Titanoboa (2)

Logan had abandoned the cliff he was set up at after shooting the fifth round out of [Sidewinder]. When he did, the fifth round hit the Titanoboa dead center of its forehead and pushed it back about twenty feet. But the cliff was quickly being covered in Grimm to the point that Logan's flame wall wasn't doing much to hold them back. As Logan flew off the cliff firing his [Crescent Moons] at the Grimm, he glanced at the Titanoboa and saw it was dazed from the shot.

As soon as Logan glanced away, several Nevermores, both large and small, shot towards Logan. Hellbent to tear him limb from limb, each Nevermore suicide charged at Logan as fast as they could go. Logan ended up dodging the best he could as he fired on the Nevermores, taking down a few of them as he did.

Ever since then, Logan had been fighting in an air battle for twenty minutes while the Titanoboa sat on the ground and watched him. With each dodge, the Titanoboa watched and learned from Logan. From the way, he attacks to the way he dodges. Every single little thing Logan did, the Titanoboa made sure to memorize it. By the time Logan had finished off the Nevermores, the Titanoboa got what it needed.

When Logan had dealt with the last of the Nevermores, he was hit from behind, sending him straight into the ground from 2,000 feet up in the air. As Logan pulled himself out of the crater he made, he looked up to see the Titanoboa in the air. It had used itself as a spring and jumped up to smack Logan out of the air. Logan crawled to his feet as the Titanoboa landed back on the ground.

Logan: "I take it back this thing's an ass!" Logan shouted. 'This damn thing is smarter than any Grimm I fought before. Not even that Grimm Lord I fought was anywhere near this bright. It's at least as smart as any person, hell, it's probably smarter than most.' Logan thought as he gripped his handguns tight.

As soon as Logan moved to attack, a Beowolf had appeared from his left and swung. Logan just raised his left handgun and fired a single round through its head while unleashing a torrent of rounds at the Titanoboa. The Titanoboa just let the rounds plink off its scales as it watched Logan get swarmed by the Grimm it was calling and ordering to attack.

Logan moved like water, flowing through the Grimm that was swarming him with ease. Taking out a Grimm with every shot, one after another. However, he was losing ground. Logan was getting farther and farther away from the Titanoboa the more he moved. After a few minutes of Logan fighting the Grimm that the Titanoboa called, they backed away. Logan took a few deep breaths as he kept his head on a swivel, watching out for any surprise attacks. The Titanoboa sat at the back, coiled up and watching with keen eyes.

Logan: 'Just what is its plan?' Logan thought. 'Wait and tire me out? I wouldn't be surprised if that was its plan. The damn thing is at least smarter than Cardin, and I doubt he could even come up with a plan in the first place.' Logan continued his thoughts as the Titanoboa continued to watch from the back of all the Grimm.

Logan and the massive amount of Grimm had a stand-off with Logan in the center of them. No matter where he looked, Logan was surrounded by Grimm. There were even Nevermores flying above him. Logan soon got his breathing under control as he surveyed his options. After a minute of thought, he moved as fast as he could go.

The first thing Logan did was but a large amount of flashbangs from his [System: Store]. Quickly taking 15 of them out of his [Inventory], Logan then threw them around him as he covered his eyes. As soon as they went off, Logan shot up as fast as he could go with his flames boosting him while dropping flashbangs as he went. Once he was above the Nevermores that were circling him, Logan shot up as high as he could go until he was out of their sight. By the time Logan stopped, the Titanoboa was a dot the size of a quarter on the ground.

Logan: 'Okay, now that I'm out from that clusterfuck, I can at least come up with a decent plan.' Logan thought as he hovered. 'That thing survived five rounds from [Sidewinder] as had some damage yet nothing crippling. Either it has a healing factor, or it's just stupidly strong.

My best bet is to use my hammer, but I'm not even sure a direct impact would kill it from this high and that thing is at least 500ft long. Fuck it! It's all or nothing at this point.'

Logan sighed as he had no more options he could rely on to take the Titanoboa down at this point. Five shots from [Sidewinder] should have at least dealt enough damaged to let Logan have a window to exploit. And yet it barely seemed to be damaged from the shots. Now Logan was left with one plan. His hammer, which weighed two tons, that he had to drop from where he floated.

Logan: "You know what? Fuck it." Logan muttered to himself.

Logan flew up a few more feet before backflipping and sky diving straight down. After Logan fell for twelve seconds, he twisted his body as he pulled his massive hammer from his [Inventory]. As Logan completed his turn, he threw the hammer as hard as he could. When the hammer left his hand, it instantly shot out and broke the sound barrier. The force of the sound barrier breaking pushed Logan back up into the air and stalled his descent.

Down below, the Titanoboa had quickly recovered from the flashbangs Logan threw. It surveyed the area where it once had Logan cornered but found nothing. It had raised its head as it heard the booms from Logan's hammer. But, as soon as its eyes were looking at the sky, the hammer had smashed directly on top of the Titanoboa's head. The shockwave devastated the entire valley, the valley itself acting as a funnel and directing the soundwaves up into the sky. The sound wave from the impact stopping Logan fall and damaging his eardrums even with his aura up.

Logan groaned in pain as he descended, his body was hurting from the soundwave and shockwave impacting him. His wings were missing feathers, and his eardrums were bleeding. HIs body was worse for wear as well.

Logan: "Crap, that was too much." Logan groaned. 'If that things survived that, I give up. I don't have anything that can top what I just did and I rather not do it again.'

[A/N: Sorry for the shot chapter, I haven't had time to write this week. But please enjoy!]