Returning Home (2)

[A/N: The only ones that know about magic, know that Logan can use a 'void dimension' to store things. I.E. not that many people he can use [Inventory] to store things so he leaves things here and there.]

Logan groaned as he rolled over on his bed as he felt Glynda's weight move then get off the bed. As Logan cracked opened his eyes, he saw Glynda in her birthday suit practically glowing. Since the two of them started going at it like rabbits, Glynda pretty much was on top not giving Logan any room to move. By the time she was satisfied, Glynda had drained Logan dry several times over.

Glynda, however, didn't care one bit. She felt refreshed and relaxed like she had just taken a week-long vacation. Logan could tell with a glance that she was feeling the best she ever had been.

Logan just mentally sighed and pushed himself up from the bed. As soon as Logan sat on the edge of the bed, Glynda decided to tempt Logan. When Logan finished rubbing his eye, the first thing he saw was Glynda bending over to touch her toes, still completely nude. Logan felt his will nearly break when she looked back and shook her beautiful bubble butt in his face. The smirk she had didn't make it any easier on him either.

Logan: "Hon, as much as I would love to take you again, you have classes to teach and I have to get going." Logan sighed as he stood and gave Glynda's booty a nice smack.

Glynda: "My classes can wait." Glynda said as she stood up and wrapped her arms around Logan's neck. "Besides, I'm still in need of a little more loving~"

Logan: "Glynda, hon. Are you feeling fine?" Logan asked as she seemed off to him. "You seem off."

Glynda: "I've been getting more fatigued lately and there have been some mild headaches here and there for the last week." Glynda answered, slightly confused. "I've already gone to the infirmary to get a check-up and the doctor said everything was fine."

Logan: "Have you gone to Salem?" Logan asked after a few seconds. "With me being able to use magic, it might be a magical sickness."

Glynda: "Logan, I'm fine." Glynda said as she blew off his worry. "It's probably just me overworking myself. It wouldn't be the first time, and probably won't be the last."

Logan: "Just promise me you'll go talk you her." Logan breathed out after kissing her. "I just want to make sure you're okay. I don't know what I do if something bad happened. Please?"

Glynda: "Fine, if it will make you feel better." Glynda agreed to Logan's plea.

Logan: "Thank you." Logan said as he kissed her and touched his forehead with hers. "Now get dressed, no one but me can see you like this."

To punctuate his point, Logan grabbed her butt and squeezed it. Glynda shook and looked at him with hunger. Logan just smiled, kissed her, and then left to go get dressed. And Glynda just pouted at Logan as she watched him get dressed.

Glynda sighed once Logan put on his pants and got dressed. Unbenounced to her, Logan kept an eye on her as he got dressed. Logan couldn't put a finger on it but Glynda seemed more attached to him ever since he got back. Even when he went to the bathroom to relieve himself, Glynda acted like a koala and latched on to his back. Even though she was out cold at the time, Logan couldn't pry her arms off of him.

Mentally sighing to himself, Logan sent a message secretly to Salem. Asking her to look over Glynda, fearing something may be wrong with her magical-wise. Salem responded quickly and asked him to send Glynda up to Ozpin's office.

Logan told Glynda that Salem wanted her as he waved his scroll, signifying that she texted him. Glynda grumbled something under her breath about something Logan didn't catch. Logan just held her hand as the two of them left the dorm, and kissed her when they had to separate so he could leave for Patch.

[RWBY: Fireborn]

Logan landed at Patch's port around three o'clock in the afternoon. The salt of the sea made Logan nostalgic as he walked through the port's town. He laughed at a few memories that came up as he walked down the main road. Like when Yang started a fight club in a back alley or when Ruby drug both him and Yang to get new parts for her scythe as soon as they came in.

As Logan reminisced, his feet brought him to Tai's house. The trees surrounding the place had a scent that brought even more memories flooding back. A small smile graced Logan's lips as he saw Marry, Qrow's daughter, practicing with a wooden sword in the clearing beside the house with Tai watching over her. Tai noticed Logan as he approached the two of them and waved to him.

Tai: "Logan, good to see you." Tai greeted Logan. "What brings you back here?"

Logan: "A few things mostly." Logan spoke as he formed an ash sword and stood in front of Morgan. "One of them was to check up on Marry here. Qrow asked me to help you when I can." Logan said, addressing Marry.

Marry: "Thanks, I guess." Morgan said despondently.

Logan: "Still uneasy about the Curse mark on your father?"

Tai: "Logan-" Tai started but was cut off.

Marry: "Yea, I am." She said while glancing at Tai. "I may be too young to completely understand it, but I know that it's not his fault." Marry spoke as she dashed at Logan.

Logan: "Good, he's not one who'd cry about it for long." Logan said as he blocked her strike and struck back. "He'd get over it and continue on while living his life to the fullest. Are you gonna cry about it?"

Marry: "I don't need to." Marry responded as she attacked. "Ever since my mother died, I've dealt with what came after me by myself for over a year."

Logan: "Good." Logan replied and became silent as the two of them spared.

Tai watched on with a conflicted gaze as he watched Logan and Marry spar. His instincts as a parent wanting to take over as he knew that Logan would push Marry until she collapsed. Tai knew that Logan wouldn't go too far with it and he wasn't here for Marry only. So Tai just watched on.

Not even five minutes later, Marry was laying on the ground panting heavily and out cold from exhaustion. Logan stood above her as she glared at him and Tai just stood to the side watching them. Logan just nodded his head at Marry's progress, picked her up, and tucked her under his arm as he and Tai walked back into the house.

When they entered inside, Summer was watching a cooking show on the couch. Logan just nodded his head to her as he went and put Marry in her bed. When Logan came back from doing that, Summer and Tai were in the kitchen waiting for Logan.

Tai: "So Logan, mind telling us why you're here?" Tai asked as soon as Logan walked in.

Logan: "Well for starters, Qrow asked me to check up on Marry." Logan said as Summer gave him a cup of tea. "The other is to grab my ship. I'll need it to fly to Menagerie with some things I cant take normally. From there, I'm gonna ask around about that new Faunus group that's been going around stealing Dust shipments." Logan said then took a sip of tea. "And that's just the tip of the iceberg on my plate."

Summer: "What then?" Summer asked.

Logan: "Hopefully, I'll get a few weeks of rest before anything needs to get done." Logan sighed. "But before that, I need to build a house." He mumbled.

Summer: "For you and Glynda?" Summer asked, causing Tai to do a spit take.

Logan: "Yes, for me and Glyn-" Logan said then stopped himself. "Yang called and told you."

Tai: "When?" Tai asked his wife.

Summer: "She didn't, I could just tell when we saw her at the Vytal Festival running after you when you left to fight at the wall." Summer explained how she knew. "But, I'm happy for the two of you!"

Logan: "Thank you, Summer." Logan said with a grateful smile.

Tai: "When were you gonna tell me?!" Tai asked his wife and Logan.

Summer: "It wasn't mine to tell." Summer said simply.

Logan: "I'm surprised you haven't found out." Logan said. "Before I went to fight the Titanoboa, we made it pretty clear when the two of us walked into Ozpin's office arm-in-arm."

Tai: "I seriously need to talk to my girls more..." Tai sighed. "Anyway, how was the fight with the Titanoboa?" Tai asked, changing the subject.

Logan: "In a few words?" Logan asked himself. "Pissed me off. I managed to track it down into a valley. A very beautiful place I would have loved to put a house to live in there, turned to a massive crater because of how damn tough it was." Logan said as he brought a bullet for [Sidewinder] out. "The damn thing shrugged off five of these rounds to its head like they were flea bites."

Summer: "I think I can guess how it went." Summer said as she held one of the bullets. "And isn't this for that [Sidewinder] gun you and Ruby made?"

Logan: "Yea, though it didn't do much to it." Logan shrugged. "Anyway, you need anything before I grab my ship? I still have to grab a few things from the ship I came in on." Logan lied.

Tai: "Yea, give me a sec." Tai said as he grabbed a notepad from the fridge. "If you can pick the things up on this list, I would be grateful."

Logan: "A bit of grocery shopping?" Logan mumbled to himself as he examined the list and just shrugged his shoulders. "If there's nothing else, I gonna get going.

Summer didn't say anything and Tai just thanked Logan as he left the house. Logan sighed as it took him about 30 minutes to gather everything on the list Tai gave him. By the time he got back and gave Tai the groceries, it was almost five in the evening.

Tai took the groceries from Logan and handed him the keys to his ship. The ship in question was something that caught Logan's eye when he saw it in his [System: Store] as a blueprint. It was something that Logan fell in love with when he saw Ava from his last life play a game it was featured in. It was the Pelican from Halo that Logan then modified to be lighter, faster, and built to carry more than normal.

At its fastest, it could travel around 600 mph. While with it maximum carry weight could easily go 550 mph. Just like his motorcycle, this was his pride and joy. Though Logan barely had any use for it, he mainly used it as a carrier for other people or appearances. When Logan revealed it to the public to buy, he made sure that it couldn't be armed unless one had the original blueprints. With how well it was received, Atlas wanted a version that was armed for Grimm defense and was willing to pay five times the price.

Needless to say, Logan declined and made sure that Atlas had a lot of trouble buying a single one after that. He had guessed that Atlas already tried to arm one and it just collapsed, didn't start, or just would work at all. Hence the reason they asked to buy an armed one. Again, Logan just declined them.

Once Logan went over his pre-flight checklist, he took off towards the scrapyard to grab the old man that ran it. Logan had a promise to keep and he was gonna make the man smile. Not only that, Tokage, the lizard Faunus weaponsmith on Menagerie, always grumbled about missing her family when she was drunk.

As he landed, Logan wasn't surprised that the old man was waiting for Logan. When Logan lowered the cargo bay doors, the old man just threw him a filled duffle bag and grinned at him. Logan just caught it like it was nothing and shook his head at the man's antics.

Old man: "What took ya so long?" The man asked as he limped onto the Pelican with an old coach gun across his back

Logan: "I'll tell you as we fly." Logan said as he packed away the man's duffle. "But the short version is that I had way too much to do."

Old man: "You forgot, didn't you?" The old man said as he cracked a smile.