Dealing with Idiots part 2

Logan: "Glynda, hon?" Logan softly cried. "Next time, go a little nicer on Logan junior, please. You almost broke him and I do want kids in the future." Logan softly spoke as he slowly sat up. His body was covered in bruises from Glynda's 'playtime'.

Glynda: "You were gone for over a month, I wanted to make up for the lost time we missed." Glynda replied. "And besides, I know you could handle it. Now lay back down, I miss your warmth." Glynda said as she pulled Logan back down and wrapped herself around him with her body.

Logan: "No comment about me wanting kids?" Logan asked her as he wrapped his arms around her. "Because I do want one or two, you know?"

Glynda: "I do too, but there are too many things that need to be done first." Glynda said. "I don't want them to be endangered with everything that's happening."

Logan: "True, true. But we will, one day" Logan said as he stroked her back. "So... breakfast?"

Glynda: "Use your ash because you're not leaving from here." Glynda answered while tightening her grip on Logan.

Logan just chuckled to himself at Glynda's behavior. Logan then sat up with Glynda still hold tight to him and with a wave of a free hand, his ash appeared and moved around the dorm. Within seconds the ash was moving around making the two of them breakfast at a quick pace. Five minutes later, two plates of eggs, toast, and two cups of coffee floated over to them on platforms of ash.

As the two of them ate in comfortable silence, Logan's mind wandered to what needs to be done and fast. One was to deal with the council since they were trying to make a move that didn't make sense. The second was to deal with the Grimm Titans that were roaming around and were getting closer to the Kingdoms. The third was finding a lead on that assassin. And the fourth was dealing with that new Faunus group that's been causing trouble. Though other things were important, these four were at the top of the list.

Logan sighed heavily at these thoughts. He knew that they had to be dealt with and soon or things would only get harder from here on out. Logan unconsciously pulled Glynda tighter against himself as he realized he might have to leave her to go deal with it all. Something he didn't want to do, yet it was necessary for the better.

Glynda: "What's on your mind?" Glynda asked as she felt him tighten his hold on her.

Logan: "I... I might have to leave you here while I deal with the council and among other things." Logan answered heavily. "I rather not have you in the line of fire if I can. And the best chance for the things I need to do is better if I'm alone."

Glynda: "We're through, aren't we?" She asked, tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

Logan: "No." That was all Logan said as he pinned her to the bed. "I rather die than give you up. But I need to do them alone because it's safer that way."

Glynda: "Why?" Glynda asked softly, making Logan almost not hear her.

Logan: "You know why." Logan said as he kissed her. "If I take you with me, I can't guarantee your safety. I don't want that. Even with my [Phoenix Down]."

Glynda: "Logan...please..." She pleaded. "Stay, at least until the council is dealt with. Please."

Logan: "I will, I promise." Logan spoke softly to her.

{RWBY: Fireborn}

Logan sighed at the sight of his lover curled up next to him. Glynda had made sure Logan loved her and wouldn't leave until the council was dealt with. And she made sure that Logan wouldn't ever forget about her. After all, Glynda basically had held Logan captive inside her dorm for the last few days.

Logan slightly stroked Glynda's bare back as he let her sleep in his embrace. Logan knew that he couldn't take her with him with what's to come, and it was a choice that he knew he had to make. Logan hardened his heart at his choice. With the discussion made, Logan fell to an uncomfortable, dreamless sleep.

When Logan awoke, he found Glynda sitting up with her back to him. Logan understood that she didn't want for him to leave, not at all. Logan sat up and held her in his arms, knowing that she needed more support than he did.

Glynda: "I'm guessing you need to go deal with the council today." Glynda said in a flat voice.

Logan: "Yea, I do." Logan said in a similar voice. "But I want you there every step of the way. After all, I want to see you till I have to go."

Glynda: "Okay." She said with some happiness in her voice. "Dress me?"

Logan: "Hehe. Of course, my Queen." Logan said with some cheer. "My Queen needs her helper for when she needs to stun even gods silly." He then punctuated it with a kiss. "But first, a bath. We both need it."

Glynda was caught off guard when Logan picked her up and took her to the bathroom in a princess carry. Soon after the two of them entered the bathroom, they enjoyed a nice warm shower together as they cleaned each other. Once they finished, Logan dried both of them with his flames and then carried Glynda out as he carried her in. Logan then took his time as he dressed Glynda, making sure to kiss her skin as he dressed her in every piece of her clothing she needed. By the end of it, Glynda was a blushing mess, and Logan quickly dressed in formal clothes, not giving her a chance to get back at him.

With a smile, Logan held his hand out for Glynda and helped her up from the bed she sat on. They walked out hand in hand, unafraid of people seeing them. By the time they headed out of the Teacher's Dorms, Glynda had her head leaning against Logan's shoulder with a pleasant smile on her face. Not bothering to give the students that gawked at them a piece of mind as they made their way to Ozpin's office. Especially Teams RWBY and JNPR who was sitting nearby on a picnic table and had watched them go by.

{With Teams RWBY and JNPR}

Teams RWBY and JNPR were stunned speechless at the sight of Logan and Glynda acting like a newly married couple as they walked by. Jaune, who had Pyrrha in his lap, had his jaw drop at the sight, and Pyrrha lightly pushed his mouth closed. But she wasn't fairing much better than him.

Yang: "Holy Oum." Yang breathed out. "Logan snagged Goodwitch."

Blake: "Yang." Blake sighed. "We can see."

Nora: "They're so cute together!" Nora screamed as she hugged Ren from behind.

Ruby: "I thought that Miss Goodwitch was married already." Ruby chimed in as she ate a cookie.

Weiss: "Apparently not." Weiss commented. "Though I'll admit, I did not see those two being in a relationship."

Pyrrha: "Didn't you girls say that you saw her run to where Logan took off from during the Vital Festival?" Pyrrha asked as she watched Logan and Glynda turn a corner. "Because this makes a lot of sense if you think about it."

Ren: "She's not wrong." Ren spoke after getting Nora to settle down. "But I'm happy that Logan managed to find someone. He deserves it with all that he has gone through."

Yang: "I need to call Mom and Dad!" Yang suddenly shouted. "They need to know."

As Yang pulled her scroll out of her pocket, a hand snatched it away from her. Yang looked up to see Blake with a disapproving look on her face. One hand holding her scroll and the other holding her face.

Blake: "Really Yang?" Blake asked. "Just let them be."

Yang: "Oh, come on!" Yang cried as she tried to grab her scroll back. "I was just gonna tell them that it was Goodwitch that Logan boned!"

Weiss: "YANG!" Weiss shouted, "Ruby's here!"

Ruby: "Now that I think about it, it was pretty obvious." Ruby said out loud, ignoring Yang's comment. "With how much those two worked together it's not surprising they got together. I mean, ever since Logan started working as a teacher here, he's been paired up with her a lot as an assistant. More than any other class."

Pyrrha: "Let's see, he's pretty much a genius when it comes to combat. He's skilled in numerous weapons, even ones that seem impossible to fight with. Plus he matches his level with his opponent so that they can grow stronger." Pyrrha listed off while still being in Jaune's. "And with him having his own class that relates to Professor Goddwitch's combat class, I can see how they started a relationship together."

Wiess: "They were basically teaching two of the same class and had to work together numerous times. I'm not surprised when you put it like that." Wiess said.

Jaune: "Does it matter?" Jaune asked the group which turned and looked at him in confusion. "Logan found someone to be with. And from the looks of it, both he and Miss Goodwitch are happy with each other. Plus, if Logan's mission records are anything to go by, he's been through more than we can imagine. I, for one, am gonna support him in case he needs it. I know he'll do the same for any of us." Jaune spoke to his friends, the conviction in his voice caused Pyrrha to squirm in his arms.

Ren: "I agree with Jaune." Ren agreed as the group lapsed into silence as they realized how right Jaune was about Logan.

Yang: "You know," Yang spoke after a minute, "I bet the reason Logan wasn't in his dorm room was because of Goodwitch. Most likely had him locked in her dorm room."

Ruby: "Probably." Ruby said in a deadpan tone. "And Yang? Please stop."

{With Logan, Glynda, and Ozpin}

Logan sighed as he, Glynda, and Ozpin left a telecom conference with Vale's council. They had begun to backpedal as soon as Logan released his BlackBox data to Remnant about a week ago. While most were innocent and trying to protect themselves from the backlash, a few were not. Out of the five on the council, including Ozpin who was a council member, two of them had their fingers in a few too many pies and none of them were clean. One council member was a drug kingpin and controlled a good portion of the black market in Vale's underbelly. The other wasn't as bad but they were the owner of several brothels that had dubious clientele and was cheating on their spouse with several others at the same time.

Ozpin was basically the mediator between all of them and the other two did their best for Vale and looked out for themselves when they needed to. So, the entire thing was just one after another trying to shift the blame to one person or another. Logan got tired of dealing with them after 30 minutes of being in the same conference call. It got to the point that Glynda had to pull Logan out for a minute as he was about to go and kill them due to some of the things they were saying.

Thankfully, it ended with the corrupt members being removed from the council and arrested right after. And with that out of the way, Logan now had free reign to deal with the students before he had to go deal with the Grimm Titans.

Ozpin: "What will you do now, Logan?" Ozpin asked as the three of them entered inside his office. "With the council out of the way, I'm curious of what your plans are."

Salem: "And from the way you're holding yourself, I'm guessing it's not something easy." Salem said as she seemingly appeared with a tray of tea and started to hand cups out.

Logan: "I seriously want to know how that trick works." Logan grumbled as he took his cup, having jumped when Salem does that. "As for my plan now, the Grimm Titans need to be dealt with sooner than we thought. I got sightings that the Titanoboa is nearing Vale's borders from the wildlands. The Moby Grimm is somewhere in Vacuo's gulf according to rumors and disappearing ships. And The Mountain is currently hunkered down somewhere in Solitas' far northern mountain range." Logan spoke seriously. "Right now, the Titanoboa is making its way towards frontier towns. I rather avoid that happening, so that's the first one I'll go after. Then I'll look for leads on the assassin. And, for now, at least, I'm gonna head back to Menagerie to see if anyone knows of this new Faunus group."

Salem: "That's quite a bit of traveling." Salem said as she sipped some tea. "Are you going alone?" She asked as she eyed Glynda.

Logan: "I am." Logan answered simply.

Ozpin: "Are you sure?" Ozpin asked. "I could easily prepare a team to go with you from the last years."

Glynda: "I would advise against that." Glynda spoke up. "With Logan going after the Grimm Titans, they would be a liability and would only be in the way." She argued.

Salem: "Glynda brings up a good point." Salem agreed. "With how Logan fights, they could just become bystanders that could die during any fight."

Logan: "I can't guarantee that they would be okay with just staying behind as I go off to fight either." Logan added. "If I was in their place and had to shadow someone like me but couldn't help, I would disregard orders and try to fight no matter what I ordered."

Ozpin: "I see..." Ozpin said then thought for a bit. "Then, what about help? Materials, Dust, Ammo, Lein?" He asked. "Those Grimm Titans are something that every Kingdom should help battle against. I'm sure the remaining council members would agree."

Logan: "I can agree with that." Logan said as he pulls something from his [Inventory]. "I designed a gun around this, a 57x441R anti-tank round. However, the rounds I made are far more than just a normal 57x441R. I call it the [Sidewinder], it shoots a modified 57x441R round. The round in question is a 57x441R that shoots a Tungsten, fin-stabilized dart that has a hollow body with an explosive powder to drive the dart tip deep at impact." Logan then gave them a minute to digest what he had just said. "Trust me when I say that anything hit by it can not survive. And if they do, I have nothing else in my arsenal that can do any more damage than this."

Ozpin: "Logan?" Ozpin said in a very quiet voice. "I doubt anything could survive that."