Searching for the Truth (2)

Logan sighed as looked over the file he was given after he left Sienna's office by Caramel. He had already managed to get Tokage and Minkael on to talking and no bodily harm terms about an hour ago. Whatever the rift was between the two of them, Logan still had no idea what it was and didn't care. He had bigger things to worry about. Possibly a massive cult if the file he had was anything to go by. Right now, he was trying to wrap his head around the information in the file while he sat at a cafe with a large coffee.

According to the file, of the four Faunus that left that mysterious ship, they all were living in the same building complex, and the team of Black Fangs that infiltrated the ship were under heavy surveillance. And to make matters worst, the ship that they came in on, can't be found anywhere. No sightings or even mention of it anywhere from any of Logan's contacts. Even the dark web didn't have anything on it, making it a true Ghost Ship. Logan had literally nothing to go on about the ship.

Logan sighed deeply as he stood up with the file in one hand and the coffee in the other. His current destination was the location, the holding cells of the changed Black Fang Team. The very ones that infiltrated the ship. Logan's current hope was that they had an idea of what happened to them or maybe even a unique mark on the ship that could help identify it. Having nothing was putting him on edge for a reason Logan couldn't figure out.

Getting to a seemingly random house in the middle of Kuo Kunna, Logan knocked on the door in a certain rhythmic pattern then waited. This was mainly due to the house being one of ten Black Fang bases scattered around Kuo Kunna. The person who opened the door looked like a very gentle-looking Russian babushka from Earth. Yet Logan knew she could kill a man, or Faunus, and make their body disappear before anyone realized what happened.

As soon as the old lady asked what Logan was here for, Logan said the passphrase to enter inside. Logan knew how much security was around the house since he did design it, and would rather not get attacked. And when Logan got inside, he was lead to a hidden stairway that lead deep down below the house to a maze of connecting tunnels.

Once inside the maze, Logan began heading north following hidden marks scattered about. Another thing Logan designed to keep trespassers out. After about ten minutes of walking, Logan made it to the prison portion of the Balck Fang base. A large underground room with cells lining three of the walls and two walkways leading up to two different rooms on either side of the entrance, one for security and the other for guard barracks. The entrance itself was a 6-inch thick steel sliding door with a small hallway to another similar door, it was required for the ones in the security room to open the doors or it would be nearly impossible otherwise to open them.

After the ones in the security let Logan through, he headed straight for the Balck Fang team that was changed. Due to the layout of the cells, Logan's destination was right at the back of the room. As he walked, Logan could feel the multitude of cameras and guards keeping watch of him. Logan mentally sighed as this prison wasn't even a part of his original plans. The prison was built around four years ago due to the need of holding 'certain' prisoners without 'certain' people knowing.

Getting to the first cell, Logan's eyes met the leader of the team that got onto that ship. A female Snake Faunus that Logan could tell something was controlling her thoughts, or at least obscuring them. Her eyes were unfocused and glazed over. Logan gestured to a guard for them to open the cell, as they did a remote-controlled turret targeted the cell and Logan. Logan didn't flinch at the turret and just walked into the cell. As soon as Logan stepped inside, white flames danced along his arm and hand as the door shut behind him.

Logan didn't bat an eye to the door closing behind him and focused on the woman in front of him. The woman in front of Logan, however, didn't even register that Logan stood less than a foot away from her. When Logan saw how she acted, Logan lightly gripped her head and allowed his white flames to cover her body. As his flames covered the woman's body, Logan felt some magic block his flames from doing their work. Logan then pulsed his mana through his flames and destroyed the magic block. After a few seconds, the woman's eyes regained some clarity and light before she passed out.

When Logan saw this, he clicked his tongue and moved out of the cell. Once outside, Logan had one of the guards message, Sienna, that something was controlling the team as he headed to the other cells. It didn't take long for Logan to repeat the process with the second team member. But on the third, Logan felt the magic actively try to destroy the mind of the Black Fang. Logan grunted in pain as he felt the magic attack him as well as the Black Fang member's mind.

With both his white flames and magic working in conjunction, Logan did his best to fight off the magic attacking the Black Fang member's mind. Time flew by as he did his best to minimize the damage done when Logan found out he couldn't stop it completely. Logan did his best to keep brain functions, motor movements, and memory intact as they were the most important bits for any living being while keeping the damage done as low as possible. By the time the attack was finished, Logan had sweat pouring down his body and his aura was running very low as was his mana. As soon as Logan made sure that another attack wasn't gonna happen, he stumbled back into someone's arms. Logan didn't register who it was as he felt himself be dragged out of the cell, up a set of steps, and then being laid in a cot, all while being close to passing out from the mental strain he felt from fighting off the magic.

As Logan felt himself being laid down, he didn't resist the pull of unconsciousness. His mind overtaxed. Hours later, Logan awoke and found himself in the barracks of the prison with a team of Black Fangs watching over him. And as soon as Logan sat up, one ran out of the barracks and another one came over to check on him, a Panda Faunus, while the last one stood by in case something else was needed.

After talking to the person checking him over, the Panda Faunus told Logan he was out for most of the day. They were under orders to watch over him until he woke up by Sienna when she got the message and came here herself to speak to him. When she saw that Logan was currently dealing with the third member and was outputting a massive amount of aura, she had them monitor the situation and handle it accordingly before taking away the other two to the infirmary with a guard to watch over them. After Logan stopped outputting a massive amount of aura and stumbled back, he was the one to pull him out and bring him here. From then on, his team had been watching over him ever since.

Logan thanked the Panda Faunus and stood to leave, yet a spell of dizziness made him stumble. The Panda Faunus caught Logan's arm and helped Logan steady himself before having him sit down as Sienna was on her way. Logan relented and asked if they had anything to eat and drink as he was starving after his stomach rumbled. The one who was standing by, a Bull Faunus from the size of him, handed Logan an MRE and a bottle of water. Logan just grimaced slightly and just quietly accepted the meal.

About 20 minutes later, Sienna walked in, and the look on her face made it seem like someone had hell to pay. When her eyes landed on Logan, who had just finished a Beef Stew MRE and three bottles of water, she openly growled at him. With one hand, Sienna grabbed Logan's shirt collar and dragged him away. The Black Fang team that was meant to watch Logan just sat there and acted as if they were air.

Logan sighed as he let himself be drug away until the tow of them were in the halls. He then just stood quickly and started walking the same speed as Sienna who let go when she felt him do so. Niether of the two of them talked, Logan just followed Sienna until she addressed it herself. Logan continued to follow her until the two of them walked out of a hallway into her office via a hidden door. Once inside, Sienna made sure there was no way for anyone to know what was happening inside.

Sienna: "Talk, I want to know exactly what happened." Sienna demanded as she stood behind her desk. "First I get a report that your meeting the prisoners, than a message that there was something controlling them, and when I get there you were using almost all your aura to deal with one prisoner. So, talk."

Logan: "As I started with the first prisoner I used my white flames, which have semblance blocking properties, and found something like a semblance trying to control her." Logan started explaining. "I quickly nullified it and after sending you the first message started on the second one. The second one was the same as the first and I had no problems. The problem came with the third, the third's was acting odd then it suddenly tried to destroy or even outright kill the prisoner. I did my best to keep that from happening and it even was trying to attack me. When I felt it was a losing battle, I did all that I could to save their memory, motor function, and basic brain function. Though I'll admit, I'm not sure how much I actually managed to save." Logan told her. "Once I was sure the threat was gone, I have vegue memories of being dragged out of the cell and passing out on a cot."

Sienna: "I see, well that explains a good portion of what went down then." Sienna said as she sighed as she picked up a report.. "I already talked to the first two. They couldn't remember much about the ship but we do now have a few details about it. First is that the Captian's quarters had an odd symbol above the door frame, a white diamond shape with an 'I' in the middle with a serpent bitting it's tail around it. Second, the ship was gutted and remodeled to be more of a cargo ship with a floor entirely made up of bunkbeds and a kitchen big enough to serve about 40 people. And third, everyone that wasn't the skeleton crew wore robes with different colors." Sienna told Logan as she sat down. "Unfortunetly that's all they could remember and the third has yet to wake up."

Logan: "At least that'll make my time somewhat easier." Logan groumbled as he rubbed his face. "I'll look into what my contacts know and see if they have any leads to go on. For now, keep an eye on that Black Fang team. We don't know for sure if whoever did this in the first place can do it again seeing as we don't even know their face. So be on the look out and keep me updated on the third member's condition." Logan said as he headed for the public door.

Sienna: "Where are you going?" Sienna asked as she watched Logan unlock the door.

Logan: "Mistral. I can't stay here much longer then I already have." Logan breathed out. "I still have too much on my plate to deal with and it's not getting any smaller. And right now, I have to go find a assassin that murdered a HVP inside Vale. I just wish that I wan't on a time crunch."

Sienna: "Who they kill?" Sienna asked with worry leaking into her voice.

Logan: "I don't know, I was never told who." Logan lied. "I was just shown the footage and was tasked to find them and bring them in." As soon as Logan finished speaking, he left.

Sienna: "I see. Then happy hunting and stay safe." Sienna said to Logan's retreating figure.