Old Memories

A/N: I'm trying something different. Please let me know what you think in the comments.


{Logan's POV}

I realized I was dreaming. I was aware and conscious and I couldn't control it. I was dreaming and it was a nightmare, my worst nightmare. A time I wished to forget. I dreamt I was back on Earth. I could see my old self standing there in front of Eva's grave. Tears rushing down my face as if it was pouring rain, all dressed in a black suit with a long coat over my shoulders. No one was nearby, no family, no friends, no one but me stood there in front of her grave. Not long after, I could feel myself pulled away. Lika a vacuum pulling me six different directions, flaring every one of my scars, both past and present life. Finally, it took me away.

Then I found myself standing behind my old self as he stood in the bathroom mirror. The unkempt hair and unshaven face were added to by the dead eyes and massive bags. I could remember that day well. And the regret right after. There it was, the one thing so memorable. I could still hear the sound of the glass breaking as I smashed the mirror. The crunch of the glass, the shards flying, and the pieces that were embeded in to my hand and the few I stepped on. I could bearly feel the pain, and at this point, I was numb to it all. I probably could have been shot and I wouldn't have felt it. Ahh, the pull returned and it was stronger. I knew that I couldn't fight it, so I just let it pull me.

The next thing I know, I was floating above my old self as I stood in line. In a place I never thought I would again. Armed in standard XX's millitary gear, as that bas*rd of a 'General' stood in front of a few hundred of similar gear. That 'General' spouting nonsense after nonsense about public order and what is right. The pull was so sudden that I didn't feel it happening, all of a sudden I found myself somewhere else.

And where I found myself was hell on Earth. The war-zone that started it all, a small town out of the way between Baghdad and Syra. A small no name town where the people just try to live their lives. A few houses near a river, not enough to call it a town; but enough for it to be considered one, not that it mattered anyway. It soon became just another battlefield to fight on. Countless bodies littered the streets; men, women, children alike. No one was safe.

I wasn't looking at myself this time, I was in the thick of it. I couldn't control myself as I went throught that day once again. It all started off by a simple recon and support for the area. As soon as we got there, we were ambushed. IED's went off, gunshots rang out, rockets where flying through the air. The small convoy of 50 or so soldiers were reduced to about 15 in a few seconds. I, both felt and remembered, jumped up on the vehicle's mounted gun after pulling off the dead soldier and opening up wherever the bullets came from. Soon after, an RPG impacted the vehicle, throwing me away. My leg was mangled and my armor was shreaded, but the adrenaline allowed me to walk and numbed the pain. I grabbed a discarded rifle and rushed to cover behind a destroyed vehicle, a fellow soldier was on a radio, doing their best to send for help. But it didn't help, not long after, I lost track of how long the battle was. But at the end of it all, I was the only one left standing on both sides. All I could hear was dead silence. Not even my breathing made any noise.

When it finally clicked for me that the fight was over, I stood up, the pain still numbed by the adrenaline. The sound of the dead battlefield was terrorfying. The carnage was horrifying. And the fact that I was the only surviver, was moridfying. As I gazed at the wreakage of the 20 odd vehicles we had, I knew that there were no others, and that I need medical attention. And with a heart filled with sorrow, I searched. A good chunk of supplies somehow survived, and after patching myself up I picked up the dogtags I could retrieve from the fallen. There were others, ones I could not find any tages for. Some where lost to the explosions, others to fire. Hell, there where even some pierced by stray bullets, they were unreadable. I managed to find the man that had the radio and after knocking it a few times, I got through. Help was on the way. But that's when I finally broke.

As I sat behind a broken vehicle, hiding from the sun, I spotted a figure running from the town. I didn't heasate and ran after it. As I got in 50 or so meters, I took aim and shot. I watched in slow motion as a chunk of it flew off and a hole clear in its chest form even at my distance. As I walked towards the figure, what I saw made me sick. As I vomited what I had eaten that morning, I was next to the body of a child no older then 15. I had time before the help got there, so I rushed back to the town to find answers. As I searched the town, the help arrived. The 'General' himself came after he heard what had happened. They found me as I was searching the town. Something told me not to trust him, and I'm glad I didn't. I told him that I was searching for any possible stragglers, and as i did I fell forward. The adrenaline wore off and I was caught by the soldier next to him. As i felt unconsciousness take me and as a medic was looking over me, I heard him say.

'General': " Finish the search! Eliminate any and all other survivers. This way, I can make it a national tragiedy."

That was all I heard before I passed out and I awoke on the floor.


{Back to normal}

Logan awoke with a start, still wearing the clothes he had on when he fell asleep. Both his body and clothes were drenched in cold sweat. Semi hyperventalating, Logan slowly crawled back on to the bed. He sat there on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands, his mind racing with thoughts that pleaged his mind.

Logan: 'What the hell? Why am I remembering that? I came to accept what happened, so why am I remembering it all again? It's done and over. I stopped him, there's no doubt about it. Hell, even Karma said that I finished it.' Logan thought as he looked out the small window that sat infront of his desk. It was still night, yet, the sky was starting to brighten slowly. Grabbing his scroll off the desk, Logan looked at the time. '5:24. I'm not falling back asleep anytime soon. Might as well train a bit. Can't do much else otherwise.' Logan thought as he got up.

Logan took his time as he changed into his workout clothes. They consisted of some grey semi-long shorts that reached past his knees, a loose red sleeveless shirt, and a pair of black sneakers. Once Logan was dressed and took his scroll, Logan left his room and walked as quietly as he could down stairs. Managing a small flame on his finger, Logan navigated through the livingroom while avoiding Zwei, letting him sleep without issue. Entering the kitchen, Logan left out the back door before going towards the front. And as Logan enter the sparring/training area, Logan looked up at the fading night sky.

Logan: 'What was that quote? 'No matter what, a new day dawns even after we pass on.' I think that's it.' Logan thought as he stretched and set his scroll down nearby.

Once Logan finished, he started to jog around the sparring/training area. Lap after lap, Logan ran as the sun started to rise steadily into the sky. Running until he got a stich in his side, Logan dropped to the ground to start doing push-ups. Once Logan hit one hundred, he rolled to his back and started doing sit-ups. Hitting one hundred again, Logan started doing planks starting with his left for a minute then his right. Falling to his back, Logan then spring boards himself up. As soon as his feet find solid ground, Logan starts doing crunches. He does this all the while Tai watches him from the kitchen door. After Logan finished his workout, Tai came out with a bottle of water.

Tai: "You've been up for a while." Tai said as he tossed the water to Logan. "What's on your mind, if you don't mind me asking."

Logan: "What gave it away?" Logan said as he caught the bottle of water and open it in one fluid motion.

Tai: "Well, the sweat, the fact that I get up at six thirty... Oh and the fact that I heard you fall of your bed." Tai answered Logan as he drank. "Nightmares?"

Logan: "Nightmares. Been having them the last few nights. It wasn't that bad this time, I just glad that I fell of the bed." Logan answered back, capping the bottle.

Tai: "What'da mean?" Tai asked concerned.

Logan: "There are times when it gets worse." Was all that Logan said.

Tai just stood there, staring at Logan. He himself knew that somethings never go away. Tai figured that Logan was no different, then he thought differently. To him, Logan was a child, needing direction so that he could move on from it.

Tai: "Logan! Put them up!" Tai shouted as he rushed Logan.

Logan saw Tai rushing him and as Tai reached Logan, he side stepped Tai. Dropping the bottle, Logan landed a right hook into Tai's side followed by a left straight to the chest. Tai stummbled back, caught off guard at Logan's speed and reaction. Logan then rushed Tai, and as the two of them got into striking distance of each other, Tai struck first. Tai shoot out a straight and Logan pushed it aside. Logan thrown a left that Tai dodged and Logan quickly folllowed with a kick to the knee. Tai stummbled from the hit, taking a knee, Tai tried to counter back with uppercut as Logan came close. Logan weaved his head to dodged the blow while catching his arm and trowing and rolling himself on to him. Before Tai could react, Logan pinned Tai in an cross arm bar as the two of them hit the ground. With Logan strenghtening himself with aura, Tai couldn't break free. After a moment Tai tapped three times on Logan's leg signifying that he gives.

Logan let go of Tai's arm as he back rolled away. Tai got up and rolled his shoulder as the two of them stared at each other. The two slowly closed in on each other, as they stood with in arms reach of each other, then they struck. Logan opened up with three fast left jabs which Tai took to his arms. Tai retaliated by rotating around with a right hook kick to Logan's head. Logan ducked down then tried to sweep Tai's left leg. Tai jumped back with his left leg as he brought down his right on to Logan's head. Logan did a cross block to tank Tai's kick then pushed it aside then preformed his own rotating hook kick. As Tai went to block the kick, Logan brought it down and kicked his knee once again. As Tai was forced to kneal from the kick, Logan jumped up and tried to superman punch Tai. Tai caught Logan's punch with one arm and then grabbed the top of Logan's shorts. Tai then throw Logan over his head, sending Logan tumbling. As Logan rolled to his feet, Tai came out of no where with a side kick that sent Logan rolling after he shoulder blocked it. The two were seperated by some distance as the two panted a bit. Smiling, the two dropped their guards as the two walked towards each other.

Logan: "Thanks, Tai. I needed that." Logan said as he and Tai shook hands.

Tai: "No problem, Logan. If you ever need any help, feel free to ask." Tai said as he and Logan shook hands. "But, did you really have to kick me that hard? I mean, my knee is killing me right now."

Logan: "Sorry. Guess I was a little too into it." Logan said as he rubbed the back of his head.

Tai: "Hehe, it's fine, just help me to the house. I can bearly walk now as it is." Tai said as he drapped his arm around Logan's shoulders. "Come on, Summer should be up by now and making breakfest, since I was here with you."

Logan just sighed and accepted his fate. As the two of them walked/limped back to the house, the two stoped so that Logan could grab his scroll. As the two resumed the walk back, Summer came out and greeted them. As she went to hug them, she caught a wiff of Logan and ordered him to take a shower before he at. Logan seen a side he didn't know she had. He didn't disagree, and went to the bathroom after getting directions from Summer. He left Tai in the livingroom and went to take his shower, hoping today will be an easy day.