It's a...

Doctor: "Well, Glynda." The doctor huffed in tiredness. "I'm happy to announce...


Four hours earlier...


Logan had just grabbed Glynda's hand as she huffed and screamed out. The birthing process was both hard on her and incredibly painful. Logan ended up grunting in pain as Glynda had used her semblance to start crushing Logan's hand unconsciously. Logan stuffed it out for his wife as the birthing process went on. Salem guarded the outside from the other side of the door, making sure that when the people she called got there, they would wait until the process was over.


Salem sighed as she thought back to those she called. Making mental calculations to try and figure out which group would arrive first. Her money was on Logan's parents and sister being first with one of the twins arriving with a parent then the others teleporting to them. Then it would be a tie between the Teams RWBY and JNPR depending on circumstance. She knew that unless Summer pulled some favors from her time as an active Huntress; she, Tai, and Marry (Qrow's kid) wouldn't be there until tomorrow at the latest.


Suddenly, Salem groaned as she felt a migraine start forming in her head as she thought of Summer and her cheery smile. She could tell Summer was gonna do something crazy and she was going to have to yell at her, again. At this point, Salem was sure her hair was turning grey just because of Summer and her alone. Sure, the Branwen Twins and their cursed semblances and Tai with his incessant pranks were stress-inducing at times, but Salem was sure that when Summer got excited is when the grey started to appear. She somehow always got into trouble when she wasn't watched.


Salem: 'Even as a grown-up, she still acts like a child at times.' Salem mused. 'It's hard to believe that Tai managed to tame her, somehow. Most likely with cookies. Definitely with cookies.'


As Salem thought this, she was pleasantly surprised when Team RWBY arrived with Pyrrha and Nora carrying their partners. She wasn't surprised when she noticed that the two males that were being carried had their eyes glued to their partners' rear ends. Sighing, Salem blocked the door when she noticed Ruby and Blake rushing towards it.


Salem: "Please, wait out here." Salem asked as she subtly used magic to lock the door. "Glynda is already in due process with Logan by her side. Any more than those already in there would only be detrimental to her health. Both mentally and physically."

Ruby: "Is there anything we can do?" Ruby asked as Nora and Pyrrha dropped their boyfriends, Ren landed easily but Jaune fell hard.

Weiss: "The only thing we can do is wait and pray for it to be a safe delivery." Weiss spoke up. "I still have vague memories of being by my mother's side when Whitley was born. Though it was just me and Winter, that sperm donor didn't arrive until after it was announced he was a boy."

Blake: "They're right," Blake pointed out. "I remember helping out my mother when Menagerie had a baby boon. During that time, we almost doubled the population of Menagerie. There weren't enough hands to go around and a lot of fathers that day had broken hands afterward."

Pyrrha: "Well, let's at least get something ready for when the child is born." Pyrrha suggested. "Mrs. Goodwitch is going to be tired afterward and Logan isn't going to leave her or his child's side once the baby is cleaned and returned to her. On second thought, Logan might just do that himself with his flames."

Jaune: "You're right though, Pyrr." Jaune grunted as he rightened himself. "We should do something for them, they've done so much for us already."

Yang: "Party?" Yang suggested.

Ruby: "It would be a good start, but I have an idea."


Ruby ended up suggesting a small party, nothing big or lavish, just a small get-together for family and close friends only. Drinks for celebrating the birth of their child and some finger food for the meals. Salem offered to see if Port's wife, Patricia, could cook a few of her pies of the party since she and Glynda were close; Port, not so much. Weiss offered to fund the party since something was going on behind the scenes at S.D.C that was making a very large impact on her life in a good way. Yang offered to go see Junior, seeing if he had anything he wanted to add as Yang knew that Logan often went to him for information and to blow a little steam off here and there. Blake and Ren offered to set up a video conference call for those that couldn't attend so that they could meet the baby. Nora tried to offer something that needed a hundred cocoanut cream-pies but was immediately shut up by Ren kissing her.


Jaune ended up pulling his scroll out and ended up taking charge. Handing out orders left and right to get everything started. He had Ruby go and see if Velvet was available for taking pictures. Yang was sent off to Juniors' with Blake acting as her mediator so she wouldn't destroy the club, for the third time. Salem was asked to contact Patrica and see if she was willing to cook for the party. Weiss was in charge of gathering the ingredients that Patrica would need if she agreed, if not she was going to call around to see if anyone was willing to cater on such short notice. Then Ren and Nora were in charge of seeing if they could borrow a few computers from the tech lab for the conference call for those that couldn't make it there any time soon. Pyrrha and Jaune were left with coordinating with those that wanted bing a part of it all, which was a vast portion of the entire school. But the two settled on close teachers and faculty and teams that Logan and Glynda had constant contact with. Those being the Port's, Oobleck, Salem, Ozpin, and Team CFVY.As for those that wouldn't be able to join, Ren and Nora will be setting up the calls.


While the two teams and Salem were planning the party, Logan's parents arrived with Eva and Ava leading them to where Glynda was. Unfortunately, the hospital security was hot on their heels as Sophia had ended up punching a guard as they were stopped to be asked why they were there. Salem sighed once again, forgetting that Logan's mother was always a fighter when she was excited, similar to Summer in a way. After calming the security down, explaining, and apologizing to them, Salem managed to placate them as the two teams explained their plan. They ended up agreeing that the party should be a few days to a week from now to give time for Glynda to recover and to see if the baby would be healthy enough for travel.


Once they were done planning, they waited until the fateful moment when the baby would be born. Sophia and Azrael held each other as they prayed for a safe birth, falling into memories of when their kids were still kids. Eva and Ava were debating whether or not it would be a boy or girl and how to spoil them rotten. Pyrrha was in Jaune's arms as he leaned against the wall opposite the room. Ruby and Weiss were making small talk as they sat next to each other on a bench left of the door. Blake and Yang went off to get everyone a drink since they knew they would be there for a while. After a while, Azrael broke their somewhat quiet atmosphere with a question. Nora and Ren disappeared when no one was watching.


Azrael: "Between Logan and Glynda, which do you believe is going to be the 'Helicopter Parent'?" Azrael asked.

Jaune: "What? Like constantly watching their child or watching them at every single moment so they don't get hurt?" Jaune asked for clarification since he was basically left in the care of his sisters for most of his life.

Ruby: "My Lein is on Logan." Ruby called out as she leaned on Weiss. "I'm counting on his Faunus instincts to make him very protective of their child."

Blake: "She's not wrong, there were quite a few fathers and mothers during Menagerie's baby boom that were like that." Blake pointed out. "And of those Faunus that were avian, a lot of the fathers acted as their kid was their utmost priority. Often dropping their jobs to keep an eye on them, making their mates take up their jobs in the process."

Weiss: "Well, from what we know of Mrs. Goodwitch," Weiss spoke up, "She might just take maternity leave and raise their child herself while Logan works to keep them afloat."

Yang: "I can see Logan as a Helicopter Parent." Yang threw her two Lein in. "He was always good with kids back at Signal's daycare." She shuttered. "Those kids were heartless. I can still feel them pulling my hair..."

Eva: "He always did watch out for us when were younger." Eva muttered as she slid down a wall and sat on the floor. "I still remember the times when we got him pissed. A few of them we always thought as harmless pranks."

Ava: "We did pull his wings a lot" Ava agreed with her twin before turning on her. "It was mainly your idea."

Eva: "Hey!" Eva pouted as everyone laughed.


Salem: "But back to the original question." Salem spoke up once everyone calmed down. "I believe they'll take turns being the Helicopter parent. I've known Glynda since she got into Beacon and Logan is very similar to how she was when she enrolled."

Pyrrha: "I'm an only child and my mother was always working to feed us after my father died in an accident, so I don't know." Pyrrha admitted sadly. "She did all she could to make sure I could follow my dreams and to make sure that I was happy. She always came home exhausted and did her best to make me smile. So, again, I don't know what to believe."

Jaune: "Note to self, make sure my mother-in-law can live her life in leisure." Jaune spoke to himself as he tightened his hold around Pyrrha's waist. 'She has more than earned it."

Azrael: "From the looks of it, the two of you are quite the pair~" Azrael teased as the group heard Jaune's thoughts. "But, the question I asked. I can see Logan as the one. Glynda, I can see her more as the parent that works with their child."

Nora: "Me and Ren are orphans." Nora spoke up as they got back and heard the question, both of them looking disheveled as they fixed their clothes. "I was bullied and Ren was often pushed around by his village's older kids since he never fought back. When the Nuckelavee destroyed the village, we always were together. Seeing other families happy together made it hard to think about having one ourselves when we were out in the cold." Nora spoke seriously, shocking a few that didn't know.

Ren: "But from what we experienced and saw for ourselves," Ren spoke up to break the heavy atmosphere, grabbing Nora's hand; "We don't think that either would be like that. Logan's far too composed and in control of his emotions and rational thought to be like that. And Mrs. Goodwitch wouldn't either."

Sophia: "Nither." Sophia said, causing everyone to look at her. "Nither one of them will be like that. I know my baby far too well and Glynda is like an open book to me. She'll constantly be asking for advice and doing her best while failing here and there but do a good job. Logan would be a doting parent but would know when to be hard on their child so that they can grow into a fine person."

Salem: "Is this what you believe?" Salem asked what they were all thinking.

Sophia: "No." Sophia responded. "I know."


As she said this, the door opened to reveal a sweaty Doctor pulling off a pair of rubber gloves with a smile on their face. That smile was all everyone needed to see to know that everything went well. A nod from their head and the group that was there silently entered into the room with bated breaths. Finding Logan hugging Glynda with one arm as they both stared at their newborn child with stars in their eyes and slight tears.


Glynda: "Everyone," Glynda sobbed with joy when the two heard them come in, "I would like you to meet our child." She spoke slowly as she turned their newborn towards them. "Meet our daughter, Dorothy Scarlett nee Goodwitch."




Here you go you filthy animals! The child is here and born! Yes, I took inspiration from the Wizard of Oz since Glynda has origins from there and I couldn't think up of a name that would fit good enough. Hence the name: Dorothy! Honestly, I believe the name fits as the name in Hebrew means 'Gift of God' and Greek as 'God's Gift'. The God being Karma in this case. Thus it fits the color naming rule in RWBY and story origin. So I think I did well with the name.


Now, on to what is both heartbreaking and excitement rolled into one. This chapter marks the end of this arc and the next is the Being of the end. The ending of this book is coming and I would rather end this in a way that leaves me, the author and a reader, satisfied and on a massive high note. Thank you for staying with me for those who read this far and all I ask of you is to stay with me to the end of this journey. Thank you, truly.


What do you think about the story so far?

Was the reveal good?

Did I miss anything important?

What's your favorite animal?