Dealing with Idiots part 1

Ozpin: "The Fall Maiden... Amber is dead." Ozpin said solemnly. "And we don't have a clue as to who is responsible..."

Logan: "Fuck..." Logan cursed and facepalmed himself. "Any leads?"

Salem: "None that are worth anything I'm afraid." Salem said as her hands shook. "All the security protections were bypassed and nothing was tampered with. The only clue we have is that the person that killed her has some sort of phasing type semblance. We managed to get a glimpse of them on a camera, but that's it."

As Salem said this, Ozpin pulled his scroll out and played the video for Logan to see. The video started by showing the entrance to the chamber where Amber was held when a figure in a white cloak seemingly walking right through the closed doors as if they weren't even there. Several automated turrets that lined the wall never turned on to fire at the intruder. The video continued to follow the figure as it walked up to the cryo-pod that held Amber, and with a single shot from what appeared to be a revolver, the figure then killed Amber without making her suffer. Then just as the figure appeared, it vanished the same way as the turrets came to life and started to search for the intruder even when the intruder was right in front of them.

Logan: "From the looks of it, their semblance allows them to physically bypass objects and makes them invisible to sensors." Logan said as he began to rewatch the video for any little piece of information.

Ozpin: "That's what we believe as well." Ozpin agreed. "This was three days ago and we've had no luck with any of our informants on who this may be."

Glynda: "We've managed to get a partial crest that was on the side of their firearm." Glynda pointed out. "From what we could glean, it appears to be a red hexagon with an 'X' through it and a black sword or dagger behind it. We know there is a ribbon in front of the hexagon with writing on it, but the footage is the greatest so we have no idea what it says."

Logan: "I have some criminal contacts that might know." Logan spoke after rewatching the video for the third time. "But that can wait till later, first I need to deal with the council. What I say to the students could make or break the council."

Ozpin: "What do you have in mind?" Ozpin asked.

Logan: "I've kept a black box of all my missions, the reports, clients, and the locations. Including all of the off-the-books missions the council had me do." Logan explained. "I can counter the council's version of my reports with ease and I can throw enough dirt at the council for them to be on damage control until the next council election."

Salem: "It's a good plan, but are you sure?" Salem asked. "It could cause a backlash if done incorrectly and draw in more Grimm. We had just dealt with a Grimm siege, I don't think Vale can survive another."

Glynda: "True, but I trust Logan enough to know what he's doing." Glynda said, siding with Logan on his plan.

Ozpin: "As long as you can keep the chance of attracting Grimm to a minimum, I agree to it as well." Ozpin said after a bit of consideration.

Logan: "I'm sure Salem." Logan said after Ozpin spoke. "And I promise to keep the chance of attraction of Grimm as low as possible."

Salem: "Thank you, Logan." Salem said. "We'll call an assembly soon so head towards the amphitheater. There you can address the students." Salem said with Ozpin agreeing with her.

Logan: "Thank you." Logan thanked them. "Once this is done, I wanna get some sleep in a real bed. Even if I was out for a month, I feel like I haven't slept in days."

Once Logan assured Salem that he knew what he was doing, he and Glynda got up and left the office. For Logan, hopefully, to sleep in a real bed once he was done with what he needed to do and Glynda had paperwork to do and lessons to plan. As soon as the elevator doors closed on them, Glynda assaulted Logan's lips with her own. Logan returned the favor by groping her pencil-skirt clad rump with gusto. After a solid minute, the two broke their kiss to breathe.

Glynda: "I've missed you." Glynda sighed as she leaned on Logan. "When you disappeared, I thought I lost you."

Logan: "Sorry for worrying you." Logan said softly as he held her in his arms. "But I promise you, I'll do everything in my power to never make you worry again."

Glynda: "Head to my dorm, I doubt you can get some sleep if you head to yours after speaking to the students." Glynda said as she got off him. "Just so you know, the teacher's dorms are soundproofed, you're not getting any sleep when I get back, you're mine," Glynda told Logan when the elevator doors opened and she walked off with a sway to her hips for Logan to ogle.

Logan: "Oum, I love her." Logan muttered as he watched her walk off before shaking his head. 'Time for that later, Logan. You have to announce the students." Logan thought to himself.

Logan made his way to the amphitheater; like he did when he announced his status as a teacher and student all those months ago. As he walked, Logan took out his black box that held every mission he ever took from his [Inventory]. When Logan arrived at the amphitheater, Ozpin had just announced for every Hunter/Huntress-in-training to head there as well.

Logan sighed as he entered and watched as the amphitheater floor change and seats raised along with a stage. Logan then made his way to the stage and sat down with his black box in his lap and waited for the amphitheater to fill with students. Both Team RWBY and JNPR saw Logan and wanted to rush up to him as soon as they saw him, but understood from seeing him that now wasn't the time for that. Once the amphitheater was filled with students and teachers needed for the Hunter/Huntress training, Logan spoke.

Logan: "Now then, all of you might be wondering why you were called here and why I am talking to you, rather them Professor Ozpin." Logan spoke out loud, making every murmur come to a halt. "I'll get right to the point. Just over a month ago, the Kingdom of Vale experienced a Grimm siege due to a woman named Attila attacking for me destroying her hometown.

I will not deny these claims as they are true! Now, before all of up kick up a fuss about it, I plan on releasing all of the contents of my black box, something any Hunter or Huntress worth their weight in salt should have. And what I mean by 'all' is every mission I took, every report I wrote, every location I went, and every single client I ever worked for will be released without any sort of tampering done to them.

Now, a lot of you may think that Hunters or Huntresses will not have to do things that are outright evil. But the truth of that is, that is far, far from the truth. Regardless of your thoughts, there will come a time when you will have to get your hands dirty with blood, yours or someone else's. Times when you need to save the majority over the minority. Times where the destruction of a town is the mission and the people of that town, need to die. There is no other way around it. That is the life of Hunters and Huntresses.

And I will admit, some things shouldn't ever come to light, Attila's hometown was one of them. But I had no choice in it, that entire town was practicing cannibalistic rituals and kidnapping people for their practices. The men and women, the elderly, and even the children were practicing them to the point that not one of them could be changed. That is the honest, brutal truth to it all and there was nothing I could do to change it.

As for the mission report that I wrote for that mission, it will be released with all the others I have written as well as I said before. And I'll admit it here and now. The things I have seen, heard, and did; I do not regret a single one of them. They were my choices and mine alone. As for where I have been for the last few weeks, I was in the care of a private hospital that took care of me. I was admitted while in an aura-induced coma and was out the entire time and only have just woken up a few hours ago.

I will answer questions at a later time as I have yet to fully recover. Thank you for your time."

With those last words, Logan left the entire amphitheater dead quiet and just tossed his black box to Ozpin who knew what to do with it. Logan's entire speech lasted less than ten minutes and he didn't even try to explain his actions that he took. He accepted what happened at the coliseum and he knew there was no other way to go about it.

Logan left and headed for the teacher's dorms, not bothering to even answer the stares he received when he walked out and no one stopped him. Not even the teachers present at the amphitheater even tried to stop him from speaking or walking out. They knew the truth of what being a Hunter/Huntress means as they are all either retired Hunters/Huntresses or are currently active. Logan sighed deeply as he made his way towards the teacher's dorms, knowing full well that his dorm room would be swarmed should he go there. So his destination was Glynda's dorm which she sent the code for the door for Logan.

Logan sighed once again as he set foot inside Glynda dorm, but with a fatigued smile on his face. The first thing Logan did was taking a shower, having spent a month and a half in a hospital bed he needed one. He didn't even let the thought that someone gave him a sponge bath enter his mind as he let the warm water run down his body. Sighing in relief as he stepped out, Logan quickly bought a change of clothes and pajamas from his [System: Store]. Not long after getting dressed, Logan fell onto Glynda's bed and passed out.

{RWBY: Fireborn}

Logan awoke to a pleasurable sensation below his waist. When he opened his eyes, Logan found himself staring at the ceiling, and when he let his eyes travel down he met the forest green eyes of Glynda. Glynda just smiles at Logan and kisses him. The two of them were covered by a thin sheet.

Glynda: "Morning." Glynda said as she continued to 'play' with Logan with her hand. "I was kind enough to let you sleep for a while. And, today's Saturday~."

Logan: "Thank you for that." Logan said and kissed her back. "Well, you did say I'm yours. So do what you want." Glynda smirked at that and stopped what she was doing and sat up, letting the thin sheet fall off of them and giving Logan a sight that made him drool. "Purple is definitely your color."

Glynda: "I know~." Glynda spoke softly into Logan's ear as she let Logan ogle her for a bit longer. "Now then, I made sure neither you nor I will be interrupted for the next few days. I even went as far as getting a substitute for my classes. So, get ready." Glynda said as she licked her lips.

Logan: "Go easy on me?" Logan asked as he saw the look of hunger in Glynda's eyes.

Glynda: "No." Glynda spoke as she latched her lips to Logan's, their tongues battling it out.

The two of them battled for dominance with their tongues fought each other back and forth. Soon Logan lost the battle of tongues and Glynda dominated his mouth. After five minutes, the two of them broke their lips apart and stared into each other's eyes. With a smile, Glynda lifted herself and slammed herself down onto Logan causing the wind to be knocked out of him. When Logan looked back into her eyes, he had the distinct feeling that he was staring into the eyes of a predator. Logan gulped when he did and feared for his little brother's life.

[Word count: 2116]