
Logan: ' I jinxed myself didn't I?' Logan thought as he saw the new Mercury. 'I better stop her before Coco finds out she was hitting on Velvet. I don't want to deal with that diva going on a warpath again.' Logan thought as he made his way over to the female Mercury who was hitting on Velvet near the shooting range. Logan himself had just finished up shooting close to five hundred rounds of ammunition and destroying close to four hundred targets.

The female Mercury stood at maybe five foot ten with her open grey and black ankle boots. Her legs with covered with thigh high stockings and a pair of black short shorts hugged her ass tightly. A short grey cropped t-shirt held her rather large assets from being seen while showing of her midriff and bellybutton. A short, long sleeved grey and black coat was tied around her waist. Mercury also had longish dark grey hair in a weird semi spiky style. What appeared to be her weapon hung off the back of her jacket.

Currently the female Mercury had Velvet, who was in her Beacon uniform, pinned up against the wall with one hand above Velvet's head. While her other hand was caressing Velvet's cheek, and Velvet was being a stuttering mess. Logan just sighed at Mercury's antics.

Logan: 'I guess somethings never change.' Logan thought. 'Same old Mercury... or would it be Mercuria? Guess I'll find out soon enough.' Logan thought as he made his way over to them. "Hey! Velvet, need a hand?!"

Velvet: "Logan!" Velvet shouted as she shoved Mercury away and rushed to Logan. "Help me please..." She said as she cowered behind Logan. Logan could have sworn that he saw a 2d chibi version of velvet hid behind his leg with her ears held against her head as she crouched down, tears threatening to fall down her larger then normal eyes.

Logan: "Okay, calm down." Logan said to her as he patted her head lightly. "Excuse me, would you please leave her be?" Logan asked Mercury.

Mercury: "What? Your her boyfriend or something?" The female Mercury asked rather aggressively.

Logan: "Oh no, I'm not her boyfriend or anything." Logan stated. "I'm a teacher here and I rather not have to deal with her diva girlfriend go on another rampage."

Mercury: "Please, she can't be that bad." The female Mercury scoffed.

Logan: "She decimated an entire team after they cat-called her. They were left in an hospital for three months." Logan deadpanned. "She never got in trouble as there were no witnesses that could confirm that team's clam that it was her."

Mercury: "Oh." The female Mercury said as she deflated a bit. "Wait, your a teacher? Aren't you too young to be a teacher?"

Logan: "I'm a guest teacher." Logan said then introduced himself. "Logan Scarlett, guest extra curriculum teacher for random subjects. Be it types of movement to how to hide in plain sight."

Mercury: "Mercury Black of Team CEMT (cement) from Haven, though we're a three person team due to... an issue." Mercury said as her eyes looked away. Logan nodded his head in understanding that it was something personal, then gestured for Velvet to go ahead to introduce herself.

Velvet: "V...Velvet Scar...Scarlatina of Team CFVY (Coffee)" Velvet mumbled out to Mercury before hiding back behind Logan who just chuckled.

Logan: "Anyway, Velvet isn't your team handling the Vital Dance? Shouldn't you be there helping them?" Logan asked Velvet.

Velvet: "The rest of the team was deployed for an emergency mission. I wasn't combat able so I was left behind." Velvet said somewhat quietly. "I've been looking for people who could help me plain it. That way there would be less work when they get back."

Logan: "Why don't you ask Team RWBY? They'll be happy to help and should be free." Logan commented. "They've been bugging me non-stop after they finished their classes. And tell you what, if I'm free, I'll stop by to see if there is anything I can do."

Velvet: "OhThankyouthankyouthankyou!" Velvet said rapidly as she hugged Logan's neck before running off extremely fast in the direction of the dorms. Mercury just looked on with an caught off guard and stunned stupid expression. Logan just chuckled at her basically 360 of her attitude.

Mercury: "Is she always like that?" Mercury asked as she watched Velvet disappear around a corner.

Logan: "Pretty much." Logan answered. "She's pretty timid around those she doesn't know. But around those she sees as friends... Well, she has the nickname 'Sassy Bunny' for a reason." Logan said while chuckling.

Mercury: "Well, this sucks." Mercury said as she put her hands behind her head. "Where else am I gonna find a hot chick to flirt with." Mercury grumbled as she walked off.

Logan just shrugged at her demeanor, then walked off to go and put his weaponry away as he was called to Ozpin's office earlier. Dreading having to deal with Ironwood anytime soon.

~With Team RWBY~

Currently, team RWBY was just relaxing in their dorm doing pretty much anything to stave off boredom. Weiss was going over her notes from class, from last week. Blake was rereading a book she read before. Yang was brushing her hair for the third time that day. And Ruby was doing maintenance on her 'Crescent Rose', for the third time that week.

They were minding their own business when they hear a rapid knocking on their dorm room door. Yang, being the closest to the door went to get it. As she opened it, Yang found an excited rabbit hopping from one foot to the other. Velvet was the culprit and she was holding a rather large plainer.

Yang: "Oh, Velvet!" Yang exclaimed. "What's up?"

Velvet: "Well, my team is in charge of planning and decorating for the Vital Dance!" Velvet began. "However, my team was called for an emergency mission. I wasn't combat able so I was left behind. I need help with the planning as I can't do it all by myself!" Velvet continued. "Logan said that you guys were free and maybe able to help!"

Yang: "Sure! We've been bored out of our minds lately." Yang agreed after getting nods from her teammates. "Come on in."

After Yang let Velvet in, team RWBY and her got to work. After about two hours, Yang and Blake sat out while watching the remaining three. Weiss could keep up with the numerous ideas Velvet was going through, but was starting to slow down. Ruby could match her in energy and excitement, however even she was starting to lose steam. Yang and Blake sat, staring the usually quiet girl they knew be full of spirit and energy.

Yang: "How can her team keep up with her when she's like this?" Yang leaned over and whispered to Blake, who just shrugged. "But I'm more curious as to how Coco can keep up with her when she's handsy." As Yang said that, Blake just dumbly nodded her head before catching herself facepalming which went unnoticed by everyone else.

~About 2 Hours ago with Logan~

Logan: "I SAID NO, IRONWOOD!" Logan shouted at the General while Ozpin, Glynda, Winter, and Qrow stood to the side in Ozpin's office as they watched the fireworks between the two. "I can stand you trying to sway me into training your troops, I can stand your 'for the greater good' bullshit, hell I could stand it if you sent some pretentious snot-nosed brat to record the lessons." After Logan's spiel, he was breathing heavily. "But," Logan took a deep breath, "now you want to not only to arrest me, but take my bike, my personally modified guns, and any blueprints I may have. Not only those, but you won't punish Schnee for her blatant disregard for civilians, starting a fight, and damaging private property as well as the school's?!"

Ironwood: "Nothing of importance of the school's was damaged, the civilians were unharmed, and the only property that was damaged was yours. Which was unregistered with any insurance companies." Ironwood calmly stated at the glaring Logan. "As for our demands to you, it is too insure that you are able to repay Ms Schnee's medical bills and her repair bills for her rapiers. We just want to make sure everything is properly paid for." Then Ironwood turned towards Qrow, ignoring Logan for now. "As for you Qrow, If you were one of my men, I'd have you shot!"

Qrow: "Jimmy; If I was one of your men, I'd shoot myself!" Qrow said which-ed earned a snort from Logan as well as a grunt of approval too.

Glynda: "While I wouldn't condone his behavior, retaliating like you did, Ms Schnee, certainly didn't help the situation." Glynda said while trying to diffuse the tense atmosphere that was surrounding Logan.

Winter: "He was drunk!" Winter shouted in return.

Glynda: "He's always drunk!" Glynda countered.

They all turned towards Qrow expecting to see him drinking from his flask, only to find Logan standing next to him while downing the entire flask. Qrow was looking from Logan to his empty hand that was holding his flask. Logan finished the contents of the flask then threw it back to Qrow as he walked towards the elevator.

Logan: "Ironwood," Logan began, "I will NOT give you a single thing that I own. Especially to someone whose biggest concern is having the biggest dick in a dick measuring contest." Logan said as he got to the doors of the elevator. "You will pay for the damages Specialist Schnee caused. As for you Schnee, I have a class tomorrow. You can get the time it begins from your sister and her team. I expect you there." Logan said as the elevator doors open and he walks in. "That poor excuse of a weapon would have shattered soon anyway with it shitty construction. Tomorrow, I'll be kind enough to build you a rapier that could cut one of your ships to bits with ease."

The doors shut as soon as Logan finish speaking. Ozpin's office was left in an stunned silence before laughter broke it. They all turned toward the source and found Salem sitting down at a small table with tea of some sort. Once Salem calm down, she addressed the elephant in the room.

Salem: "Well, you certainly bit off more then you could chew, James." Salem said as she sipped some tea. "And Winter, it's best if you leave for now." Salem said and Ironwood agreed, and soon Winter left.

Ozpin: "Salem dear, how long have you been here?" Asked a semi shocked Ozpin.

Salem: "I've been up here for a while since I enjoy the sunset from here." Salem said then turned towards Ironwood. "James, out of everyone here, I could probably say that I know Logan the best. While he and I don't get along that well, we do talk now and then. He does not deal with those who are pigheaded and egotistical. That and he's quite the craftsmen from what I've seen and heard. As for why your here Qrow, I believe Logan already has the idea that 'His' pawns are already here."

Qrow: "I wish it were just some pawns." Qrow said. "But there 'His' hand picked ones. We can't afford to take it easy. From what I found, that Grimm Lord Logan fought was a portion of one of them. The second is a corrupted and the third is a as far as I can tell, human."

Glynda: "Well, at least we know that only one can enter Vale without issue." Glynda commented.

Ozpin: "We'll need to be more cautious. We don't know that for sure, they may have means we don't know about." Ozpin pointed out.

Ironwood: "We'll be prepared. I already brought a number of my fleet and are on standby." Should they try anything, well nothing much will be left of them." Ironwood said as if it was a fact.

Qrow and Glynda just sighed at the General's comment. Salem just quietly sipped her tea and watched without pointing anything out. Ozpin, however, pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance at the problems that the General's fleet will cause.