Who is Logan?

{With Ozpin and Glynda}

Ozpin and Glynda watched as the red-headed, blue eyed teen they know as Logan enter the elevator after he bowed and dismissed himself. Once the elevator doors shut, Ozpin's clockwork office was eerily silent, as was the night. After a few moments, Ozpin spoke.

Ozpin: "Glynda, what do you make of Logan?" Ozpin asked Glynda suddenly.

Glynda: "I'm not sure I follow. What do you mean?" Glynda asked, wondering why he was bringing this up now; as she turned to face him, her face having a questioning look on it.

Ozpin: "What do you think of him? What are your thoughts about the way he acts? The way he holds himself?" Ozpin fired off his questions, one after another. "What, or rather who, is Logan Scarlett to you?"

Glynda thought for a minute before giving her answer.

Glynda: "Well, for starters, he's a brilliant young man. Those anti-air Grimm towers of his design, are being considered to be built are ingenious. He is confident, yet he never lets that hold him back or hinder him in anyway." She said as she began to pace. "He lets his actions speak for him, and will never fight when angered or when his mind is clouded. Logan thinks of several plans ahead before he decides anything, even when on missions." She stopped pacing and sat down in an empty chair. "Talented in all sorts of weaponry and a gifted teacher in his own right. He's thoughtful, calm, and wise beyond his years." Glynda praised Logan. "Yet the biggest issue is that he bottles everything up. And both you and I know what he's done." Glynda answered Ozpin's questions then mumbled, "He's also a blend of 'he's so sweet and never piss him off.' " Unfortunately, Ozpin heard her.

Ozpin: "I agree, even that last part." Ozpin said and smirked as Glynda flinched. Ozpin then grabbed his coffee cup and took a swig, as he set it down his playful smirk was gone and his eyes harden but there was a faint tiredness to them. "There's one thing you forgot though," Ozpin spoke and Glynda arched her eyebrow, "He's dangerous. More so then any I have met before. Should his back be against the wall and no one is stands with him, that's when we'll see what he's truly capable of. A man with nothing left to lose and nothing to hold him back anymore." Ozpin said as he leaned his hands on his desk, his chin resting on them. "Ironic, isn't it? He was born without claws, without fangs, without scales; only wings that he lost soon after and just now got back. But even so, he forged what he was missing in fire and crafted them from steel all on his own."

Unknown: "But one day, he will break. He'll break so badly, that when the pieces come back together, he'll be unbreakable. If anything, that's the day he will be feared." A soft female voice spoke from the direction of the elevator. "A true, unstoppable force. I just hope that he will still be on our side that day."

Who came out of the elevator was a fair skinned woman with pure white hair and a grey blindfold around her eyes, yet it didn't seem to hinder her movements as she moved gracefully. Almost gliding across the floor. She wore a pale tan two piece dress consisting of a sleeveless, diagonally overlapping white backless pleated top with a raised, pale blue halter-top square collar adorned with an aquamarine colored rhombus-shaped crystal on the clavicle, surrounded by two smaller white rhombuses. Her hair was done up in a simple ponytail and bun and yet still reached her waist. She had on ornate purple sash around her waist and wore a dull bronze earring on her right ear and polished bronze wrist guards adorned with small gemstones.

Ozpin: "Salem dear, what brings you to my office at such an hour?" Ozpin asked as he stared at his wife with love and concern in his eyes.

Salem: "It's just that you missed the orientation for the new students this year. I introduced myself as your secretary to help calm them down and explain that you were busy with paperwork and lost track of time." Salem explained as she glided over to the other seat and sat down. "I gave them your normal speech and then sent them to the ballroom for tonight. I also happened to meet Logan on my way here and let him know."

Ozpin: "Are you fine? Has his urges settled down?" Ozpin asked with concern in his voice. Glynda took this time to excuse herself to leave to her office then quarters. She had a feeling she should check up on Logan and make sure nothing was destroyed, again.

Salem: "I'm fine, love. He managed to hold himself back this time. Though he did have a little trouble keeping his mana and aura from flaring. Other then that, nothing else happened." Salem comforted her husband. "I just still find it funny how the first time we meet, he had this uncontrollable urge to fight me." She chuckled. "Even now he's still fighting that urge."

Ozpin: "*Sigh* Yes, that was something. That area will be a wasteland for the next several years, just so you know." Ozpin said as he rubbed his temples. "Anyway, what are your thoughts on Logan?"

{With Logan}

Logan was currently in an bathroom washing his face and trying to calm his nerves from meeting Salem once again. His mind in turmoil, his mana and aura flaring unconsciously, and his breathing was fast and uneven. After several deep breaths Logan forced himself to do, he managed to get his breathing and mind back under control. But his mana and aura were still flaring, but less then before.

Logan: 'Why is it each and every time me and Salem are near, I lose it? Think Logan. My semblance is that of a phoenix, a bird of life and rebirth. A bird given life by fire. And Salem, she's... She's a mage from the 'Brother Gods' era. Cursed with immortality tied to the planet, Mother of the Maidens and one of two mages left, yet her existence was kept secret from all except Ozpin's inner circle. What else?' Logan thought as he struggled to get his mana and aura under control. 'The only time I've felt something similar was when I was near... Grimm! Right... she once threw herself into a Grimm pool in hope to rid herself of the immortality. It backfired and she became the Grimm Queen, after which Ozama was reborn, found her and remarried her.' Logan thought as he felt his aura and mana subside. 'It's because of the Grimm Pool's energy that's still inside of her. I still don't know who is controlling the Grimm now. But Ozpin and Salem know but have yet to share.'

Logan had managed to regain control of his body completely. Finishing up in the bathroom, Logan dried himself off and left. As he was leaving the bathroom, he bumped into Glynda who had her scroll out.

Logan: "Sorry, Glynda."

Glynda: 'Your fine, Logan. I was just coming to check up on you since Salem showed up at the office." Glynda said with concern. "Are you okay?"

Logan: "Better. But with the flare up, drained. I was gonna head off to the ballroom to get some sleep for tomorrow." Logan answered her.

Glynda: "Unfortunately, it passed lights out in the ballroom." Glynda informed him and she glanced at her scroll and saw it was very late at night. "You'll have to fine somewhere else to sleep as the doors are locked for the night."

Logan: "Shit."

Glynda: "Language." She scolded. "Here." Glynda then handed over a key to Logan. "There's a couch in my office you can use. Just return the key before you leave for the initiation. You remember how to get there?"

Logan: "Yes, this isn't my first time at Beacon." Logan replied tiredly. "Thank you, I owe you."

The two of them then split up. Glynda heading for her quarters and Logan heading for her office. One to sleep and the other hoping to sleep.

{The next Morning}

Logan groaned as he slowly got up and opened his eyes. His hands felt soft fabric underneath as he pushed himself into a sitting position, his mind barely remembering what happened last night. Groggily, Logan rubbed his eyes with one hand while his other groped the floor for his shirt. Moving his hand from his face, Logan squinted as he looked on the floor. After grumbling a bit, Logan got up and walked over to his shirt that was a few feet away from him. Once he was up and dressed, Logan walked out of Glynda's office.

Logan slowly made his way to the cafeteria, he had met Ozpin and handed over Glynda's office key, and explained what happened. Ozpin thanked him and promised to hand the key back to her before they gathered the new students. Logan then continued on his way, when he entered the cafeteria, he almost immediately walked over to the coffee maker and poured himself a large cup. Then he walked over and stood in line for getting breakfast, unaware of who was behind him.

As Logan waited for his turn, coffee in hand, he over heard several new students talking. He didn't bother with them until he heard one of them say 'Faunus Freak' followed by the words 'Be happy your still worth something, as a slave that is'. At once, Logan was wide awake and alert. Glancing around, Logan tried to find where those words came from. Logan found four older students picking on a blue-haired, fox-eared Faunus boy, all wearing the school's uniform. Sighing, Logan left the line and headed over the the group of bullies.

{With Ruby and Yang}

Ruby and Yang were almost right behind Logan in the line. They wanted to talk with him to find out where he was but one look at his face told them otherwise. With what they knew from being around him, when he hasn't sleep, he needs his coffee. But when they saw him leave the line, they couldn't help themselves as they followed him with their eyes. When they saw where he was heading, they just shook their heads. This caught the attention of who was behind them, a black haired girl with cat ears.

Cat Girl: "What's wrong?" She asked the two.

Yang: "Hea?!" Yang got spooked. "Sorry. That's what's wrong" Yang said and pointed over to Logan.

Cat Girl: "Logan!" The girl said as she followed Yang's finger.

Ruby: "You know Logan?!" Ruby said incredibly. "How?!"

Blake: "We grew up on Menagerie together before he left." She said, then introduced herself. "Sorry, I'm Blake, Blake Belladonna."

Ruby: "Ruby Rose."

Yang: "Yang." Yang spoke then asked, "What do you know about him?"

Blake: "Well, he was adopted by a couple on Menagerie who were trying to start a family. Less then a year later the couple had twins which he became the big brother to them." Blake started to tell them what she knew about him as they watched Logan confront the bullies.

As the trio watched, the bullies did something that made Ruby and Yang pale. They watched as the bullies surround Logan with what appeared to be the leader in front of him. When Logan went to take a sip of his coffee, the leader spit in it before he could. Blake saw Ruby and Yang's faces when that happened and asked why. They didn't need to answer as a pain filled scream echoed throughout the cafeteria.

{With Logan}

Logan stared at the teen that just spit into his coffee with an unreadable expression. As the teens went to laugh, their leader started to scream in pain. Logan had thrown his still very hot coffee into their leader's face. Before any of the leader's group could react, Logan reversed hammer fist-ed with the cup in hand to the one that was behind him hard enough to send him up into the air. Spinning, Logan grabbed the ties of the two flanking him and dropped to the ground pulling the both of them into headbutting each other, hard. After tying their ties together, Logan slide out from under them and grabbed the one he sent into the air off the ground. Using him like a golf club, Logan slammed him into the two he tied together as hard as he could. As the three fell to the ground into a pile, Logan just casually walked over to them and sat on them. When the leader's eyes clear up and the stinging pain subsided, he paled. All he saw was Logan sitting on his team like it was nothing.

{With Ruby, Yang, and Blake}

Ruby: "I'm not surprised." Ruby spoke after watching Logan. "I was expecting more after all that."

Blake: "That's not surprising?!" Blake nearly shouted. "And how were you expecting more?!"

Yang: "Believe it or not, he went easy on them." Yang started to explain. "Usually when someone pisses him off, they don't get to see what hit them before they wake up in the infirmity."

Blake: "I don't understand." Blake began. "Back on Menagerie, Logan was never strong like that. What happened?"

Ruby: "Well, we're not sure. All we can tell you is that when he first started to live with us, he suffered from nightmares that kept him awake all night for about a month." Ruby said. "But that was nearly nine years ago."

Blake: "That's about the same when he left too."

That was all Blake could say as they watched Logan get carted off in a purple bubble made by the blonde haired Professor Goodwitch. While another one was carrying the injured team with the leader walking behind them with a pale face and heavy burns. Logan was just sitting in his bubble like he wasn't even bothered with it one bit.