Making a Point (Making the Sword part 2)

Logan left the building with the old man still laughing to himself. As far as Logan knew, the Old man had some sort of major grudge with Atlas. And was willing to go as far as helping those that are making them look bad, within reason of course. He wasn't willing to work with terrorists and has shot a few questionable people before for getting on the property.

Hell, Logan was one of the few that could enter the property, get the things they need, pay, and then leave with little to no chance of getting shot at. The number that could were counted on one hand. Not even Tai could do it. Or Summer, the ever ball of sunshine that Ruby gets it from, was scared of the man. And no one knows that man actual name. Everyone just calls him 'Old man', and he just doesn't care enough to change that.

The only things Logan knew was what everyone else knew. One, he is a reptilian type Faunus. Two, he's been here for close to 60 years. Three, he hates Atlas with a burning passion. And four, he is terrifying to those who crossed him and have lived to tell the tale; and they are few.

Logan shook his head to clear his thoughts of the old man. He knew that whatever the old man's problem with Atlas was his problem to deal with. Unless he asked Logan, Logan had no two cents to put in with his problem.

As Logan walked away from the Dumping yard, he entered into town that wasn't too far from it. It was a quiet place and the very same one Logan met with Qrow then later Tai. It had every thing one could need or want, but at the same time was small enough for a lot of people know each other by name and what they do.

Logan walked into an convenience store that he frequented when he lived with Tai and Summer. While he could buy coffee beans from his system shop, he found that the store had better quality at a much cheaper price per pound. Hell, with how much Logan drank, he pretty much became a regular here for the coffee alone.

The cashier at the register groaned in annoyance when Logan walked in. Logan guessed he was hoping he could close early for the night. Logan just smiled and quickly grabbed three 2 pound coffee bean bags and got to the counter as fast as he could for the man without running. Once the cashier rang the bags up and put them in a bag for Logan, Logan just tossed the man around 180 Lien for the bother and told him to keep any change then walked out of the store. Logan didn't even care that he over paid by 40 Lien, he just knew that he had a long, long night ahead of him.

Logan got out of the store and headed directly for the pier while placing the bags in his [Inventory] as he moved. And as soon as Logan was clear from the town, Logan took of into the night. His wings beating steadily as he flew back to Vale as the broken moon and stars lighted his way. All the while his mind wandered from sword design to design. From the overly complex ones that require advanced machinery to simple designs that could be made by hand tools like files.

Logan went over close to a hundred different designs by the time he could see Vale's lights that washed out the woods that surrounded the city. Looking at his scroll, Logan saw that it was close to 11:30 at night and yet the city was still alive and well. As Logan flew over Vale to Beacon, he could see people walking the streets like it was day. Well, at least in the more well off areas that is.

Logan didn't pay the city any more thought and continued on his way to Beacon. And instead of heading towards the Teacher's dorm, Logan headed towards the area where he usually held his classes. There he would be far enough away to work without interrupting anyone's sleep, yet close enough for the light of the school to be bright enough to work with.

Once Logan landed, he got to work setting up his workstation for the long night ahead of him. After setting the workstation up, he pulled out the materials he needed, paper and a pencil. Quickly drawing up several designs, Logan sighed then pulled out what he needed to make coffee for himself. Once the coffee was ready, Logan then began his long and arduous night.

[Small Time-skip]

Logan Found himself being shook awake by someone as he was asleep on the ground. Opening his eyes, Logan found team RWBY standing over his right side. Groaning, Logan sat up from his cot he pulled out. Looking over to his right, he saw that his class was already there and was eagerly waiting to see what was planned for today. Off to the side of them were Ozpin, Glynda, Qrow, Ironwood, and Winter.

Logan just grunted as he went and stood up, swaying slightly from still being tired from hardly any sleep. Letting out a deep yawn, Logan started to stretch out his cramped muscles. Then he pulled his shirt of on to his arms to unfold his wings and stretched them. Putting his shirt back on, Logan finished off his stretching by cracking his neck once which spooked all that was present for the class.

Logan: "Morning, Class. *Yawn* Excuse me for being like this. I have to amuse our Atlas guests who tried to abuse what little power they have here in Vale, if any that is." Logan tiredly addressed the class. Then he walked over to his coffee pot and opened it up. "Cold." Logan grumbled to himself then proceeded to flash heated the pot. "Now then, to answered the unasked question as to why was I out here in a cot. I was building swords for them." Logan said as he drank directly from the pot.

Ironwood: "And I thank you for putting so much effort in doing so. But we already came to a compromise last night so this was all unnecessary." Ironwood said while trying to seem like thing were fine between the two of them.

Logan: "And I told you that it won't happen. YOU wanted everything I own as compensation for knocking your Specialist out after her wanton destruction of the school and my property!" Logan shouted at the man in tired anger.

Logan walked over to the work table he set up and uncovered a sword he had made. The sword he uncovered was a rapier with a blue and white color scheme. The blade was about 100 cm with about 30 cm of the top portion of the blade twisted starting from 10 cm down. The width was only about 30 mm and about 10 mm thick. The guard was made up of three plates on top of one another for the fingers and bottom of the wrist, for the thumb and top of the wrist was similar but with only two plates. The handle was sleek with a silver lever-like piece that extended down to the pommel. The pommel appeared to be a metal Queen chest piece shortened down with a red gem in the center of the crown. The sheath that sat next to it was a mixture of silver and blue with a wide opening large enough to hold it securely with it's guard.

Logan: "This is one of the things I made last night. Besides a lot of coffee that is." Logan said as he unveiled his craft. "I call it the 'Queen's Saber' on the account of the Queen piece. However, since Specialist Schnee is the one that's going to use it, she can chose what to name it." Logan said while still drinking from the coffee pot.

Ironwood: "It appears to be well made." Ironwood said as he walked forward and picked up the sword to examine it. "Your full of surprises, aren't you Mr. Scarlett? But I don't see how a single sword will settle what you owe us." Ironwood said as he walked back to Winter while holding the sword, then handed it off to her.

Logan: "Well she can have that one or this one I made when I had in a stroke of inspiration." Logan said as he pulled another sword out after he set down the pot of coffee. "I call it the 'Rat King's Stinger'."

The second sword Logan unveiled looked as if it was a piece of junkyard art. The base design was based of a normal rapier, but everything about it screamed junk. The blade was the same length, width, and thickness of a normal rapier blade, yet the grain of the blade just seemed wrong. The guard was made from the gears of a mountain bike's gears, done in a woven pattern that encompassed the entire front of the wielder's hand. The handle looked as if it was made from recycled wood wrapped with old vehicle leather with steel wire twisted around it. The pommel was a metal rat head that was wearing a crown with a blue gem in the center. However, there was no sheath present when Logan reveled the sword.

Ironwood: "What. Is. That!" Ironwood screamed at Logan, his face was paler then normal as he gazed upon the sword in Logan's hands.

Logan: "This, is the 'Rat King's Stinger', like I said." Logan spoke without noticing Ironwood face. "As I was building the 'Queen's Saber', I thought that it needed a counterpart. So as I was working on it, my mind wandered and the sword you see in my hands appeared in my mind." Logan said as he swung the rapier in practice movements.

"What you see here was made from discarded items found in a junkyard, or Dumping ground if you prefer. The blade was made from a leaf spring I cut to shape then filed down to profile. The guard is made from, as you can see, several mountain bikes gears done in a woven pattern." Logan continued. "The handle was made from recycled lumber I had on hand, then wrapped with some steel wire I had pull from some steel cable. The pommel was the only thing I didn't get from recycling. I had to hand carve it by hand and thread it so that it could fit onto the handle." Logan said as he did a four point thrust. "But I can say for certain, this is in no way any worse that the one Specialist Schnee has. I can, and will, guarantee it."

Ironwood was stunned silent at Logan explanation and description of the 'Rat King's Stinger'. He glanced from the sword to Logan and back again several times. Once the shock wore off, Ironwood regained his composure. Once he did, he began to laugh at Logan claim.

Ironwood: "Please Mr. Scarlett, that claim of yours is ridiculous. Though I'll admit that it did catch me off guard." Ironwood said once he calmed down. "I highly doubt that 'Sword' as you call it could handle anything except being a wall hanger."

Logan: "Please, Ironwood, you just don't want to believe that something like this could match or surpass anything Atlas has." Logan spoke while eyeing the man. "I mean, after all, your more concerned that someone will surpass Atlas tech then the crime that happens in Atlas."

Ironwood: "That's a bold claim, Mr Scarlett. Atlas is always happy to help other kingdoms to grow and the crime rate in Atlas is only 2%!" Ironwood shouted at Logan with an appalled look.

Logan: "Oh really?" Logan asked. "What about the Atlas soldiers that march into Kuo Kuana and demanded that they hand over all blueprints that helped them expand or be arrested? How about the Atlas soldiers that tried to capture several Faunus kids to sell as slaves? Or about the delegation from Kuo Kuana that was attacked on Atlas streets for just being Faunus? All that delegation was about was for those soldiers to get their punishment, yet those soldiers were given promotions for, and I quote, 'Surviving an enemy ambush and being captured'." Logan spoke, but the longer he went on, the louder he got.

"All Atlas is, is a group of self righteous assholes with a stick so far up their asses, that they think they can walk over anyone. As if they were Gods! That's not to mention that Jacques Schnee, the biggest slave owner on Remnant, is planning on running for Councilman when the elections come around in a few years!"

Ironwood was stunned. He had never, in all his years, been yelled at by someone less then half his age. Logan, on the other hand, made sure that Ironwood knew that what had happened in his city didn't stay quiet. Logan smirked when he saw Ironwood's face go green.

Logan: "Now that that's all out in the open." Logan said as he walked towards a stunned Winter and smacked her with an ash glove. "I, Logan Scarlett, hereby challenge you, Winter Schnee, to a duel! The terms are simple. If I win, Atlas shall repay me for all the repairs I will have to do to my property that you destroyed. If you win, I shall hand over everything you demanded of me with no hassle or issue. Our weapons are the ones we currently have in our hands, the 'Rat King's Stinger' and the 'Queen's Saber'. Winner is when one is unable to continue or their weapon breaks. No semblance allowed, only aura. We duel in an hour. Do you agree?"

Winter: "You insolent worm!" Winter yelled as she held her cheek that Logan slapped. "I accept! And you'll rue the day you dare challenge me!" Winter shouted at Logan before she stormed off to get ready with Weiss following behind her.