Logan: "Parent's Day?... Oh no."

Logan let out a very slow, even breath as looked over his handy work. Ironwood lay on the floor of Ozpin's office, out cold and with a very red and noticeable hand print across his face. Ozpin stood off to the side, behind his desk, with his head in his hands. Qrow, who had to talk with Ozpin, thought he was seeing things and actually set his flask down on Ozpin's desk and stepped away from it. Salem sat in the corner of the office quietly sipping tea, not caring about what just happened. Glynda, who Logan gave his scroll to record what happened, was trying her best to hide a smirk but failing.

When Logan got to Ozpin's office, he was expecting to be sent on a mission. Be it one where he had to assault an bandit outpost or even infiltrating a black site where some inhumane experiment are being done. What Logan wasn't expecting was for Ironwood to ask Logan to set him straight. Logan, well, he was more then happy to oblige. And with one solid slap later, Ironwood was unknowingly introduced to a quick way to get some sleep.

Ozpin: "Logan... Why did you deem it necessary to, quite literately, lay James out?" Ozpin asked Logan after releasing a very deep, very frustrated sigh.

Logan: "He asked." Logan said as if it was a simple matter.

Salem: "He's not wrong." Salem said quietly, but everyone heard her. That was awake at least.

Ozpin: "What am I going to tell his subordinates?" Ozpin quietly asked himself, ignoring Salem's comment.

Qrow: "Well Oz, just show them the video." Qrow stated after coming to terms of what just happened. "Jimmy asked Logan personally. They can't do shit." He said as he grabbed his flask off Ozpin's desk.

Glynda: "While the out come was not what anyone expected, James did get what he asked for." Glynda spoke up. "Let's just hand a copy over to them and while we're at it. Logan, would you be so kind as to leave a message detailing what they'll need to pay you for your bike."

Logan: "Sure, why not?" Logan said as Ozpin pulled a sheet of paper and pen for Logan to write on. "Just to let you know what it says, all they need to do is find me a decent BMW R75 motorcycle. I have all the parts I need to remake the engine, I'm just missing the base model to work off of."

Ozpin: "That's fare enough, I suppose." Ozpin mussed, then got a gleam in his eyes. "However, as for us dealing with James' subordinates; you have to deal with an issue I would usually have Glynda here do."

Logan: "Okay, what you need done?" Logan asked hesitantly. 'Why do I feel like I'm gonna hate this?''

Ozpin: "Good. Here, your gonna need this." Ozpin said as he took a scroll pad out and tossed it to Logan. "This too." Then a very large binder. "Your job, is to handle all preparations for Parent's Day for next week and it is a week before the dance as well. Make sure every students' parents know. Good Luck."

Logan: "Parent's Day?" Logan asked, somewhat surprised. Then it hit him, hard. "Oh, no."

Logan looked into Ozpin's eyes, and all he got from the wizard was a nod of the head. Logan shouted a single word that managed to reach all the way down to the ground floor and had many students hear. Qrow, during all of this, was laughing like a mad man while rolling on the floor. Salem was just shaking her head. Ozpin had a smirk plastered on his face. And Glynda patted Logan on the back as he hung his head in defeat.

Logan: "Fine." Logan said dejectedly as he made his way to the elevator.

Ozpin: "That binder has all the necessary things needed for that day! I know you can handle it well, Logan!" Ozpin called out as the elevator's doors closed.

Glynda: "You know, you can be extremely evil." Glynda commented

Qrow: "As much as I loved the look on Logan's face, we need to deal with Jimmy her." Qrow spoke up before anyone could say anything else. "As much as I hate the guy, even I think leaving him on the ground is a bit much."

Ozpin: "Ah, yes." Ozpin balked for a second. Realizing he completely forgot about Ironwood. "Glynda, Qrow. Would you two be so kind as to escort him down to the infirmary?"

The two of them shrugged then picked Ironwood and left with him on their shoulders. Salem was kind enough to her husband to wait for them to leave before she addressed the elephant in the room. Once the two were alone, Salem just gave him a look that didn't bode well for Ozpin at all.

-Parent's Day-

Logan sat on a bench in the school's courtyard, relaxing from the massive amount of work he had to do, plan, and account for so that Parent's Day could even begin. Not only that, Logan even had to convince team CVFY to let him barrow Velvet for a photographer since the only half of the ones the school uses were available for today. That didn't even count how many professors Logan had to deal with that didn't want any of the parent's in their classrooms at all or to even help out. A few of the would only do it if they got something out of it, mostly extra pay. Professor Peach was the worst as she only agreed if she got a rare plant out of it; one which Logan had to go get as no store had one for sale, not even his system.

The school didn't even have Parent's day until a few years ago. Apparently, a lot of families wanted to see how their kids acted in person instead of through a screen. So Logan had to send a mass message every student's home contact and ask if they were going to attend. Then from there, make an estimate how many are going to come and plan for that off of the number of responses. Then arrange lunch for those that would stay for the entire day and that was a hassle in of itself to figure out.

What Logan had to do was make a four block schedule to work off of for all the years. First was how lunch would go and how he could fit all the possible attendees that would be there without overfilling the cafeteria. Then was how classes would be without making it impossible for the professors to teach properly. After that was how the transports would go for those who would take their kids out to Vale after classes.

On the bright side for Logan, Parent's Day was mainly for the first year students since most of them were only 17 still. While not that many were over 17, Logan was just one of the few out of the hundred that got in this year that were over 17.

Anyway, Logan was sat down and relaxing from supervising the shuttles that brought the families up from Vale. Thankfully he had help from some of the other professors to help sign in the student's families for the morning shift. As he sat and relaxed, a very cheerful voice resounded throughout the courtyard grabbing Logan's attention. Which soon cause Logan to groan.

Summer: "Logan!" Summer screamed as she bolt tackled Logan off the bench. "I missed you! How have you been?!" Summer asked as she sat on Logan's back.

Logan: "Been better." Logan managed to voice out from face down. "Could you get off of me? Please?"

Tai: "Sorry Logan! She got away from me!" Logan heard Tai's voice and then Summer was lifted off of him.

Logan: "Thanks Tai." Logan said as he unburied himself from the ground. "I expected to you two to go and see Ruby and Yang. Not me." As Logan turned to face them, he found Tai holding Summer by her arm pits like a cat while she pouted.

Tai: "They were getting ready for your class." Tai be gain but was interrupted by Summer.

Summer: "Yea! When were you gonna tell us that you were teaching a class again?!" Summer scolded Logan. "What did we say about replacing your teachers!"

Logan: "I didn't!" Logan defended. "Professor Ozpin asked me to teach a class on things that could help a Hunter/Huntress in the field."

Tai: "Summer." Tai said as he calmed her down. "I already talked with Oz when we got here. He did in fact ask Logan to teach."

Summer just pouted more which caused Tai and Logan to sigh. The three of them chatted for a few minutes before Logan had to go change for his class. Wondering what it was, Tai asked and Logan told him that it would be a problem solving class this time as every other week Logan changes the class. Logan told them he thought it would be a good idea to see how everyone responded to a situation.

Not long after talking with them, Logan left and made his way to his dorm to get changed out of his school uniform. On his way, he met Winter who nodded her head towards him which Logan returned. Once changed and armed with his Glock and a knife, Logan headed towards his area he basically claimed for his class. However, he met with a slight snag along the way.

-Logan's class-

Logan's class waited for him with baited breath, but soon became confused as Logan was never late more then five minutes. So far, it's almost been 45 minutes and Logan wasn't seen anywhere. Ten minutes later, a tall Faunus man about 6 foot 4 inches with coal black hair and eyes with two fox ears with white tuffs of fur poking out of them. He also ha a chiseled face and three diagonal scars running from the left side of his face to the right. The Man was Azrael, Logan's adoptive father.

Azrael: " *Cough* Sorry to announce it to you all, but Mr Scarlett won't be able to make it today!" Azrael shout over the murmuring crowd. "As for who I am, I'm Azrael Lupine. Mr Scarlett's adoptive Father! As for why he won't make it, well, his mother and sister missed him dearly and haven't let him go since they found him I'm afraid."

As Azrael finished talking, the sound of something heavy could be heard being drug around slowly reached everyone's ears. Once where the sound came from was identified, the crowd parted to make way for Logan who looked worst for wear. On his back was a very beautiful, pale woman with long white hair that reached down to her waist with fox ears that blended into her hair. Se was hugging Logan's back as he had to uncomfortably piggyback her as he moved. On his right Leg was a small white haired girl that looked like the woman on his back. On his left leg was a twin of the girl on Logan's chest except her hair was black. All of them wore a mixture of jeans, sneakers, and a red, blue, or green shirt. And Logan himself, looked as if he had been up for the last few weeks with little to no sleep. Obviously they were Sophia and her daughters, Ava and Eva

Everyone had different reactions. While it was mostly laughter at his pain, some like velvet, were taking pictures. Ruby and Yang looked as if they finally understood what they were like when they were younger. Blake had a look of pity for Logan. Weiss looked with longing, wishing she could be like that with her family. Jaune looked as if he understood Logan's pain. Pyrrha just shook her head at Logan's family, knowing what it was like with family like that. Ren grabbed Nora's hand and whispered something to her that made her blush and quiet down while not letting go.

Logan: "Class is cancelled for this week." Logan got out before falling face first into the ground, letting up a puff of dust. "...help..." Logan weakly cried as he laid there.