Somethings never Change

{4 years later}

Currently, Logan and Ruby were stuck in a very familiar place. For Logan at least. Cold grey walls, a steel table bolted into the floor, uncomfortable steel chairs, and a mirror stuck right in front of them that took up most of the wall in front of them. The only thing that was different for Logan was, he wasn't handcuffed this time and the same couldn't be said for Ruby.

Logan: "Well, this is familiar." Logan said a bit bluntly.

Ruby: "For you maybe! All we did was stop a Dust Robbery! And why am I cuffed while your not?!?" Ruby shouted at Logan while waving her cuffed hands at him, trying to hit him.

Logan: "Well, next time try not to run like your a criminal?" Logan asked and received a pout from her. "Hey, its true. You were running like a criminal."

Ruby: "I. WAS. NOT. RUNNING! I was going after the van full of dust! I mean, even with Roman caught, without an id on the van, we can't track it! Who knows when Roman will talk!" Ruby argued with Logan, who had to admit she had a point. "But.. um.... Could you... undo these please? They're starting to chaff." Ruby then asked as she showed her irritated, cuffed wrists to Logan.

Logan sighed when he saw her wrists. He figured that she kept moving them after she got cuffed, most likely trying to get them to sit comfortably. Logan got to work using a bit of ash he kept on him at all times. In a few seconds, the cuffs hit the table with an audible clunk. As Ruby began to rub her sore wrists, Logan summoned golden fire in his hands. Ruby beamed and jumped at the chance to use the flames; she eagerly lets Logan coat her wrists with them.

Ever since Logan fully unlocked his semblance, he's been experimenting with his magic and fire. So far, Logan found several flames that did not burn, but had different effects. Crimson red fire was destructive, as in it burned all things it touched to ash. Pale golden fire had a healing effect that could heal most injuries, nothing major just yet. Deep sea Blue fire had the ability to wash away any infection or disease with but a touch. Pure white fire has the ability to block someone from using their semblance, how long depends on how long the fire has been in contact with said person. Emerald green fire has the odd ability of acting like lightening. Royal purple fire made whoever is in contact with them experience hallucinations. So far, that's all that Logan could figure out with out more people/victims to test them out on.

As Logan was healing Ruby's wrists, an attractive blonde woman entered. And if the look she gave Logan could kill, he'll be dead six times over. Ruby was scared for Logan, but he just gave her a glance before he went back to work on Ruby's wrists. After about two minutes, the Blonde started to tap her foot impatiently. Once Logan was done, he simply turned to the blonde with a knowing smile plastered on his face while Ruby shrank into her chair at the Blonde's glare. Logan was unfazed and just sat there with a smile, after a bit, the Blonde smiled too. Though it was just a small smirk.

Logan: "Good to see you again, Miss Goodwitch." Logan greeted. Which surprised Ruby as she didn't know Logan knew the Blonde, now known as Goodwitch. The vary same Huntress that captured them after the robbery.

Glynda: "Good to see you too, Mr Scarlett. Though I wish it was under better circumstances." Glynda returned the greeting before getting to business. " I have questions, but first." She turns to Ruby. "I hope you realize that your actions tonight, will not be taken lightly. You put yourselves and others at great risk, you two." She said before she rounded onto Logan as well.

Logan stilled smiled as he watch the two women from his seat. It went similar to the story, but with Logan to help minimize the damage done. And with Logan giving Ruby additional training, she swept them with more ease then originally. Logan didn't even need to do that much to help her. Logan thoughts were back at the fight with Roman when Ozpin entered with the ever so present coco, cane and cookies. As soon as he sat down, Logan broke away from his thoughts.

Ozpin: "Mr Scarlett, it's a pleasure to meet you once again. And you Miss Ruby Rose... You... You have silver eyes." Ozpin said as he gazed at Ruby's eyes with wonder and a bit of regret.

Logan: "So Professor, what do we owe the pleasure of this meeting." Logan asked as he placed his hands on the table, one reaching for a cookie and the other holding his face. "You wouldn't come here unless it was something important." Logan said as he nibbled on his cookie. "That or you found someone with great potential."

Ruby, with stars in her eyes, finally understood who the two in front of her were. When Ozpin pushed the plate closer to Ruby. Ruby looked to the cookies before looking back to Ozpin, as if debating whether or not to eat or get answers. Ozpin just nudged the plate closer a bit, helping Ruby decide which. Ruby didn't need any nudging anymore and proceeded to devour the cookies.

Ozpin: "Well, your not wrong Mr Scarlett." Ozpin answered after he sipped his coco. "Miss Rose, may I ask where you learned to do this?" Ozpin asked while Glynda pulled her tablet out.

What she showed was a security camera footage from 'Dust to Dawn'. It started off with Roman and his goons barging into the store then followed up by holding the clerk at gun point. A bit of talking went between Roman and the clerk, after which Roman order his goons to take all the dust the store had.

At the back of the store, two young teen's heads could be seen above some magazine racks, they were identified as Ruby and the other was Logan. One of the goons then broke off from the rest and headed towards the teens. Logan notice what was happening and tapped Ruby's shoulder in a pattern. Ruby then nodded her head as the goon walked up the them.

The goon then tried to rob them, only for him to be pistol-whipped by Ruby with a compact pistol. As the goon hit the floor, Logan disappeared and Ruby pulled a baton from her belt. Using her semblance, Ruby dashed around, knocking out a good number of Romans goon before they could fire a single shot from their guns with pistol-whips and by smacking them. Logan had reappeared on the other side of them and began to wade through them with a taser, taking them down with little effort. As each goon dropped to the floor, Logan snared them with his ash so they couldn't move. Roman, seeing he was out-matched, tried to rush past Logan while swinging his cane at him.

Logan side stepped Roman's swing, and with a strong right palm to Roman's chin, lifted Roman off his feet. As Roman hung in the air, Logan grabbed his foot; pulling Roman to him, Logan slammed his fist as hard as he could into Roman's face. As Logan's fist traveled with Roman's face, the two of them hit the floor, cracking it. As Logan went to stand up, he was nearly hit by a goon flying through the air and out the store-front window.

Glynda then cut the feed to her tablet, once the footage was finished. While the footage was playing, Ozpin was quietly sipping his coco and Ruby was devouring the plate of cookies with no brakes. Logan only managed to sneak two more away before Ruby smack his hands away. Logan just giggled and offered one to Glynda, she kindly denied. Shrugging, Logan just nibbled away at one while gesturing with the other to Ozpin, who declined as well.

Ruby: "Well, I was train by my uncle Qrow; as my main weapon, Crescent Rose, is a scythe. But thanks to Logan, I carry a back-up handgun and baton for close quarters when my scythe is too big." Ruby answered after she finished all the cookies she had taken.

Ozpin: "I see. Mr Scarlett, did you teacher her how to fight like this?" Ozpin asked as he eyed Logan.

Logan: "Nope" Logan said as he popped the 'p'.

Ozpin and Glynda were surprised, well, one was amused and the other was somewhat surprised. Logan just had an easy going smile on his face as if this was mildly amusing. Glynda saw the look in Logan's eye and could only sigh and watch whats about to happen.

Ozpin: "As I was just informed by Miss Rose, that her weapon of chose is a scythe. How is it that she is skilled with others? This leads me to believe that you taught her. Care to explain?"

Logan: "I never taught her anything." Logan explained. "I just spared with her and Yang while giving hints here and there. They came into their own fighting style all by themselves. As for the backup weapons, they copied that from me when we were sparing."

Ozpin: "I see... Miss Rose, how did you learn how to fight like that? From what i could tell, that style of fighting is meant to kill, not incapacitate." Ozpin asked with a hint of worry.

Ruby: "I copied it!" Ruby said happily.

Glynda: "From who? Because whoever created it..." Glynda asked this time. Fear laced her voice.

Logan: "That would be me, sorta." Logan answered for Ruby. "I made that style for when there is no other choice. It's only thanks to her semblance that she could modify it to be that way." Logan answered truthfully. "Otherwise, it's not possible or liable to work properly."

Glynda: "Do you even know what your saying!?" Glynda screamed at Logan.

Ozpin: "Glynda." Ozpin spoke before she had gotten wind in her sails. After the two looked at each other, Ozpin then turned to Ruby. "Miss Rose, do you know who we are?"

Ruby: "Your Professor Ozpin, the Headmaster at Beacon Academy; and she is Glynda Goodwitch, the Deputy headmistress." Ruby answered with confidence.

Ozpin: "Do you wish to come to my school?"

Ruby: "I have two years left at Signal, then I'm gonna apply." Ruby answered with her eyes closed and opened them when she spoke again. "So yes. More then anything!" Determination evident in Ruby's eyes.

Ozpin: Very well then. The new term starts in a few days, and you will be moved ahead the two years. I'll get in contact with Signal's Headmaster and let them know." Ozpin said as he began to tap away at his scroll. "In the mean time, please head home, the last Bullhead leaves in 20 minutes. I still need to talk to Mr Scarlett.

Ruby then looked at Logan with a hint of worry. Logan just smiled and told her to go ahead, he'll just fly home if he needed to. Once she left, the air in the room turned stale. After a while of staring back and forth, Logan was the first to speak.

Logan: "Glynda. Ozpin. Ever since we met, we've worked here and there together. You know that I'm not like others. And what I've done." Logan spoke and the two of them nodded their heads. "I never intended for Ruby to copy that style. She did it all on her own."

Ozpin: "I see. But Logan, for you to make such a style, I can only assume 'that' is the reason." Ozpin said with a hint of regret in his voice and at the same time, hope.

Glynda: "And you've just turned 18, right? Why go so far? Why not spend your youth playing around with others your age?" Glynda asked worried.

Logan: "Someone has to make something change. Weather by force or by other means. I will do what I can, when I can. After all, the world is changing even as we speak." Logan said with a small smile, yet his eyes showed how tired he was.

Ozpin: "I'm worried about you, Logan. I fear one day you'll be stretched too far and face the consequences." Ozpin said with familiarity in his voice. "All I ask of you, is to ask for help when you need it the most and take your time. And remember, there will always be those who wish to help."

Ozpin smiled at Logan who understood his meanings. Glynda and Logan talked a bit before Logan got up to leave. Before Logan said goodbye and left, he turned to them.

Logan: "Oh, by the way. Did you get that 'thing' I sent to you." Logan said with a cheerful voice that did not match his eyes.

Ozpin: "Yes, yes I did." Ozpin replied with an amused smile. "You'll get your scheduled when you enroll as will."

Glynda: "Wait, I thought you were joking. It was real?!" Glynda said with horror and amusement in her voice.

Logan: "Yes, yes it is." Logan said with a chuckle. "I can't wait!" And with that, Logan left the room.