The Start of Something New

{A few days later}

Tai: "You guys ready yet? Its time to go or we'll miss the Bullhead!" Tai hollered up the steps. "Logan already left!"Tai hollered again as he stood at the bottom of the stairs.

Summer: "Hon, they're excited. I doubt the even slept last night." Summer said as she stood by Tai's side. "Even I was like them, and I know you were too." She said as she hugged him with one arm.

Tai: "I know, but I still can't believe they're both going. I can see Logan with how he is, and Yang having the ability. But Ruby? She got bumped up two years. I don't think she's ready." Tai said as he hugged his wife back.

Summer: "She'll be fine. Logan would have said something when he was there with her." Summer comforted Tai. "Besides, She survived Logan's training the even Qrow had a hard time doing. She'll do great!"

As the two adults finished talking, Ruby and Yang came down the stairs. What they were wearing caught the two adults off guard. They were both wearing very different combat clothing the they were going with. Tai and Summer then noticed one very important detail, their new clothing was made out of Logan's special cloth. One that was highly resistant to almost everything. Fire, frost, cutting, stabbing, etc. Perfect for any and all Hunters who could get their hands on it. However, the last time they seen it was still in its prototype stage.

Ruby came down the stairs first, and hers was vastly different but still had her style. She was wearing black calf high combat boot with read laces and yellow leather boot straps. A scarlet bandana tie around her left leg just above the boot. She wore black tights under her simple red skirt. A grey leather belt was wrapped around her waist and had several large pouches hung on it. To top off her lower half, she had her compact pistol in a holster on her left leg and her baton on her right. Her upper half consisted of a long sleeved grey shirt under a zipped up grey and black jacket with a red hood who's sleeves were short and had her red rose emblem on its right breast. On her left arm was a dark grey bracer with a vibrant red rose, on the underside of the bracer was a metal bar. On her right was long leather bracer. Crescent Rose, her scythe, was held on to her lower back with a magnetic holder.

Yang came down second and she had her style but vastly different clothes. Yang had on long tan pants that were tucked into calf high boots with zippers on the inner sides of the boots. A combat knife and its sheath were tied to the outer side of her right boot with a faded gold bandana tied around her right leg just above her boot. To finish her lower half, a short gold and violet hip cape hung off her belt on the left side that hid a short barreled magnum revolver and ammo pouches. Her upper half consisted of a bright orange sleeveless shirt with her emblem on the bottom right hand side. Yang also wore a short leather jacket over her shirt that she left open with the sleeves rolled up with a violet bandana wrapped around her elbow. And her yellow-orange scarf around her neck. Ember Celica, Yang's gauntlets, were currently inactive on her wrists.

Tai: "Well! You two sure look good! Where did those clothes come from? Logan?" Tai asked surprised and Summer was the same.

Yang: "Yea, it was Logan. He left a note." Yang said as she handed over the note she and Ruby got. "Basically, they were a present for getting into Beacon. And I have to say, they feel great! They're so easy to move in too!"

Ruby: "Hmm!" Ruby readily agreed. "I'm just surprised he made these for us! I remember the one day I went to get him for dinner and he was laying on his desk. He was working on a blueprint for the cloth and I can remember it said, 'Version 1'. But I'm pretty sure this is the completed version of that cloth."

Summer: "It is, it says so in the note." Summer said and confirmed Ruby's thoughts. "Apparently Logan was gonna pass the cloth off to a friend of his once it was completed. But he needed more testing, mainly for mundane life and opinions from others."

Tai: "How nice of him. Anyway, we got to go. If we don't, we're gonna miss the Bullhead." Tai said as he ushered everyone outside to the car Tai kept.

{With Logan}

Logan was currently flying to Beacon Academy as everyone at the Xiao Long house was getting ready to leave for Ruby's and Yang's departure. He was already far above Vale as he flew, but just high enough to be able to land on the Bullhead landing platforms. As he was flying, he passed several Bullheads containing the new students and those returning. Several of said students proceeded to mock, point, and gaze at Logan. Logan just ignored them and continued on his way without an hitch.

Soon, he came upon the large and wide main avenue that leads to the school. Logan didn't bother to land when his destination wasn't where the new students would gather. As Logan came closer to the school, he spotted a very noticeable portly man in red attire with a massive mustache.

Logan: "Excuse me, sir. Could you point me to Headmaster Ozpin's office?" Logan asked as he landed near by the man. "He's expecting me, but I don't know where it is." Logan said with kindness and manners that somewhat felt forced.

Port: "Ah, it's good to see manners still being used." He spoke with gusto. "I'm Professor Peter Port, young man! You wouldn't happen to Logan Scarlett, would you?" Port asked, missing the forced mannerisms.

Port appeared to be a man in early, old age. He's wearing a double-breasted burgundy suit with gold piping and buttons with black dress pants. His pants were tucked into olive boots, similar in appearance and construction to cavalry boots. He has gray hair and a gray mustache and appears to be slightly overweight; when he spoke, his belly visibly shook up and down a bit.

Logan: "Yes, I am Professor." Logan answered. "Professor Ozpin asked that I arrive here earlier to discuss about 'that'."

Port: "HAHAHA! Ah, that idea of yours even had my good friend Barty laughing!" Port committed. "Follow me, I needed to hand some papers off to him anyway. Let me tell you a story from my youth..."

As Logan followed Professor Port, who rambled on and on, they soon found themselves in front of an elevator with Glynda Goodwitch waiting for. Logan and Port greeted her while the three of them waited for the elevator. Before it arrived however, Logan offered to hand off the papers to Ozpin for Port. Port thanked him and handed Logan the papers, after which he excused himself and walked off. When Glynda and Logan entered the elevator after it arrived, Logan let out a sigh of relief as the doors closed.

Glynda: "I see you've meet Professor Port, Mr Scarlett. Tell me, how is your first impression of him?" Glynda spoke, hiding any and all emotion with a neutral face as she looked at him.

Logan: "Well, he unique if anything." Logan said as he looked into her pine green eyes. "And let's keep this between us, but, he's a blowhard. A massive one at that. I can't see how anyone can stand his classes."

Glynda: "Please respect all teachers, Mr Scarlett." Glynda responded. "Off the record though, I agree." Glynda whispered just loud enough for Logan to pick-up.

Logan: "By the way, how have you been? Has Ozpin been giving you too much work?" Logan asked to make some small talk as he knew it was going to be a long ride up.

Glynda: "I've been good, and yes and no on the paperwork. With the new year starting today, there's a lot of last minute paperwork." Glynda answered. "And with what you planned for the initiation, can't say I pity this years new students."

Logan: "Well, this way any and all of them will have a chance to show what they're capable of. Not to mention, if any of them are... undesirable, we can have a legal reason to bar their entry. Since I won't be just a student."

Glynda: "Has anyone ever told you that you can be terrifying at times?" Glynda asked as she realized how smart Logan is for the hundredth time.

Logan: "Do you want me to make a list or...?"

Glynda: "No no. I'm good" Glynda chuckled. "Mr Scarlett-"

Logan: "Logan. You know you can call me 'Logan' when we're not around the rest of the students." Logan cut her off when she called him that. "The same goes for Professor Ozpin and the rest of the faculty and staff. I don't mind, really."

Glynda: "Okay then, Logan." Glynda smirked and said. "I've been wondering. Have you found anyone you fallen for yet?"

Logan just sighed. Ever since Logan began working with Ozpin, he and Glynda became close enough to be considered close friends. Hell, the two of them even went on several missions together. Logan knew she was just messing with him as he does the same to her from time to time.

Logan: "Glynda. You know that with what I've done, I can't say for sure that I deserve anyone. Some of the things I did would cause me to have a bounty on my head should they ever come to light. You remember that town on the outskirts of Anima, I was sent to. I had to condemned every man, woman, and child, regardless of age, to a very bitter end." Logan spoke softly. "What I did, no matter how you look at it, was an monstrous act, evil even. There isn't a day goes by that I wish that I could have done it differently."

Logan's voice was soft and quiet and Glynda couldn't see his eyes. Yet she could feel the depression rolling off of him in waves. Glynda knew of the town that he was talking about and what he had to do. With little hesitation, she pulled Logan into a hug. After a bit, Glynda let go of him and stood in front of him with her hands on his shoulders. Logan's depression halted and he took a deep breath.

Glynda: "Logan, your a good person, a good man. One of the best I've had the privilege to meet. Just remember, you' got people who are willing to help. Okay?" Glynda spoke assuredly to Logan.

Logan: "Thank you. I needed that." Was all that Logan said before the doors of the elevator opened and he adopted a neutral face like Glynda's.

{With Ruby and Yang}

Ruby and Yang were just getting off the Bullhead, as they were leaving, a blonde haired teenage boy in jeans, a black hoodie, and simple armor pushed passed them to get to a trashcan. Which he proceeded to empty his stomach into. Ruby and Yang just gave the teen a wide birth before walking towards the school.

Yang: "I can't believe we're here." Yang spoke as the two of them admired the school as they walked.

Ruby: "I just can't believe I was jumped ahead two years." Ruby replied. "I hope I'm good enough." Ruby then mumbled to herself but Yang overheard her.

Yang: "You'll do fine. Remember what dad and mom said?"

Ruby: "Yes, yes I do. 'Logan's training isn't for the faint of heart. The fact that the two of you survived, speaks of your skill.' I've heard it so much, I can't escape from it in my sleep."

The two of them laughed at that because they both could agree on that. As they continued to move ahead with the small crowd, Ruby accidentally knocked over a luggage cart. Ruby panicked slightly when it happened. As Ruby scrambled to pick the suitcases up, a teen girl in white came stomping over with a scowl on her face. Yang hung back and watched what was going to happened with a smile on her, as she thought that it was going to be funny.

Pale Girl: "YOU DOLT! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!" the Pale girl screamed at the top of her lungs. "GET AWAY FROM MY LUGGAGE!"

Ruby: "Ow! There's no need to yell! I just knocked this over and I'm trying to pick it up!" Ruby defended herself as she continued to pick up the girl's luggage. "Besides, it was an honest mistake. It could have happened to anybody."

As Ruby was picking up the last suitcase, the Pale girl ripped it out of Ruby's hands. As she did, Ruby finally got a good look at the girl.

She was noticeably extremely pale skinned and stood about five foot three in her wedged-heeled boots. Pale blue eyes and snow white hair pulled into a side ponytail that reached down to the center of her back that was pin in place by an icicle shaped tiara. She wore a thigh length strapless that had a white to pale blue color gradation with the helm of the dress scalloped and stitched to resemble snowflakes, with layers of white tulle under the skirt and a piece of black lace over her neckline. Over it, she wears a bell-sleeved bolero with the same color gradation as her dress with the inside a vibrant red and ruffled collar. There was a thin white sash is tied around her waist with a pouch attached to the back. A thin apple shaped pendant was around her neck and on her ears were small rectangle earrings But the most noticeable thing about her was the long vertical scar that ran down from the top of her eyebrow down to her cheek on her left eye.

P.G. : "Give me that! Do you know what this is?" The girl said as she opened the case she took off of Ruby and took out a glowing red vile. "This is Dust! Mined and purified by the Schnee Dust Company! You-" She was going to continue but Ruby stopped her by grabbing her hand that held the vile of dust as she shook it.

Ruby: " You, " Ruby stressed, "are going to blow us up if you keep shaking that." Ruby said as she stared into the Pale girl's eyes. "One, the case was not properly seal. Two, the vile that we are currently holding is cracked. And three, burn dust is highly volatile, to the point that a sneeze is enough to set it off. So can you please do something before you blow us off the cliff, please? I promise that I will still be here after you do." Ruby semi asked nicely-slash-told her.

Weiss: "Oh... Give me a minute..." The girl said as Ruby let go of her hand and left. After a while, the girl returned and glared at Ruby. "Well, I guess I have to say thank you for not letting us explode. Ahem, I am Weiss Schnee. Heiress the the Schnee Dust Company. You are?"

Ruby: "Ruby Rose! And this is my sister Yang Xiao Long, who was probably hoping we go boom." Ruby said as she introduced herself and Yang who came over, somewhat pouting at her introduction.

Once the introductions were in order, the three of them made small talk as they walked towards the amphitheater. As they began to walk, the blonde boy from the bullhead joined them. He named himself Jaune, and chatted a bit with them. Even after striking out with hitting on Weiss, they chatted a bit while being followed by a black haired Faunus girl with cat ears.