New, old Faces... Sorta?

Logan was sat down next to his bike as he had numerous parts strewn around him as he attempted to fix his bike. Logan had not long ago got back to Beacon because after he searched for Penny for nearly an hour, he got a text from Glynda saying RWBY found her and is bringing her back. Logan just sighed and grunted in annoyance at his terrible luck.

As Logan rode back to the school's garage, his bike cut off as he rode along the school's main road. Logan looked down at his fuel tank and saw that it was reading just under 5/8ths of a full tank. With the speed he still had, Logan drifted off to the side of the road and stopped just in front of a tree. Logan got off it and crouched down and started to fiddle with what he could without taking it apart, hoping to get a clue of what happened. Thankfully, it was a wire that got disconnected as the engine had a lot of electrical type parts that converted his aura to a usable fuel source.

When Logan stood up, a stone came flying at his helmeted head. The stone smacked the side of his helmet, causing Logan to stumble from the unexpected hit. As Logan turned to see who threw that stone, only for a massive slab of the road to come hurling towards him. Logan, acting on impulse, rolled out of the way of the incoming slab. Only to realize that its new target wasn't him, but his bike. Logan watched as the front of his bike crumple, then followed by the frame warping, and finally the engine he spent weeks working to make, crack.

Logan stared at his once beloved bike, now turned into a wreak, a melody of metal on metal clashing being its send off. Logan slowly turned towards the sound, finding Qrow and Winter Schnee, Weiss's sister, fighting while destroying parts of the school. Their little fight caused a crowd to form watching them and making bets from what Logan could see. Logan looked back to his bike and gently set his helmet on the seat. Then he walked towards them, his ash flowing out behind him and wrapping him in a cloak.

~With Qrow and Winter~

As the two of them clashed once again, their blades locked together. Qrow had a antagonizing smirk on his face and Winter had a nasty snarl that ruined her otherwise stoic face. As the two of them stared at each other, all the surrounding sound died away and only one sound dominated everything. The sound of slow, steady footsteps. Then, a heavy pressure descended on to them.

Qrow and Winter disengaged from each other to see who the owner of the footsteps and pressure belonged to. What they saw was a man calmly walking over with slow and steady steps draped in an ash grey cloak. Behind him was a slab of the road that got thrown from their fight, and when the slab tipped over to revel a smashed motorcycle with a sidecar. Winter felt Qrow stiffen beside her when the slab fell.

Winter then felt Qrow turn to try to run. Only for the man in the ash cloak to disappear and reappear over top of him and smash him into the ground with his fist with Qrow's aura shattered. Winter saw the man turn towards her and she readied herself to defend from the man's attack. The man rush her with the same intensity he did Qrow. As the man's fist rush into Winter, it was only thanks to her readying herself that she managed to block the blow.

Winter watched as her saber's blade that blocked his fist start to bend, then it shattered. The man's fist traveled into Winter's sternum. As the air rushed out of Winter's lungs, bile and a bit of blood followed as her aura did little to absorb the blow. As Winter passed out, she faintly saw General Ironwood rushing to her with Ozpin and Glynda in tow.

~With Logan~

Logan stared down at Winter and Qrow with outright anger, though no one could tell as his eye's were shadowed by his ash made cloak. Ironwood, the general of Atlas, was barking order to have Logan surrounded by Atlesian Knight drones.

Ironwood is well dressed and clean. He wears a white overcoat, with a gray undercoat, black sweater, a red necktie and a white glove on his right hand. His suit pants share the same color as his overcoat and are tucked into silver boots accented in gray. His whole outfit screamed 'I'm important!'. While the Atlesian Knight drones had a slender, humanoid appearance clad in white armor, with their black robotic workings visible underneath. Their armor is thin at the midsection, neck and joints, but their chest and legs appeared well-protected.

And all of them had their rifles pointed at Logan.

Ozpin: "Mr Scarlett, may I ask what is the reason you did this?" Ozpin asked while gesturing to Winter and Qrow. Glynda was busying herself with repairing the school.

Logan: "That." Logan said in a monotone voice while jerking his thumb back as his smashed motorcycle.

Ozpin: "...I see..." Ozpin said as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Well then, we'll get this sorted s-"

Ironwood: "Not so fast Ozpin!" Ironwood interrupted and shouted at Ozpin. "He attacked an Atlas Specialist! He's under arrest!"

Logan: "You have no authority here Ironwood! This isn't Atlas!" Logan barked venomously at Ironwood before Ozpin could say anything. "And now your blaming the victim when it was YOUR specialist that started a fight, destroy part of Beacon, and then destroyed private property!" Logan shouted at the General as he stalked towards him. "If anything, I should have her arrested, court-martialed, and thrown in a cell to be forgotten."

Ironwood: "Now see here-" Ironwood started but was stopped when Logan waved his hand and all the drones were shredded to pieces. Logan glared at Ironwood, daring him to try something with his eyes.

Ozpin: "Enough you two." Ozpin spoke as he got in between the two of them. "One of the students just informed me that what Mr Scarlett is true. Specialist Schnee did indeed start a fight with Qrow after he antagonized her. Logan had every right to stop their fight and detain them." Ozpin said as he gestured to Glynda repairing the school. "Though I'll admit that he was heavy handed, Logan did what was necessary. Mr Scarlett, please go take care of your property and I will call you in a bit to come to my office. From there, we will discuss what needs to be done and what will happen."

Logan just gave Ozpin a quick glance before turning on his heel and walking back to his destroyed bike. RWBY saw what happened and stayed behind when the crowd disperse. Ruby and Weiss went with Glynda as she took Qrow and Winter to the infirmary. While Yang and Blake offered to help Logan move what was left of his bike into his pod at the garage.

Logan thanked them but denied and just used his ash to pick it up then left. Walking back into the garage, Logan made his way up the ramp after swiping his scroll. Getting to his pod, Logan opened it and set his bike down inside gently.

Logan sighed as his anger hadn't fully dispersed yet and he rather be calm when Ozpin calls for him and to deal with Ironwood. Deciding to waste a few hundred rounds of ammunition, Logan headed off to grab his personal weapons he keeps in his room. Well, ones he modified to high heaven and beyond for when he wanted to let off steam or to train his aim.

Getting inside his room, Logan walked over to the bed and pulled out a steel case from under it. The case was just over a foot tall, about six feet long, about four foot wide, and had four different padlocks on the front of it. Each pad lock required a different key, yet each key was unique itself and Logan was the only one who could unlock them. Inside were four uniquely modified guns that Logan spent a fortune on.

The first was a modified AR-15. The barrel was made into a integrally suppress barrel that was sixteen inches long with a adjustable bi-pod. The stock was replaced with a thumb-hole pistol grip stock with a adjustable cheek rest with grip tape wrapping the pistol grip. With fifty round magazines, a variable zoom scope, as well as modified to shoot .338 Lapua; This was Logan's personalized DMR. And it is a monster at range.

The second was a modified Glock handgun. The slide, barrel, and internals were ether reinforced or replaced with sturdier parts. It also sported a specially made suppressor that could be taken off or put on in a second, a collapsible wire stock, and a mini red dot sight. Shooting nine millimeter rounds in select fire with forty round magazines; This was Logan's personalized handgun. A handgun that looks deceiving, but could and has killed.

The next one was a modified 12 gauge semi-automatic shotgun. Based off of the riot shotgun from Fallout: New Vegas. It sported a twenty round drum magazine, a polymer stock with a pistol grip, glow ring sights, and an improved choke. Though it was heavy for most people, Logan like it as it was a mighty monster at close range.

The last was a revolver Logan had bought from his system store he forgot about. It was an old Colt peacemaker enlarged to chamber it in .45-70 Gov't with a twelve inch barrel. On each side of the barrel was an western dragon inlaid with gold on one side and silver on the other. It had a brass plate under the handle inscribed with 'Freedom or Death'. Its sights were raised slightly and the cylinder was blackened with an inscribed with a blue star.

Logan smiled fondly at them before grabbing his shotgun, DMR, and Glock then re-locking the case and sliding it back under the bed. After making some quick holsters from ash to hold them, Logan then pulled out a around a hundred rounds randomly for the three guns. Once he was sure he had everything he needed, Logan headed to the firing range behind the school.

On his way, Logan saw something he didn't expect to see. Two of the three spy's from the show. Sitting down on a bench under a tree, all out of the way from students. Making out as if their lips were attached to each other. Unsurprisingly, for Logan at least, it was Cinder Fall and Emerald Sustrai but both of them looked at least 17 years old. And from the way they were making out, they thought they were alone and were getting handsy.

Logan decided to interrupt them so they wouldn't go too far out here. And Logan thought right when they believed they were alone as they jump, and high. Logan let out a small chuckle as he saw this and got a pout from Emerald while Cinder smoothed her Haven uniform out, which they both wore, with a heavily blushing face.

Logan: "Sorry for interrupting your moment, love birds. By any longer and I would of found you two with less clothes." Logan said while trying to keep from laughing.

Cinder: "Ah, sorry." Cinder said as she tried to calm herself. "We didn't mean too-" Cinder tried to keep a straight face but couldn't due to her embarrassment. Emerald hid herself behind Cinder while she watched Logan.

Logan: "Your fine." Logan chuckled. "Just be happy that it was me that found you. The other teachers would give you an ear full about it."

Emerald: "Your way too young to be a teacher!" Emerald shouted at Logan.

Logan: "I'm a guest teacher here. And if you two want to do 'that', I suggest going back to your dorm room. Or if your teammates are in there, Vale's got quite a few hotels that are pretty decent with their prices." Logan commented.

Emerald and Cinder blushed even more at Logan's comment. Emerald called Logan a horrible teacher to which he responded with that they weren't his students or Beacon's. Cinder pulled Emerald away after thanking Logan, as she tried to regain any little bit of her self worth.

Logan: 'Well, Cinder wasn't emitting any mana. So she doesn't have the maiden powers' Logan thought as the two of them rushed off. 'Wasn't expecting the two of them so soon. What's next? A gender-bent Mercury that can give Yang a run for her money in looks?"