17 p.m.

Eliminated: 0/9]

Logan: 'Okay. I figured that they'd have an outsider to help them. The problem is who though. Depending on who, this could be easy, or damn near impossible. And it's only one less. Not good.' "This is going to be a long night."

[Suggestion: Host arrives long before the mission timer runs out and scouts the area. Find an optimal place for an ambush. With the possibility of setting up traps as well.]

Logan: "Thank you for the idea." 'It's the best bet. I can't just go in the middle of the day and kill them. On the plus side, I have some prep time. Now that I think about it, I been using the system store too often if I needed something. Right now, I could due with a decent knife. I need to stop by the Blacksmith in 'Unus' to see if I can steal some scrap metal. And see if they can show me how to smith. I just managed to build my base and workshop, I still need to figure out [Hephaestus's Blessing (Weak)] works as well.'

Logan thoughts ran as he made his way back to 'Unus'. Everything from the meeting with the gods to his update from his system. Logan ran through the possibilities of what's to come. His mind wondered from left to right while his body moved unconsciously towards his home. As he was preoccupied with his thoughts, he never noticed how he moved. Gone was his childish demeanor and mask that he once wore. Just from a glance upon his figure, all that one would see is a harden, unshakable, cold aura and mask; far, far unsuitable for any child to wear. Anyone who saw Logan like this could not connect the one they know to the one before them.

By the time Logan broke out of his thoughts, he wasn't far from the gates of 'Unus'. Logan calmed his nerves before coming any closer, trying to re-don the mask he wore around the town. Coming up to the gate, he met Mike, the human gate guard. After chatting for a bit, Logan made a beeline towards the Blacksmith. It didn't take long for him for him to find the smithy. A small, single story house with a much larger, semi-enclosed pole barn stood nearby. Logan walked towards the barn and peered into the building to see if the owner was inside. He was not wrong with his assumption.

What Logan saw would shock most other smiths and put them to shame. Inside was a simple wooden workbench in an 'L' shape with the bottom of the 'L' being a solid and banded log. On top of that log was a gigantic rectangle anvil. Towards the open side was a massive forge, large enough to fit a alpha ursa in with room to spare. Off to one side was a massive pile of metal, haphazardly strewn around. And sitting in a chair was a thin and frail looking woman in an leather apron and simple clothes and leather gloves, fast asleep with a cloth covering her face.

Logan: "Tokage!" (Japanese for 'Lizard'. I couldn't come up with anything better.)

Tokage: "Huh? Oh it's you brat." She jerked awake at the sudden yelling. As the cloth fell from her face, it reviled the face underneath. Soft brown hair, emerald colored eyes, and supple tanned skin. She was beautiful on many levels, only problem for her is that her doesn't swing in a certain way. Among other things. "What's up?"

Logan: "I was wondering if you have any scrape I could steal? Any that you don't need or can't use is fine. That is, if you don't mind."

Tokage: "I have quite a bit that ya can have. But, it depends on what they're going to be used for. I can't just let ya take them all willy-nilly."

Logan: "I need a new knife or dagger. The one I had... well... I kind of, melted."

Tokage: "... How?"

Logan: "I was testing, rather playing with my semblance. As you know, I can create flames. As I was messing around with them... I melted it."

Tokage: "No problem." She said as her leather clad hand covers her face. "The scrap pile is over yonder *gesturing* use what ya want. And thank ya for being truthful. I'm tired of lies from people." The last part she mumbled to herself, but Logan over heard. "You can just find what ya want to use, give me dimensions and I'll make it. Just don't go too over board." She said as she left for the house nearby.

Logan thanked her and went over to where she gestured to. As Logan looked through the scrap, he found numerous types of metal. From copper to steel to titanium, scrap bars, wire, plates, ect. As Logan looked through the scrap pile, he had an idea.

Logan: 'There is enough here for any type of blade I could ever need. Wait. Damascus isn't ever heard of on Remnant. There's steel; both high and low carbon; rods, wire, and 90 degree angled steel plates. It could be one hell of a way for her to make some money. She could use it.' "You'll owe me, Tokage."

Logan gathered up what he would need, plus enough for multiple tries as well. After placing everything on Tokage's workbench, Logan went over to Tokage's house. After knocking, a minute later, Tokage came and opened the door. Whiskey could be smelled on her breath, not much, maybe a shot or two.

Logan: "I have an idea, but I need your experience on this."

Tokage: "Oh boy. What have ya thought up now?"

Logan: "Patterned steel."

Tokage: "What?"

Logan: "My semblance, though incomplete, I can control carbon as well as fire. With all the scarp you have, and with my help, I believe that the two of us can create a new type of material. By layering some of the scrap in a certain way, we can create a new and unique type of steel. "

Tokage: "Kid, if you're correct, I'm gonna need more help around here. This won't be a one person job, or maybe even two. I hope you can make it easier on little old me."

After walking back to the barn, the two of them begin to talk and try many different combinations. If any one saw the two of them, they would say they saw two evil masterminds working together. Both laughing maniacally.