Divinity Problems (2)

Logan: "Coco, take point. Fox and Yatsuhashi, take her flanks. Velvet, you're with me doing hit and runs while keeping guard." Logan ordered as the team entered the cave first.


As the team entered the cave, Logan lit and threw several fireballs to act as lights with Coco spinning Gianduja's barrels. When the fireballs illuminated the cave, they were met with the glowing red eyes of several large Beowolfs and the growls of Saberhounds. Coco reacted as soon as the first Saberhound started to charge. Gianduja's barrels unleashed hell upon those that were in its path. Logan and Velvet sped off and started to hit the Grimm where they least expected with Logan disappearing and attacking from behind them all and Velvet using her natural abilities and the cave's walls to disorientate and bring down numerous Grimm. Fox and Yatsuhashi kept Coco safe by guarding her flanks and eliminating any Grimm that came close.


By the time the rest of those who had taken the mission entered the cave, they saw that the fight had already started and almost ended just as fast. When the fight was finished, the mission lead came up and asked why they didn't call for support. Coco, being the closest, answered back saying they were attacked as soon as they entered; giving them no chance to do so. The mission lead relented and the group moved forward as one from there. Logan acted as a forward scout and reported back if he found anything. So far, after an hour, they came across just what was reported; Beowolfs and their non-bipedal cousins, the Saberhounds.


ML: "Logan, how is it further in?" The mission lead asked when Logan came back.

Logan: "The cave narrows severely up ahead." Logan reported. "We might be able to fit three-wide going through, but not a single one would be able to fight. From there, it branches off into four directions. I scouted the one farthest to the left and it was a dead end. The two to the right seem to double back slightly and connect at some point farther in; making a loop. The fourth one was far too filled to scout any farther than a hundred feet but it leads into a large chamber."

ML: "Thanks." The mission lead sighed. "Your thoughts?"

Logan: "With how the entrance was, I believe that splitting is the worst idea we can have." Logan thought aloud. "It would take too long to widen the cave and the chance it would collapse is high as well. I say we lure them out here and set up an ambush."

ML: "I was thinking along the same lines." The mission lead said. "However, we need someone to act as bait. We have someone with a semblance that can pull them here, but they focus more on defense than speed."

Logan: "They wouldn't make it back." Logan guessed. "We can try to just collapse the cave, but we don't know if there is another exit. We don't have much choice of what we can do."

ML: "You have more experience than I do and even though I'm the lead on this, I trust your decision on this." The mission lead said as Logan thought.

Logan: "I mainly came on this mission to shake some rust off." Logan told the mission lead after a few moments. "I can take it from here and have the rest fall back. But I know quite a few of the members personally and how they will react. Worst case scenario, they'll just disobey orders. But, the final say is up to you, not me."


The mission lead sighed as she thought about what Logan had just told her. After a long while of thinking, the mission lead had a plan. Gathering up the entire group, she laid out the plan. A few were skeptical and others were worried that it wouldn't work. Logan said nothing and just followed orders. Team CFVY just followed along with the plan.


{RWBY: Fireborn}


Logan sighed quietly as he stalked a lone Beowolf that separated from its pack. Still inside the cave, Logan made sure there would be no noise as he speared the Grimm through its head. Once the Grimm was taken care of, Logan got back to work with his part of the plan. Placing a lure to pull the Grimm's attention back towards the Cave's entrance.


The plan was to lure and pull the Grimm that were in the back of the cave towards where the rest of the group were setting up an ambush point. Logan had the job of setting up lures to help draw any Grimm they miss with the initial try. Out of the four paths, one was a dead-end that Logan cleared, one lead into a large chamber, and the last two just formed a loop. Except for the dead-end, they all had Grimm nesting inside. Once the lure was placed and set correctly, Logan made his way back towards the ambush point.


Coco: "Good to see you back in one piece." Coco greeted Logan as he appeared from the choke point. "How'd it go?"

Logan: "Good, had to take a few out to get the job done but nothing unusual." Logan answered as he took a canteen he was offered by a random Hunter.

Coco: "Quick question." Coco asked as Logan went to walk off.

Logan: "Shoot." Logan replied.

Coco: "Why can't you just smoke the entire cave?" She asked. "We've got enough firepower to do that without you. And with you, we could easily fill this cave with enough fire to melt steel in seconds. Wouldn't that be easier and a lot faster?"

Logan: "It wasn't my call to make." Logan explained. "For one, the Mission Lead has the final say on what to do with this many people grouped up on a mission. Second, while it may be easier, we still aren't sure what may happen so we have to take precautions. Third, we also have to make it back to Vale which is about an hour trip on foot. And that's not taking into account of any injuries that we may accumulate as well."

Coco: "Still though, you could have easily done this mission alone." Coco pointed out. "Why bother with doing this as a group mission and just do it yourself?"

Logan: "Coco, do you know why I wasn't around after the initial siege?" Logan asked to which she shook her head.

Coco: "I figured that you wanted some peace and quiet after you went god mode." Coco spoke. "I did hear how that Grimm Assassin morphed into Goodwitch and got to you, so I figured that was it."

Logan: "Coco, I was out for the first two months after the attack." Logan told her. "Even after I came to, I was powerless. I couldn't use my aura and my semblance was out of the question. Even now, I'm not one hundred percent. I mainly took this mission as a way to test myself and shake off any rust that I got from doing paperwork while I was weak."

Coco: "Shit, I didn't know. Sorry." Coco said, surprised at the revel. "So, how are you feeling now? Any discomfort or something?"

Logan: "it's not that I feel any discomfort or anything, it's just..." Logan spoke then stopped. "... I'm not entirely sure but, it's almost like I'm having to unconsciously restrict myself. Like everything around me is brittle and about to break at the slightest touch."


Coco didn't get a chance to say anything as the Mission Lead called everyone to get ready. With Logan back, the ambush set, chokepoint and kill box ready; they were about to start the plan. Logan just nodded to Coco, silently communicating with her that they'll talk later, and left to his position. By the time Logan got to his position, he noticed there were a few places that weren't stable enough to hold for a long period. Cursing in his mind, Logan made sure to keep an eye on those places as the Mission Lead activated the lures.


But as soon as the Mission lead activated the lures, Logan felt everything shift. The atmosphere in the cave turned stale and everything seemed to die out. The light from the lanterns dimmed, the sounds of the hunter's breathing vanished, and the ground seemed to grow cold. Acting out of instinct, like most other Faunus that were with the group, Logan struck out to his right. Stabbing a Grimm Geist through its mask. All around, more Grimm Geists appeared and attacked the group.


With little thought other than to save those he could, Logan drew his [Ace of Spades] and fired away. Each shot killed its intended target but time wasn't on the Hunter's side. The Geist attacked as soon as the Mission Lead activated the lures and they had less than a minute till the first wave of Grimm arrived. With this in mind, Logan stepped up his shooting and eliminated close to thirty Geists before he felt the first wave of Grimm come close. With little opinion left, Logan took charge.


Logan: "Group up! Group up!" Logan shouted, grabbing the attention of anyone he could. "Those with ranged capabilities focus on the Geists! Those with melee get ready! The Grimm further inside are getting close! Ranged, once you're done with the Geists, fall in where it's needed!"


Logan didn't bother to listen to anyone if they called out as he moved towards the front while shooting any Geist that was in his sights. By the time the first Grimm came out of the choke point, Logan had decapitated it and shot the rest that followed. Logan let loose his ash and fire without worrying about the consequences as he held the choke point on his own.


He cloaked himself in his golden flames (healing), his green flames (Lightning) electrocuted any that tried to get past, and his red flames (Disintegration) destroyed any that were in the way. To those that could watch, they witness firsthand as Logan became a beacon of light as he fought tooth and nail to keep the Grimm at bay. Logan lost track of how long he had stayed there and fought but he knew that he had bought enough time for people to back him up.


By the time the last Saberhound fell to Logan's blade, he had become winded. Around his feet laid the disappearing bodies of the Gimm he had slane personally. Huffing deep breaths of stale cave air, Logan scanned the remains of the group; slightly happy that there were only minor injuries. Sighing, Logan went to move only for him to stagger and almost fall to the floor. Ending up on a knee, Logan felt the adrenaline start to wear off; letting him know just how much he pushed himself. Logan grunted lightly and pushed himself up as he let his flames dissipate.


Looking around, Logan saw that even with the injuries, no one needed help walking. But as he examined the group, Logan couldn't help but feel that this wasn't the end of it. The feeling of dread was still lingering in the back of his head. Keeping quiet about it, for now, Logan started going around and checking to see if anyone need medical help if their aura was unable to heal them. Thankfully, none of the group needed any.


The Mission Lead then took charge once everyone was rested and mostly healed. With the Lead taking the head of the group, they quickly searched the remainder of the cave for any more Gimm but found none. As they exited the cave, they found themselves surrounded by numerous humans and Faunus with weapons trained on them. Logan cursed himself mentally as his instincts screamed at him to move and attack before they attacked. Following them, Logan erected an ash wall in front of the group and started pulling the group back into the cave. Not a second later when the ash wall rose, the group that cornered them opened fire.


ML: "Why the f***k did they start shooting?!" The mission lead shouted as the last of the group was pulled into the cave.

Logan: "I recognize the symbols they had on their shirts!" Logan shouted back. "They're remnants of bandit tribes that should have been whipped out years ago! Some by me, some by other Kingdoms!"

Coco: "I highly doubt those are ghosts shooting at us!" Coco sarcastically snapped at Logan and the mission lead.

Random Hunter: "What's the plan?!" A hunter shouted at the mission lead.

ML: "You have to ask?! Shoot back!" The mission lead shouted as the ash wall started to crumble.


{RWBY: Fireborn}


The Grimm King sighed in relief as he stood in front of the center of the Summoning circle that took him centuries to create and countless resources to power. All to finally bring the world of Remnant to peace. With the circle, the Brother Gods will once again walk the planet; something the King wished very much so.


As the spell matrix activated, numerous colors lit up and started rotating around before converging into the center. Soon a dome of bright, white light rose up with dark figures inside. Minutes passed by slowly as the dome started to lose its brightness before disappearing, leaving the figures floating in the air.


The Grimm King was shocked at what was summoned. It wasn't the two gods he spent centuries trying to bring back. No, it was two men in their early to mid-twenties. Yet, upon a closer look, they had intricate horns.