Divinity Problems

Logan: "Finally, that's the last of it." Logan sighed as he set aside the last piece of paperwork.

Ozpin: "Thank you for all the help, Logan." A tired Ozpin spoke from his desk.

Salem: "We can finish the last bit that's left." Salem said as she placed a fresh cup of coffee in front of Ozpin. "Go check up on Glynda, make sure she hasn't tried to do something she can't. With her being in her eighth month, she really shouldn't move too much."

Logan: "Will do, though I highly doubt she can stand doing nothing all day." Logan sighed. "But mom should be watching her, if not it's Ava and Eva. Anyway, see ya and call me if you need me!" Logan said as he left.


It had been almost four months since the siege of Vale, as it became known. Since then, Vale has been rebuilt and fortified to withstand an attack of similar strength and life was slowly returning to what it once was. Glynda was starting her eighth month of pregnancy and was starting to have trouble walking so Sophia and the twins were taking turns watching and helping her out when Logan was too busy. Logan, however, had little luck in having his aura restored ever since he woke up. The [Exhausted] status had disappeared but he still couldn't use it. Salem and Ozpin theorized that Logan had to relearn, or at least retrain, how to use his aura. So, Logan had been doing basic exercises to get back the use of his aura which was going very slowly even after nearly three months.


Yet Logan didn't let the inability to use aura get him down and started working to help out Vale where he could. Be it patrolling the top of the walls, helping rebuild houses, or even helping out in the food kitchen for those still displaced. Lately, he had been shackled by Ozpin and Salem into doing the paperwork that still covered two-thirds of Ozpin's office floor. And on the brighter side of the rebuilding, the CCT was scheduled to be restored by the end of the week.


On the darker side, the Manta aircraft that attacked the ships from Menagerie still haven't been identified. Mantle and Atlas have all but closed down their borders since the attack. Mistral had been cleaning up their internals and removing most of the gangs that plagued the lower levels. The Spider's Den, Lil' Miss Malachite's group, were one of the few that were safe from the purge. Menagerie had been in contact through Morse code with Vale and doing their best to send help when they could. Be it resources or people they could spare.


But, Logan knew that the attack was just the beginning of something larger that was soon to come. He could feel it. Something he once experienced personally.


War was on the horizon.


Logan sighed and shook those thoughts from his head as he made his way towards his dorm. Ever since the attack, Logan had moved almost everything Glynda had either into their dorm or his [Inventory]; not wanting her to be anywhere where she could be attacked. That and he wanted her to be close at hand to keep an eye on her. Since then, his family has taken over his old dorm which was never taken from him for some odd reason. While his mother and sister were taking care of Glynda when he wasn't, his father, Azrael, had taken up being Ozpin and Salem's gofer to give out orders and the like to the Hunters and those in training still. Though Logan had doubts that they would still be in 'training' once everything was back to how it was.


As soon as Logan got to his dorm, he cleared his head of those stray thoughts. His focus right now was on his pregnant wife waiting inside.


Glynda: "Hello dear." Glynda spoke in a tired voice when she saw Logan walk in, her stomach bulging from her pregnancy.

Logan: "Glynda, how are you doing?" Logan asked as he walked up and hugged her gently. "And where is my mother or even the twins?"

Glynda: "I'm doing fine, just tired and my feet are sore." Glynda replied as she kissed him. "As for your mother and the twins, they left about five minutes ago. They heard about a new ship from Menagerie that just arrived today. They went to see if they could help with anything."

Logan: "Then let's get you seated, I rather not have to collapse." Logan said lovingly as he helped her over to their couch. "Are you hungry? Thirsty?"

Glynda: "I'm fine, Logan." Glynda chuckled at Logan's protectiveness. "Sophia made me some oatmeal and toast with a glass of milk. Right now, I just want to cuddle and watch some movies we have."

Logan: "Your wish is my command." Logan jokingly said as he moved towards their TV and popped a random movie into what was basically a DVD player. 'I'm kind of happy that we had movie nights before the pregnancy, at least we were able to catch up with all the backlog we have.'

Glynda: "What do we got this time?" Glynda asked as she used her semblance to pull blankets and pillows to the couch.

Logan: "Cinderella." Logan said after a glance at the DVD case.


Once the movie was in, Logan pressed play and went and cuddled with Glynda. The two focused on the movie and each other. After the movie ended, Logan got up and put in another before heading back. Neither of them cared, just wanting to feel each other's warmth. Soon, Glynda fell asleep in Logan's arms during the third movie. Once Logan was sure that Glynda was well and truly asleep, Logan gently carried her into their bedroom. Making sure that both Glynda and their child were in a good sleeping position, Logan crawled in. Wrapping his arms around her, Logan slowly drifted off to sleep himself.


However, soon after, Logan awoke to feelings of unease that burdened his being.


{RWBY: Fireborn}


Lux: "Brother, are you sure this will work?" Lux asked his brother. "If we're not careful, we'll activate those accursed binds"

Nox: "I'm sure Brother." Nox told his brother. "We may be unable to use our rightful power, but this is just enough to go under the notice of the binds. As long as we don't try to use any Divinity through them, we will be able to control them as we please."

Lux: "But will those mortals even listen to us?" The God of Light asked.

Nox: "The soul is our domain, we can easily make them with the semblances we given them." The God of Darkness said. "Thanks to 'that' mortal, we've had to change or abandon numerous plans. With these, we will take back our right."


{RWBY: Fireborn}


Auren: "Karma, I found some answers to that Mortal's question." Auren said as he looked up from his work.

Karma: "Oh? You're not mad at me anymore?" Karma jokingly asked.

Auren: "Not the time..." Auren sighed. "The question he asked, it appears that there have been a few cases of such a thing happening. Cases of where the planet itself fighting back against the gods it gave birth to."

Karma: "How many?"

Auren: "... Seven in total..." Auren spoke after a second of thought and checking. "And they're not those 'Cultivation' worlds."

Karma: "Which means?" Karma asked.

Auren: "That, I don't know." Auren sighed. "All of those cases are barred from those not directly affected or the Gods who oversaw those worlds. Plus, there's a standing order to report any possible similar cases. And since you're the one that sent him there, you get to deal with the paperwork that comes with it."

Karma: "Please tell me your kidding?" Karma hesitantly asked.

Auren: "I already reported it." Auren said. "However, since I've come into contact with that mortal, I have to share the burden with you." Auren sighed and then muttered. "Damn rules..."

Karma: "Please tell me that we at least get to look at those cases so we have an idea of what may happen." Karma pleaded.

Auren: "I already requested them for that exact reason." Auren sighed. "They should be delivered soon by Hermes. Let's just hope that he hasn't stopped to flirt, then I doubt he'll even get here within the millennia."


{RWBY: Fireborn}


Logan sighed as he stared at the two weapons that his mother returned to him that morning. Having just got his aura back that late morning, Sophia decided that it was time to return the [Ace of Spades] and the longsword that Logan had used during the siege. To others, they would just see a gun Logan had made and a sword made from his ash. But to Logan, he could see things about them no others bar Glynda, Salem, and Ozpin may notice.


The gun, [Ace of Spades], had gone under a transformation during Logan's brief run with Divinity. The cylinder that housed the Dust that it to fire had crystallized in such a way that it changed the property of the Dust. It now seemed to fire pure energy and to never run out of ammo. As for the sword, it was one he knew fairly well from his old life. The sword was the same one from his Grandfather's stories. The same one that his ancestor won in a tournament from a bygone era. The blade had a twisted and wavy pattern to it with a simple straight crossguard followed by a hand and a half grip and a crown-shaped pommel.


Logan sighed as he stowed away the [Ace of Spades] in a holster and grabbed the sword. He left soon after, heading off to Vale's walls for a mission. However, Logan couldn't help but notice the weight of the sword. It wasn't heavier than four pounds, yet it seemed to carry a weight that made Logan think about it more. And when he concentrated on the sword, Logan could sense a connection to it and him. But as soon as he concentrated on that connection, it vanished.


Logan sighed again and figured it had something to do with his run on Divinity. Putting it to the back of his mind, for now, Logan sped up to the walls. Getting there, Logan found numerous students of Beacon ready for the mission along with a few Hunters. The mission in question was to clear out a Grimm infestation a few miles West of Vale. Logan, having figured this was the best chance he had to retrain his body from all the paperwork that he was stuck doing. Plus, to see how his new weapons were after their bath in Divinity first hand.


It didn't take long for the group to start marching towards the Grimm infestation. The leader, being smart, had paired almost every single person in teams of five or more in case they had gotten split with several being support in case it was needed. Logan, who was going to be a scout, had been teamed up with Team CVFY who ended up as a Vanguard unit. Logan didn't mind and ended up chatting with them since the mission started.


Things were going good with them and they were happy to see Logan finally getting out of the office and away from the paperwork that he was stuck doing. They did chuckle when he told them about how much of Ozpin's office was still filled with the Devil's work. Soon after, they arrived at the cave with the infestation.


ML: "According to the report, the cave is small to medium filled with Beowolfs and Saberhounds." the Mission Lead shouted when they just got sight of the cave. "The Vanguards will move up first, followed by the mid-guards, then the rearguards as we discussed. Vanguards, move up!"


Coco: "Saberhounds?" Coco muttered to her team. "They weren't on the mission details..."

Logan: "Then keep your head on a swivel." Logan said as he drew his sword. "Just like you practiced in class; keep calm and focus on what's in front of you. I'm here in case things start to get messy."

CVFY: "Right!"

Logan: "Coco, take point. Fox and Yatsuhashi, take her flanks. Velvet, you're with me doing hit and runs while keeping guard." Logan ordered as the team entered the cave first.