Proving a Point (Making the Sword part 3)

Logan was sat down in a chair in one of the looker rooms of the multi-purpose amphitheater. Logan wore a pair of fitted, but loose, black dress pants, his black combat boots, a white long sleeve, button-up shirt with a scarlet vest over it that had golden buttons. On his arms were simple, leather vambraces with thin sheets of metal covering the top of the forearms. His right hand had a black leather glove with a flaming bird insignia on the back of it in bright gold. His hands were resting on top of the 'Rat King's Stinger' as the tip was on the floor; his right under his left holding it up.

Ruby: "Logan, why are you doing this?" Ruby asked as her and her team stood in front of Logan, who had his eyes closed.

Logan: "To prove a point Ruby. To prove a point." Logan answered, not bothering to open his eyes to look at her.

Blake: "I don't see how that explains why you basically challenged Atlas as a whole." Blake said as she stared at Logan.

Yang: "Yea!" Yang agreed with Blake, however, Weiss was quiet.

Logan: "Ruby, did you notice anything that was happening with the students when I challenged Winter?" Logan asked Ruby.

Ruby: "Uh... Some were ready to take notes, others were shocked at what happened..." Ruby said while trying to think back.

Blake: "There were also some students with their... scrolls... out." Blake said slowly as she figured out what Logan meant. "They were recording the class, they recorded you challenging Winter. Now they're most likely waiting to either record the duel or even live-stream it!" Blake shouted.

Yang: "What?! Why?!" Yang yelled in confusion.

Weiss: "To make them lose face, to lose people's trust in them." Weiss said suddenly, catching everyone bar Logan off guard.

Ruby: "Why? What good would that do?" Ruby asked, but directed the question at Logan.

Weiss: "After S.D.C.'s 'labor camps' were found out 'housing' both Faunus and Humans, even going as far as 'experimenting' to make their 'workers' more 'efficient'." Weiss began. "This began to make people lose trust and respect for the company. Once that happened, sales dropped fast and stores began to refuse to sell any dust from S.D.C. . It was only thanks to contracts that were signed to stores that the company managed to stay afloat, although barely." Weiss explained.

Ruby: "Logan, what's your aim here?" Ruby asked worryingly.

Logan: "Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang." Logan began in a level voice. "Are humans or Faunus truly good? Are they absolutely evil? The answer is simple; they're both and at the same time neither one of them. They all have negative traits. At the same time they have positive ones as well. Everyone in the kingdoms, and those that are in the remote villages, have these traits. Atlas, and in this case Ironwood, are so stubborn and prideful that they refuse to see themselves as anything less then what they believe they are. They're in need of a wake-up call." Logan spoke, then he stood up and gestured for them to leave. "Atlas has good people, Ironwood is a good person, they just need to see what they're doing wrong. Hopefully this will, at least, wake them up. Now off you go, the match will start in an half hour. Go get some decent seats before they're taken."

Once Team RWBY left, Glynda entered in, tablet in hand. Logan turned to face her, looking directly into her eyes. Her usual stoic face morphed in to one of concern. Logan just sighed when he saw her face.

Glynda: "Why are you doing this?" Glynda asked. A simple question, yet one that could be asked for any number of things.

Logan: "We both know why, Glynda. Ironwood is too conceited for himself and Atlas's appearance. He needs to be knocked off that high horse of his." Logan said. "Hell, it might make him more bearable to be around." Logan then joked.

Glynda: "This isn't a joking matter!" Glynda yelled at Logan. "James will try something while this duel is happening. You know this!" She continued as she waved her arms at Logan

Logan: "Which is why I asked you to do something for me before he could." Logan said in a calm manner. "I already made sure on my end when I changed. I hope you did what I asked?"

Glynda: "I did as well." Glynda said with a sigh. "Everything in your pod was melted and crushed, just like you asked."

Logan: "Good, that's one less loose end to clean up if things go south." Logan said with a smile reaching the corners of his mouth. "Thank you."

Glynda: "Your welcome." Glynda replied with a smile almost reaching her mouth. "Now then, what's your plan for when you get out there?"

Logan: "Simple: duel." Logan said as he walked to the door. "From what I can tell, Winter is well versed in proper, 'noble' dueling. However, that's all she knows. And I plan on using that to my advantage. Plus, she'll be using a saber while I'm using a rapier."

Glynda: "I see, with countless dueling styles and weapons, one shouldn't be able to guess another' style without knowing what sword they're using." Glynda said as she walked with him and thought out loud. "But there are were few styles that those of 'High society' origin believed to be less barbaric. Thus the birth of 'noble' dueling styles. And since Specialist Schnee is from 'High society', she wouldn't really know any other styles."

Logan: "There's only one annoying thing though." Logan said as his mood soured. "I still have a class to teach. Today. And should be right now." He lamented.

Glynda: "Why not make it a class on dueling?" Glynda said as she pointed out the obvious answer.

Logan: "No, I can't see it being useful enough to warrant a class on it." Logan said as they reached the door. "How often would they even meet someone who would even challenge them to one?" Logan asked.

Glynda: "True." Glynda replied.

Logan: "I have an idea." Logan spoke after a second. "Can you record the match for me so that I can review it with the class?"

Glynda: "That's not a problem, Logan." Glynda told him as she tapped away on her tablet. "My I ask as t what your gonna do with it?"

Logan: "I plan on making the class about how to control a battlefield and Aura control." Logan said with a very evil grin.

- 30 Minutes Later-

Logan stood on one end of the arena with the 'Rat King's Stinger' held loosely in his right hand with his left held behind his back. Winter stood on the other end with 'Queen's Saber' sheathed on her left hip. Her only difference from her outfit was that she lost her jacket for better ease of movement. Ironwood was up in the stands with Ozpin and his ever present, never ending coffee cup of coco. Ironwood had a smug smirk on his face as he watched Glynda walk into the area as the referee for the duel.

Glynda: "Now then, since this is still a school, there will be a few changes as there are students watching." Glynda announced as Winter glared at Logan while he just relaxed with his eyes closed. "First, as this is a duel, there WILL be no outside help allowed at all. Second, will be the use of tournament style rules. When one is knocked out, aura drains to red, one is unable to continue, or as specified when one weapon breaks. Also, no semblance will be used or the offender will be disqualified immediately as agreed by both sides. Are there any questions form either side?" Glynda stated then asked.

Winter: "None." Winter stated while Logan just shook his head no, eyes now opened and staring at Winter.

Glynda: "Very well. Now, may both parties salute and take guard!" Glynda called as both Winter and Logan bowed to each other and then to Glynda as the referee of the duel.

Glynda stepped back after they both bowed to her. As soon as Glynda was out of the arena, winter took up her guard; a rather high guard with her arm fully extended and pointing the 'Queen's Saber' at Logan's face. Logan, on the other hand, moved his feet a little more then shoulder width apart; his body turned sideways and bent down some with his 'Rat King's Stinger' pointing above her head from his waist.

Winter smirked at Logan's stance and lunged. Logan waited at the last moment before bringing his blade up deflecting her sword up and then followed with a quick thrust at her sternum. Once the blade connected with her sternum, Winter jumped back. Logan returned to his guard while Winter stood for a second while studying Logan's form. Logan then decided to move on to the attack with rapid steps. Once in range, Logan unleashed four extremely fast thrusts pointed at her head, heart, sternum, and kidney.

Winter took one to the heart and kidney while dodging the rest by a hair. Stumbling backwards, Winter dodged another assault from Logan. Logan then over extended his thrust and Winter capitalized on it. Lunging, Winter went for Logan's throat with a swift stab. Logan quickly turned to the side with grabbing Winter's arm with his unoccupied left hand. Retracting his hand back and up, Logan throw Winter off balance then swept her feet. Winter hit the ground hard but managed to roll away from Logan's downwards stab at her heart.

Winter: "COWARD!" Winter spat at Logan as she keeled away from him. "This is a duel! Not a fight!"

Logan: "What's the difference?" Logan asked. "Pose? Posture? Form? All a duel is, is an arranged engagement in combat between two people, with matched weapons, in accordance with agreed-upon rules. Nothing more, nothing less." Logan stated as a matter of fact.

Winter was visibly pissed at Logan's statement. She charged while thrusting her weapon at Logan's chest. Logan copied her but didn't aim at her, but her weapon. As the two met, Logan's weapon, 'Rat King's Stinger', pierced into the 'Queen's Saber' basket guard like a hot knife through warm butter. Before the tip of his blade could go deep enough to hit Winter's hand, Logan spun and sliced clean through the guard. Taking it completely off with one strike. The momentum carried Winter a few steps farther then it did Logan.

Winter stood there, horrified at the sight of her weapon in her hand. The guard was cut off and to make matters worst, the blade had a thin crack running through the tip. Winter whipped around, expecting to see Logan about to strike her, only to find him standing where they clashed, if one could call it that. But, Logan's back was to her. Yet she didn't attack.

Logan: "Winter." Logan spoke, his voice colder then ice. "What are you waiting for? My back's to you, yet you hesitate because of what? Your weapon? Mine's not that much better." Logan said.

Winter stared at Logan's weapon, a few centimeters were damaged when he sliced the guard of her weapon off. Yet she still didn't attack, she knew that Logan was baiting her. When Logan turned around was when she knew that she lost. But she still tried to win.

As Logan was turning around, Winter lunged as fast as she could. But when her weapon was mere millimeters from Logan's back, everything seemed to slow down for Winter. Logan vanished from her sight, then she felt it then saw it. One. Three. Six. Nine. Nine consecutive strikes along her weapon's blade in less then a second. Winter watched as after each strike, her blade fell apart. Bit by bit. Then with a final blow, Winter was launched back into the arena's wall. Her aura, shattered.

Logan stood alone in the arena as the buzzer sounded as Winter's aura broke. The 'Rat King's Stinger's' blade was bent and warped from the rapid stings it made against the "Queen's Saber's ' blade. Logan looked at Ironwood, who had a face of astonishment, and just stared at him for a moment.

Glynda: "Winter Schnee is unable to continue due to aura and her weapon was destroyed. Winner, Logan Scarlett." Glynda announced to the stunned audience.

Logan: "Thank you Professor Goodwitch." Logan said to Glynda before turning to the now sour Ironwood. "General Ironwood, as a sign of good faith, I'll forge a new saber for your Specialist. I hope you'll uphold your end of the deal." Logan said before walking out of the arena with Glynda as Winter was be escorted out on a gurney by the Atlas doctors and medics.

Once thing was on everyone's minds, it was that the match only took a minute at the most. The only long parts were when the two of them were talking. Yet everything else was as if they were watching two people with speed type semblances fight.