System Update and Gift

A week passed by since the kidnapping incident. And for Logan, it was a hectic week for him indeed. Both horrifying, for him, and hilarious, for others, at the same time.

First was the morning after, when Ruby and Yang found him in his chibi form. They chased him throughout the house as they tried to capture him. The one who caught him though was Summer when she saw the commotion. Tai came by a bit later and lost it when he saw Logan being cuddled by the three girls. Logan was just happy that Qrow had left for a mission for Ozpin that morning. Questions were asked and Logan did his best to answer them. He ended up having to hid from them when he got the chance. Small, out of the way places were the best.

Second was when he decided to turn into his bird form while outside. Logan thought it would be a good idea to get used to the form while relearning how to fly with real wings. It was going great until Ruby came out to practice with a wooden scythe Logan made for her. There was no problem until Ruby used her semblance to increase her speed. It was all fine until she lost control and, somehow, hit Logan. Logan's mind explicitly remembered the initiation from the show. Even the 'BIRDY NO!' was the same. The look on Tai's face when Ruby brought Logan in bird form to him... Well, lets just say Tai's not going to let Logan forget it for a long while. When both Ruby and Yang found out that Logan had a bird form, he had to fly away to save himself.

Third, Logan and Zwei had to team up to hid from Summer and the girls. For a very special reason when Zwei and Logan are near each other, the girls try to capture them. What for? Logan and Zwei found out when they brought out several costumes that they forced them to wear.

Fourth was that Hertha, the combat school's workshop teacher, was alive and healthy with her family. When she found out that Logan had personally help her and her family, she insisted to help him out in any way she can. After laughing at Logan's chibi form that is. Logan just settled with having a favor being owed and left it at that.

But, the weirdest thing of all was that his system was unresponsive. Even after the three years and five days time limit that it needed to fix itself. Not only that, he couldn't use his semblance or any of his abilities at all. Logan felt as if he wasn't all there. It was as if a part of him was gone, just like when he lost his wings. It was as if an annoying sound that you had learned to block out over the coarse of years, was gone without a trace. He never said anything, but when he lost his wings, Logan was consistently in pain. Mainly due to 'Phantom limb pains', but also due to the general shock of the loss as well.

Thankfully, once the week ended, that very next morning Logan got a surprise. When Logan woke up, he was greeted with a floating silver-y letter on an transparent screen. Logan had a very good guess as to what it meant. And his body was back to normal as well.

Logan got up and stretched his body, getting familiar to it once again, completely ignoring the screen. He felt like he was just released from a full body straight jacket. His wings hitting the wall/ window and the door as they opened up almost to their full width. Folding his wings in, Logan looked down at himself and realized he was naked as the day he was born and quickly got dressed. Logan walked out of his room in a pair of red cargo shorts that reached his knees and a faded gold t-shirt he modified to work with his wings. He was the first one up like normal and everyone was sleeping in due to it being the weekend, which worked in Logan's favor. Logan stealthily made his way outside to the training yard and once there, he ran.

With a running start, Logan flapped his wings and flew. Logan hasn't felt complete in a long, long time. He could remember the feeling of the wind hitting his face, but always felt like something was off when he used his ash made wings. So he refrained from flying that much. But now with the beat of his wings, the wind hitting his face, and the excitement in his rapidly beating heart. Logan felt alive and complete. Logan even shouted in excitement that was loud enough to wake the entire Xiao Long Household up. But he didn't care, Logan flew high and as fast as he could. By the time he realized how far and high he flew, Logan found himself over the sea and he could barely make out the port of Patch. Logan let out a hearty laugh as he flapped his wings to float in the air. While deciding to head back slowly, Logan looked at the message he had gotten this morning.


Dear Logan,

I hope this finds you well. I have been watching you as you change this world for the better. But I have to warn you, to bring you into this world, I had to send your soul there during a certain point. Please do not be alarmed. All this did was give you a few added benefits and change a few things. All I can say is to find them out yourself if you want to know what they are!

Also, I was notified about the 'Brother Gods' attempted interference with your system. I have updated it so that won't happen again and I have added a few features for you to use. Please enjoy!

By the way, Rijin wanted me to ask you to hold on to his diamond and not to use it unless you absolutely need to as it can destroy Remnant. Oh! And before I forget, your bird form is that of the Peregrine falcon, due to the phoenix having many different forms, and I made it so that your fastest flying speed is 200mph (321.86kph) and your diving speed is close to 300mph (482.80kph) in and out of your bird form!

Plus, I have given you a present. Happy Birthday, Logan.

-Elder Goddess Kama

P.S. You can change the size of your wings or completely hide them at will! Just don't do it while flying!


To say Logan was surprised would be an understatement. Yes, he was happy that he got his wings back. Yes, he was happy to be able to fly. And yes, he was happy that his one loyal companion, his system, was back. But, he never thought he would be wished 'Happy Birthday' by a goddess. That is something that no one would be able to top anytime soon. Logan sighed, but had a smile on his face. Logan then decided to open his status, to see the new changes.


Name: Logan Scarlett

Race: Scarlet Hawk Faunus

Age: 14 yrs

Semblance: Phoenix fire {accommodates all that has to do with fire/heat}

-Ash-Born: Manipulation of ash and storage on body with ash tattoos (items take up space on the body depending on the size of the object.)

- Magical Fire: Ability to use and control any type of fire.

- Phoenix Down: The ability to rise from ashes and be reborn anew. Please note: Once used it takes a week to regain original form and aura but takes two weeks to use again (Recharge). (Can be with for other people, but effects are all doubled) {Warning! Must be used within 5 minutes before or after death! Host's soul can choose to use it after death. When used with others, there soul must agree and be still present! Does not work on those dead longer then 10 minutes.}

Aura: 100%


-Void storage [10 cubic meters] -> Inventory [Unlimited space]

-Aura Control (A) -> (S)

Healing Factor (Very Weak) -> Healing Factor (Weak)

Aura Pulse II (30 second duration & 15 minute cool down) -> (1 minute duration & 10 minutes cool down)

Hephaestus's Blessing (Weak) -> (Medium)

Cooking (pro chief)

Sneak (master)

heighten reflexes (Peak)

Sharp mind (Peak)

Presence Detection (Passive)


Armor/Clothing, Weapons (Basic), Ammo, skills/abilities, Powers, materials, and items


Earth Weapon Crate, Lightning Dust-gem: (White Diamond) "Rijin's Spark" {God Item}, Photograph (Wedding), Present Box (Mystery), Book: The Phoenix's Journey

[Store Points]: 500,000 -> [Lien]: 5,000,000


Logan couldn't help but be surprised at the three items he was given and the updates. A few things here and there were changed. But almost everything was the same.

The photograph, when Logan took it out, was a picture of his wedding day with his wife. It showed Logan and Eva standing there in their respective wedding clothes, Logan had his Grandfather behind him with his hand on Logan's shoulder and both of them had massive smiles on their faces. Eva stood there in her wedding dress with a noticeable bulge on her stomach while her mother and father stood behind her with happy expressions.

Logan remembered that day fondly; as it was the best day ever, the worst day ever, and the most surprising; all at the same time. As Logan and Eva were saying their vows, Logan's father entered in a drunken rampage. That day Logan saw his grandfather, a man who would never fight, stand up and drop his own son with a single punch. He even acted like it never even happened and the wedding went on.

Logan shuddered at the thought of him pissing off his Grandfather if he was here. Logan then exchanged the photo for the book. The cover was just as he remembered from when Eva used to read it. A solid black cover with a golden bird of some sort and underneath the bird in fire red letters was 'The Phoenix's Journey'. A book that mashes together all known phoenix legends into one book. It was about a chick that was afraid of death and sought out a way to escape it. After countless journeys, the chick found what he sought after only to realized he had to watch his world around him grow old and wither away; leaving only him.

Logan then put the book back as he had a far off look on his face. Remembering the time he spent with his wife, a forlorn smile on his face. As Logan continued to fly, he opened the present inside his [Void Storage]. As he does, he is greeted with several notifications.


You received 10 (50%) Healing pills!

You received 10 (50%) Aura recovery pills!

You received 5 Full Recovery pills!

You received Hidden Blade vambracer x2!

You received [Crescent Moon] pistols blueprint (Pistols X Daggers)!

You received [Sidewinder] blueprint (Sniper rifle)!

You received [Scatter-storm] blueprint (Shotgun X Axe)!

You received [Hell-sent] blueprint (Machine-gun X Sword)!

You received [Heven-sent] blueprint (Smg X Tonfa)!

You received BMW R75 (WW2 era) (Aura and Dust conversion) Blueprint!


Logan: 'Well, I guess I won't have to worry about weapons for a while. Hopefully.' Logan thought while he flew over the port town. 'Healing from future heavy injuries should be fine for now too. I just need to watch out for things I can't really guess will happen. Hmm, maybe I can heal Amber if she still is injured, that could help me get into Ozpin's good graces or at the least have him owe me in the future. I still can't trust him; after all, with how much he's keeping from everyone. Glynda, I know I can trust her, she keep Vale from being completely wiped off the map and rebuilt Beacon and Vale all within a year of her taking the role of Headmaster.' Logan thought as he slowly descended into the training yard of his current home. As he landed, a blur of red and white rose petals appeared in front of him.

One second Logan had just landed and the next he was standing in the kitchen being held by the shoulders by Summer and Ruby. Tai, Qrow and Yang all were in varying stages of eating their breakfast. Qrow was the first to break the very weird mood and awkward silence.

Qrow: "So... Where were you?" Qrow asked hesitantly as everyone was staring.

Logan: "Well, I have my real wings back, finally. And this morning, I felt my aura return. So I decided to go out and fly for a bit. Oh! Also I can shrink/grow them or even pull them into my body like my ash tattoos!" Logan said excitedly.

Ruby/Yang: " "AWESOME!" " Ruby and Yang shouted in unison.

Tai: "Cool! Say, how fast can you fly now?" Tai asked as he and the others watched as Logan flexed his wings a bit before making them disappear.

Logan: "About 200mph (321.86kph) flying normally and nearly 300mph (482.80kph) when in a dive. Not sure exactly, but it's my best guess." Logan said nonchalantly. Only to receive stares.

Summer: "Logan, you do realize that even the fastest Bullheads can barely reach 300mph (482.80kph), right?" Summer asked the very surprised Logan. "I guess not."

Ruby/Yang: " "SO COOL!" " The two of them shouted.

After talking a bit and answering a multitude of questions from the girls, Logan retired to his room after breakfast to get dressed for school. He had already been gone a week due to his sudden shrinkage. Now he can head back to deal with all the sh*t that is still left for him to do; even though he can give almost every teacher there a run for their money. But still, it was one of the few ways he could get into Beacon with little difficulty. With a sigh, Logan got ready for his boring School.