The little Miss

Logan sighed as he made his way through the lower levels of Mistral, dodging throw alleyways and moving past street urchins trying to pick-pocket him. Logan, dressed in a big cloak and hood, maneuvered his way towards a bar known in the underground as a massive information hub, as long a one paid. Soon Logan stood in front of the bar in question, he grunted and made his way inside.

As soon as Logan walked through the doors to the bar, he acted with deliberation and made a beeline straight to Lil' Miss, the owner of the bar. When he got close, a Monkey Faunus with back hair and a black tail tried to grab him. Logan just grabbed his hand and threw him at the bartender that went for a shotgun under the counter when Logan moved. As Lil' Miss' bodyguards moved to intercept Logan, Logan threw two daggers he took from some muggers at their feet. Lil' Miss quickly snapped her fingers, causing all her members to back off and not to attack anymore as soon as she saw Logan throw the daggers.

Lil' Miss, in question, is a heavy-set middle-aged woman with light skin and short blonde hair kept in a bob haircut. She has a spider in its web tattooed on her left shoulder, a beauty mark under her right eye, lipstick on her upper lip, and purple nail polish on her fingernails. The top of her dress is white and backless, with long sleeves and details, such as beads and straps, in purple. Below is a purple corset, and a long pleated skirt that is yellow on its top layer, purple in the middle one, and white in the lower layer. Her shoes are brown and decorated with a green ribbon. In one hand were a purple folding and a long, straight pipe.

Lil' Miss Malachite, owner and operator of the massive information broker, The Spider's Den. The biggest underground organization that's the most well-known and connected information organization in Remnant. If it was worth any bit of Lein, she would know. Be it from the most effective assassin to the color of some random Huntsman's underwear, she would know. Right now, Logan sat in front of her as she held her purple fan in front of her face. Behind her, her two bodyguards were glaring at Logan with unconcealed hatred for him.

Lil' Miss: "My, My! I didn't expect to see you here at all, Mr. Scarlett." Lil' Miss drawled out as she fanned herself. "How're my daughters back in Vale?"

Logan: "Fine, still working with Junior at his club." Logan said simply. "But, I'm not here for banter, Lil' Miss. I need information."

Lil' Miss: "You know the rules, Mr. Scarlett." Lil' Miss said as she snapped her fan shut.

Logan: "Fair warning, you may lose a few people to this. " Logan said as he tossed an envelope of Lein cards to her.

Lil' Miss: "Much appreciated for the warning." Lil' Miss thanked Logan as she counted the Lein cards. "And from the looks of it, you're not joking. There's close to half a million in here, so what you need?"

Logan: "Two things. First, I'm looking for an assassin that killed a very important person that had information regarding a very important relic that was lost to time. But she was attacked and left in a very unstable condition, she managed to survive but was kept under wraps in a hidden underground bunker built to keep her alive and safe till she recovered." Logan said as he lied about who Amber really was as he pulled a picture out. "This is the picture of the one who killed her." Then he slides it over to her. "All of what I was told about them is on the back."

Lil' Miss: "I see, this should be easy with what's provided." Lil' Miss said as she looked over the picture and the back. "And what else?"

Logan: "The next thing is the one that may lose some of your people." Logan spoke as he slid over a symbol drawn on a piece of paper. "I want every little bit of information that is associated with that symbol."

Lil' Miss: "I don't see how I could lose people to this, Mr. Scarlett." Lil' Miss spoke straight.

Logan: "Whoever is associated with this symbol is with a person that has a mind control type semblance." Logan explained. "I was in Menagerie a few days ago and one of their police force started acting up. Thanks to my semblance, I was able to free them. This is the only identifiable marking they could remember." Logan told her, lying about how he really found the symbol.

Lil' Miss: "I see..." Lil' Miss said before thinking for a second. "Thank you for the heads up about this group. As for how long it will take, give me three days for the assassin since they'll be the easiest to find. As for this Faunus group, I'll have to tiptoe around a lot more if what you said was true. Give me a contact number so I can get to you when I find anything about them. I highly doubt I'll be able to dig anything up in those three days I said for the assassin. I've never even seen this symbol before."

Logan: "Here, a burner scroll." Logan said as he slid a black-colored scroll over to her. "There's only one number saved on to it and I have another with said number. I won't be inside the city during after those three days, just call when you got something." Logan said as he stood to leave. "Anytime you think one of your members may be compromised, call. The Menagerie incident cost a lot of lives."

Lil' Miss: Thank you for being considerate." Lil' Miss said as she covered her mouth with her fan. "Oh, be a dear and drop that burner scroll you have off with my daughters. Junior hasn't been in contact with me for a while now."

Logan: "His bar may have been destroyed, again." Logan sighed at the thought of a certain blonde girl causing trouble.

Lil' Miss: "Again?" Lil' Miss asked, in question.

Logan: "He tried to strong-arm the wrong person." Logan said simply. "Ended up getting his ass kick and his bar destroyed." Logan walked out as he heard Lil' Miss sigh in exasperation.

{With Lil' Miss}

Lil' Miss just sighed as she watched the Famous and Infamous Hunter Logan Scarlett walk out the front door to her bar. She knew that he would be trouble if push came to shove should she treat him like those who try to force her to work for them. As she thought that, a certain white-haired bast*rd came to mind who tried that once. She smiled at the memory while the two Logan injured start grumbling about the way he acted on her turf.

Lil' Miss: " You do realize that he could have wiped the entire Spider's Den from the face of Remnant." Lil' Miss called out to her members.

1 M: "I highly doubt it." One of her members scoffed. "He's strong, I'll give him that, but I doubt he could wipe us all out."

2 M: "True, besides, I doubt all that about his black box was just for the press." Said a second member.

Lil' Miss: "It wasn't." Lil' Miss said, shocking all her members that were currently inside the bar. "I dug into that myself, and there wasn't a single lie in that box. And if I didn't stop you guys from attacking, we would have been just more numbers to his ever-growing body count. And that man doesn't fear the dead or his death, just pities the living and those who stand in his way."

3 M: "Miss, are you saying he walks with his death on his shoulders?" A third member asks. "That can't be true."

All the members of the Spider's Den that were currently in the bar with Lil' Miss knew about her Semblance. Lil' Miss had a very unique semblance that could tell when someone would die, via a miniature Grimm Spider that floated behind the person she saw. The closer it was, the closer their death; and when the spider touched said person, the person died right then and there.

That was her problem and why she feared spiders. She saw them everywhere and feared the day hers touched her. She couldn't control her semblance and saw everyone's spiders, even her own.

But for Logan, Lil' Miss saw his death looming over his shoulder with less than a millimeter between the two. To her, it seemed as if Logan's death was right around the corner when she first saw it, maybe he would have even dropped dead in the chair he sat in. Then, as they talked, she watched as it touched Logan and began to crawl across his body. Lil' Miss couldn't make heads or tails of what it meant at first, then it hit her. She realized that Logan walks hand-in-hand with his death and others daily.

Lil' Miss: "His spider walked across his body as we talked." She spoke quietly, yet everyone heard her. "He doesn't fear his death as he walks with it daily. And as he was here, every single one of ours came closer to us then drifted back when he left. The closer you were, the closer it got." Lil' Miss aside as he lit her pipe and took a drag from it. "He controls when he dies. That's the only explanation I can think of."

Her members were scared, terrified even. They saw her, the Lil' Miss that scared even massive names with a simple look, shake. Her hands were shaking as she lit her pipe and her eyes were glazed over. The only other time they saw her like this was when she lost her lover and father to her daughters. Ever since then, she had always been dealing with everything without showing weakness.

Their rock was shaken.

{RWBY: Fireborn}

The three days Lil' Miss need to find out about the assassin came and when by in a flash for Logan as he completed missions in Mistral. Though they were mainly clearing out Grimm-infested caves and mines, Logan accepted the jobs as they were easy to do and were close enough so he could fly back to his hotel every night.

On the night of the third day, Logan was just about to head to Lil' Miss' bar when he was stopped by one of the Spider's Den members. Logan had an idea of what was going on when he was handed a metal briefcase. Logan stepped to the side to let the member inside his room and then walked over to a small table and opened the case. Inside was several folders that were individually named and numbered. Logan took them out one by one and looked over them, making sure that everything was there.

Nodding his head, Logan pulled an envelope out from his jacket and handed it to the Spider's Den member. The member checked it, nodded to Logan, and left just as quickly as he came. To Logan, he realized that he may have scared them when he entered Lil' Miss' bar those few days ago. With the way Lil' Miss worked, usually, he would have to head over to her bar after how many days she needed then hand over the other half of the payment once you made sure everything was there. This was 'the' normal for her operations.

Logan just shrugged those thoughts away as he started going over everything Lil' Miss could find about the assassin. And from how much she found, she really did her best. Inside the suitcase were five folders numbered 1-5 and each was about a different part of the assassin. From his looks to his history, who taught him, how he fights, and what weapons he has at any given point. She even threw in his contact information for Logan as well.

Logan just smiled as he closed the briefcase after checking it thoroughly for any nasty surprises. Happy that there was nothing hidden inside the briefcase, Logan started to read over what Lil' Miss had collected thoroughly. He wanted to know everything that was in those files like the back of his hand before Logan told Ozpin and Salem what he found.

So when Logan came across something that raised an eyebrow, he was doubting whether or not to tell either of them what he found.