Breakfast Something

Logan came out of the shower not long after Summer basically forced marched him into there. Since Logan got a spare change of clothes before he went in, Logan came out in a pair of jeans, a lose grey t-shirt, and a belt with a few pouches on it. With his shoes in hand, Logan walked back to his room to grab a pair of socks he forgot. As he did, Logan met Yang coming out of her room. They chatted for a bit, but when Logan mentioned that Summer was making breakfest, Yang disappeared. As Logan looked left and right, there were suddenly red rose petals floating by as well.

Logan: 'Okay, note to self. Get to the table early when Summer is cooking, or else there will be nothing left.' Logan thought as he entered his room.

As he finished getting dressed, Logan retrieved his weapons. Namely the [Predator Bow], [Avernus MK1] his knife, the Revolver with the bladed barrel, and the auto loading pistol. The disposable knives he picked up went into a ashen tattoo and the rest went into holsters he made with ash.

Logan: 'Might as well get some target practice in and do some mantinance on these too.' Logan tought as he retrieved the small sum of ammo for his weapons and placed them into a pouch. 'I've been so busy that I haven't been taking care of them. I think its been close to three or four weeks since I got these.' Logan thought as he took out his scroll and started to make a list on it. 'I also need to get some more cothes and ammo. A cleaning kit. A sharpining stone....' "*Sigh* So much to do, so little time."

Logan left his room somewhat dejected after pocketing his scroll. As he made his way down stairs to the kitchen, Logan could hear Summer telling off Qrow and Yang for something. A small smile graced his face as he entered the kitchen. What Logan saw, made that small smile grow into full blown laughter. Qrow and Yang were on the floor covered in bits of pancakes and syrup with Summer scolding them, while Tai was washing his face in the sink and Ruby sat in a chair nibbling on a cookie watching the whole thing off to the side. Logan walked up to Ruby who waved to him as he did.

Logan: "So, what happened?" Logan ask with honest curiosity.

Ruby: "Uncle Qrow stole one of Yang's pancakes. Dad went to scold Qrow but Yang took Qrow's plate. After that, it some how ended up with food being thrown." Ruby answered Logan as she continued to watch them. "Mom's not going to let them go for a while. And I don't know how Dad got syrup on his face." Ruby said as she finished her cookie then pulled another one from seemingly out of nowhere.

Logan: "Any left?"

Ruby: "Only what's stuck to them."

Logan: "That's fine. I'll pick something up while I'm in town." Logan said

Ruby: "Why? Is there something you need?" Ruby asked with her head tilted to the side.

Logan: "I need to get a few things I'm missing." Logan said as he showed her his list on his scroll.

Ruby: "Wait a bit. I think Dad has somethings he needs as well."

Logan: "I meet him with Qrow in town yesterday, didn't I?"

Ruby: "That was for mom's medicine and glasses. I think he has to pick some things up for his class. He teaches at Signal Academy."

Logan: "I remember Qrow saying that. So, do you know what he needs?" Logan asked only to be answered by Tai.

Tai: "A few things like paper targets, repair patches for punching bags, and the like. So, why are you asking?" Tai said and asked while drying his face.

Logan: "I need to get a few things myself." Logan said as he showed Tai his list. "I figured I'd pick something up for breakfast while I'm there. So, food-fight?"

Tai: "Food-fight. And so you know, the shed out back has almost everything on here. There's a workstation inside along with all the tools you'll need. We don't have an ammo press, lathe, a forge, or the molds ether. We would have needed all this eventually, so I think we can get the stuff decently cheep if I talk to some people." Tai said as he went over Logan's list.

Ruby: "That's great! Me and Yang haven't made our weapons yet! Ohh I can't wait!"

Logan: "That's great and all, but wouldn't the academy have all that and don't students make their own weapons in the first year? I can wait on most of the things on there. I just need clothes and ammo for the most part." Logan said trying to help Tai out. "Plus, do even Ruby and Yang know what they want? Sorry, Ruby"

Ruby: "Hey!" Ruby said and pouted at Logan.

Tai: "Well, your not wrong. And Yang already know what she wants. But Ruby, you just started to lean how to use a sycthe, right?"

Ruby: "Yes..." she said dejectedly.

Logan: "How about this Ruby." Logan said to get her attention. "As you train, you think about what you want out of your weapon." Logan began but was met with question marks from Ruby.

Tai: "I think what Logan means is as you train, you ask what you want to be able to do with your scythe." Tai tried to help Logan out.

Ruby: "Huh?"

Logan: "Basically, do you want your scythe to change into a fully-automatic rifle, a high powered shotgun, or a high impact sniper rifle? What style of fighting suites you?" Logan said, hoping Ruby understood him.

Tai and Logan continued to explain to Ruby about her future weapon. It took a few minutes for her to understand. Ruby finally understood that she still didn't know her style well enough yet and chose to hold off on designing her weapon till later. Logan and Tai offered to help her when she does decide. They continued to talk for a bit before Logan and Tai then left to head out into town. Not to long after, Summer got through with scolding Qrow and Yang. Ruby got off her chair and told her that Logan and Tai had left to head to town for a few things they forgot. Summer started to sulk and told Ruby that she wanted to make it up to Logan. Seeing how he had to cook of them on his first day here. Ruby just smile and said that Logan probibly knew already as she patted her mother's shoulder.

Logan and Tai were walking through the port town near Signal Academy. Tai was kind enough to pay for Logan's breakfast muffin he got from a pastry shop even though Logan said he didn't need to. Discusing it with Tai, the two of them decided to let Logan get his clothes that he needed first since it was closer and Logan knew what he wanted. After a quick stop in to a clothing store called 'Signaling Star', Logan walked out with 5 pairs of jeans, a pack of socks and underwear, and several t-shirts of various colors. It took longer then planned due to Tai and the cashier being old classmates in Signal. Finally leaving after nearly an hour, mostly it was Tai, the two of them headed towards the shop that Tai needed to. Thankfully, it was a store Logan could get what he needs as well. 'More Bang for your Dust' was a store that typically catered towards Hunter, Huntresses, and Signal Academy so it had all that Logan could need. Tai managed to cut a deal with Logan since he came here on school busness. The two of them agreed to have Tai buy everything for Logan and the discount the school got would apply to Logan's things as well. Logan had to argue with Tai about paying him back as Logan's ammo and arrows would take quite a big chunk of it. Tai relented and agreed with Logan. Thanks to this, Logan found out how lien works outside of Menagerie as it was mainly trade done there.

Logan: 'I'm just glad that bullets are similar calibers. I was kinda scared for a while, I didn't know what I would have done with some sort of wired size or system. Now all I need to do it to clean those guns I got from the smugglers and sight them in. I highly doubt that they even knew how to clean them, if at all. Maybe I'll see if I can't modify them in some way.' Logan thought as he and Tai left the store. As Logan was deep within his thoughts, it took Tai a few tries calling his name to get him.

Tai: "Logan! Come on, it's almost lunchtime." Tai said as he got throught to Logan. "Just so you know, Summer wanted to apolgize for having you cook for us last night. Since your a guest and all, you know. Breakfast was suppose to be for that, but Yang and Qrow..."

Logan" It's fine, Tai. It was mostly my fault as well. I just wish I could have seen that food fight happen." Logan said with a chuckle that soon infected Tai as well.

Tai: "Ya well, I just want to know how I got a face full of syrup. So, from what Qrow has told me about you. You seem to always have a plan. What are you gonna do now?" Tai asked Logan.

Logan thought for a few minutes in silence. His eyes semi closed as he became deep in thought. Tai notice how Logan's body seemed to go on to auto-pilot as he thought. Tai then notice a subbtle change in Logan's posture and step. It was as if he renewed his purpose.

Tai: 'I would have missed it if I wasn't looking at him. Just for a split second it felt like I was next to a man far older and more experienced then me. Qrow mentioned your hidding something, but what is it. What is it that makes you so determined, Logan?'

Logan: "Has Yang started training at Signal yet?" Logan asked chatching Tai off guard.

Tai: "She starts next semester, which is in a few months. Why?" Tai asked curious.

Logan: "Well, I plan on going to Beacon and Signal is the first step. If Yang is serious about being a huntress, I would be helping her and myself at the same time if we train together for one. Two, I know that all Beacon students will form teams of four. I figured she wouldn't mind someone who knows her style. Three, I'm not trying to be mean here, but she doesn't strike me as someone who does well with grades, so I'll make sure she keeps them up." Logan said to Tai.

Tai couldn't really find fualt with Logan's reasoning. He was also surprised that Logan thought so far ahead as well. Tai raised his opinion of Logan.

Tai: "I have to admit, I'm surprised. Qrow said you were bright, but I thought that was him boasting about you. And what of Ruby? Will you help her too?"

Logan: "Of course this applies to her. But..." Logan stopped himself as if he was unsure about something.

Tai: "But what about Ruby? You don't think she's cut out for it, do you?" Tai asked somewhat upset.

Logan: "No, it's not that. But, did you notice where she was and her clothing after the food fight ended?" Logan asked, which caused Tai to not understand. "She was off to the side, didn't have a bit of pancake or syrup on her, and she was calm with no signs of stress. It may not seem like much, but I think that Ruby has the mind of a strategist. Though a childish one, but one none the less."

Tai: "What? You think Ruby is some sort of mastermind?" Tai asked confused.

Logan: "No. What I'm saying is that she would make a perfect team leader. She would be able to bring a team together better then anyone. She has a natural charisma that is able to make people feel welcome and build bonds faster and stronger then normal. Heck, I'll even wager that unless you know her well, you wouldn't be able to understand her plans."

Tai was silent after hearing Logan speak. Tai knew that Ruby is a extremely smart and very bright child. So innocent and happy. He just worries about her innocence and hpoes that it will remain for a long, long time.