"I. Hate. Everything."

Roman Torchwick. A man of infamous renown and self-proclaimed man of many talents. Regarded as THE number one Vale Crime boss and the current head of all the crime that happens in Vale. The man himself could be described as a gentleman and a ruthless crime-lord at the same time.

Currently, he is at one of his many safe-houses that dotted the entirety of Vale. But this one, was his personal house that only those that he trusted the most and could be counted on one hand knew about. The outside of it made it appear to be in the lower end of the lower class of the residential district of Vale. The inside could be said the same, except for one room he refereed to his 'office'.

The 'office' was the largest room in the house while also being the most heavily furnished as well. The carpet was a dark, dark wine red with a bear rug being the first thing seen when entering with a coat rack right next to the door. Around the bottom of the walls was stained black walnut boards with engraved depictions of battles with Grimm; who had their bones and eyes colored in with white and vibrant red. Above the walnut boards was a bright wine red wallpaper with birds flying on them in a seemingly random pattern.

Off to the left side was a brick fireplace with two cozy armchairs with high backs made out of a dark red cloth and ebony wood. On the right side was a wall to wall bookshelf about ten feet tall filled to the brim with books of all shapes and sizes, yet, not a single spine held a title. Nearby the shelf was a chair like those by the fire place with a similarity styled coffee table.

Directly in front of the door was a massive black walnut desk with hand carved corners. Each corner was heavily decorated with hand carved vines and flowers while the tops were roaring lion's heads. The front of the desk was heavily engraved as well two lion roaring at two knights facing them while in between the knights were a coat of arms. On top of the desk was two piles of neatly sorted papers and an ink bottle with a feathered quill sat inside it. And finally, behind the desk was a large, black soft leather chair.

And none other than Roman Torchwick himself sat in the chair while writing with an old black and gold fountain pen in an old leather bound journal. The man stood at a towering six foot three, dressed in a red-lined white suit jacket with a black shirt underneath, long black dress pants, and polished, black dress boots. With slanted, dark-green eyes and bright, long, orange hair and long bangs covering his right eye. Black eyeliner traced his visible left eye made him look dashing while keeping a domineering look as well.

As he was writing, his scroll vibrated from on top of one of the piles of paper. Releasing a sigh, Roman picked up and answered his scroll. Hoping that it wasn't bad news.

Roman: "Yes?" Roman asked calmly as he answered. And after listening for a few moments, he responded. "Meet at the usual spot, I'll be there in an hour. Don't mess anything up any more and don't get caught." Roman ordered before hanging up. "Why is good help these days so hard to find?" He asked himself out loud as he rubbed his face.

Roman got up after putting everything that needed it away in it's respected drawers. Walking towards the doors, he stopped to grab his grey scar, black bowler hat, and his cane he left hanging on the coat rack. Exiting, Roman locked the room up with a hidden key he removed from the wall next to the door then placed it back. Moving towards the garage, Roman got into a sleek black two door car parked inside as the garage door opened. As he drove out, the garage door shut behind him.

It took almost an hour like Roman said to arrive at the meeting place, an old brick restaurant that was owned by a thug for a front. Roman parked around the back of the place and entered in though a back door. Then being guided by a thug to an underground meeting room, a solid concrete room with a round metal table with metal folding chairs.

Roman expected to meet the one who called, but found himself here alone. Sighing, he sat down at the front of the table and waited for the caller. And while he waited, he ordered his usual from the chef up top. Rare steak, sauteed mushrooms, and a small side of mashed potatoes with a glass of red wine. It took a total of ten minutes for the food and drink to arrive and another ten to finish it. He calmly paid the chef for his food and left after getting a call from another. A call he didn't want to hear.

One of his lieutenants' informed him that the operation of the one who called was captured. Along with the stolen shipping trailer of dust was taken back as well. Roman stood outside of the back of the restaurant, and pulled out a cut cigar, lit it, then took a deep drag from it.

Roman: "I. Hate. Everything." Roman growled in anger before striking the brick behind him with a hammer-fist. Cracking the brick with ease. "When I find whoever is responsible for this, I'm gonna... Deep breath, Roman." He said as he calmed himself down. "Great, now I gotta deal with that ass now about this. Neo's not gonna like being called in on her 'personal' days either. Why does everything hate me, today?" Roman asked himself as he got into his car and left.

-With Logan-

Logan: "For the last time Coco, I'm not gonna sing!" Logan argued with Coco Adel, Beacon's self proclaimed fashionista extraordinaire. "Besides, way do you even want me to sing?" He asked as they sat in the cafeteria eating lunch.

Coco is a teenage girl with fair skin, short dark-brown hair, and dark-brown eyes. She has wavy locks on one side of her face, dyed with a gradient that starts as dark brown and transitions to caramel.

Her clothes consist of a long, cocoa-colored shirt with an upturned layered frill collar with a black single strapped waist cincher. She wears black leather trousers that have golden lining around the pocket and ribbons attached to the back of a golden zipper seam around her knees. A black golden studded belt is normally hidden by a large cocoa-colored belt with gun cartridges on the left side and a large golden crosshair buckle. A large piece of black fabric is attached to her belt hanging down on her right side. She wears a pair of dark black, high-heeled leather calf-high boots with golden buckles.

Coco: "Well, we were assigned to make the dance a night to remember." Coco began while she leaned forward, trying to tease Logan. "The DJ broke his equipment, for starters. Then the bands we asked to come bailed for some reason. And the speakers in the ballroom are in need of repair." She explained.

Logan: "I still don't see how this relates to me singing." Logan deadpanned asked. "And I know what's wrong because I was the one who told you."

Coco: "I'll level with you, Logan" Coco sighed. "So far, we got almost everything ready outside in the courtyard. The speakers are ready. Lights, food, drinks, and everything else too. The only thing that's different form last time is that it's outside. The reason I'm asking you to sing is because I asked Ruby and Yang if they knew anyone that could because I was going too but can't. They said they overheard you when you guys were younger. I want you to sing something that will make this a night to remember!" Coco said as she rubbed her temples. "I got a lot on my plate now as it is, due to my family needing me back home. I might not even be able to make it to the dance. So, please!" She asked while bowing her head.

Logan: "Why me?" Logan asked. "I'm pretty sure that there's a few people her that would be glade to do it?"

Coco: "Your not the first person I asked." Coco admitted. "Please?" She asked again, boarding on begging.

Logan: "Fine." Logan said after a minute of thinking. "I'll do it. I should be able to finish up Specialist Schnee's new weapon by tonight and the parts I ordered should arrive in the morning as well. The Dance is in three days right?" Logan asked and got a nod in return. "I see if I can got a few songs together for the night."

As soon as Logan finished speaking, Coco lunged across the table and hugged his head. The top of Logan's head was buried in her sizable bust while the bottom was almost in his food that Logan was trying to eat. Coco released Logan after a minute then began to talk about what he'll need for the dance, to which Logan discussed with her as well. They settled for Logan to sing three songs at the least. One for the opening, one for the slow dance, and lastly one for the ending song that would go along with the fireworks they got. Once the two of them finished, Logan left after throwing away his garbage and placing his tray in the drop off area.

Logan left the cafeteria and headed towards the workshop that Professor Harold Mulberry, The Weapon Crafting and Upkeep teacher. A teacher that could be described as steampunk with dark purple and black instead of the normal orange color ranges. A man who likes to sleep, yet could make pretty much anything you could dream of.

Getting inside the workshop, Logan saw the professor sleeping in an office to the side of the classroom with his feet up on his desk and a magazine covering his face. Seeing this, Logan sighed and got to work on Winter's sword he promised to make after getting it out of his inventory. After seeing Winter's fighting style, he decided on a fusion of a straight saber and a rapier for it.

Logan had already roughly made the blade, a 31in long and 1in wide straight blank with it being double sided with a spear point tip and the guard. The guard was 2in wide and connected to the pommel with a flat bar that protected the hand when held. That left the handle needing shaping, profiling, heat treating, reinforcement, attaching the parts together, and final polishing and sharpening. Logan had already finished the sheath once the blade was roughly done.

Logan started by using his flames to heat the blade until it was about 400 degrees before filing it to proper shape then coating the blade in liberal use of powdered Earth dust to enhance its durability and edge retention. Logan then set it to the side to cool naturally while he began to shape the handle. Logan carefully carved the handle while keeping enough distance from cutting into the area where the tang would be. It took him 20 minutes to finish the handle. Once the blade finished cooling, Logan took it over to a belt grinder and began to finish shaping the blade. The blade shined like freshly polished silver by the time Logan was finished with it, yet the edge was still rounded.

Logan took it over to a worktable he set everything on and began to assemble it. The guard was fitted first, then the handle was pinned into place by brass pins, after that Logan screwed the pommel on tightly. Once done, Logan covered the guard and handle with cloth then sharpened it to a razor edge. It took Logan just over an hour to complete the sword as he removed the cloth wrapping the guard and handle. Sheathing it, Logan texted Weiss asking her if she knew where Winter was.

Weiss replied that she and Winter were at a gazebo that was hidden back behind the school. Logan replied to her that he was on his way after cleaning up after himself. As Logan walked out of the workshop, he took flight and headed towards Weiss and Winter's location. Flying up over the school, Logan spotted the gazebo and dived down. Spooking the both of them as he landed.

Winter and Weiss yelled at Logan for his stunt, yet Logan didn't care. He handed over the new sword to Winter and explained what he did. While she was impressed with the looks and the durability of the sword, she wasn't too happy that it was everything as it looked. Annoyed, Logan told her that it was function and ability over complex things that had a chance to jam or break. Logan ended up flying away after 5 minutes of arguing with Winter.

Annoyed to his limit, Logan headed towards his room to hopefully sleep the rest of the day away. Unknown to him, Coco was giggling to herself as she snuggled with a very sleepy bunny Faunus. Only she knew what she got Logan into, all without him knowing.